
VaingloryLegionOfOne什么时候出 公测上线时间预告,

时间:2023-10-05 09:38:43 来源: 浏览:

普京 俄罗斯纪念胜利日77周年阅兵式演讲中英文对照






亲爱的同志们!今天,顿巴斯的民兵与俄罗斯军队的战士正一起在自己的土地上作战。在那里敌人被斯维亚托斯拉夫和弗拉基米尔·莫诺马赫的治安队员,鲁缅采夫和波将金,苏沃洛夫和布鲁西洛夫的士兵击败。在那里伟大的卫国战争的英雄 - 尼古拉·瓦图京,西多尔·科夫帕克,柳德米拉·帕夫利琴科奋战至死。


Vladimir Putin, Russian President:

Dear Russian citizens, dear veterans! Soldiers, sergeants军士, warrant officers准尉军官, officers, generals!

I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to you on the occasion of our great Victory Day.

Defending our motherland is always sacred when deciding its fate. With this true patriotism爱国主义, the militia民兵 of Minin and Pozalsky rose for their motherland and continued to attack the Borodino field, fighting the enemy near Moscow and Leningrad, Kiev and Minsk, Stalingrad and Kursk, Sevastopol and Kharkov.

And right now, you are fighting for the people of Donbas, for the security of our homeland.

May 9, 1945 is forever etched铭刻in world history as the victory of our united Soviet people, the cohesion凝聚力 and spiritual strength it gave were unmatched 无与伦比的feats壮举 on both the front and the home front.

Victory Day is within reach of all of us. There is not a family in Russia that has not been devastated摧残 by the Great Patriotic卫国的War, and the memory of it will not fade. On this day, in the endless stream of the Immortal不朽Legion军团, the children and great-grandchildren of the Great Patriotic War heroes brought with them photographs of their relatives and friends, the soldiers who died but remained young forever, and the veterans退伍军人 who are no longer with us.

We are proud of that unconquered未被征服的, heroic generation of victors, whose heirs继承人 we are, and we owe it to those who crushed粉碎 Nazism纳粹主义, who kept us vigilant警惕, and who made every effort to ensure that the horrors of global war never happen again.

Therefore, despite all the differences in international relations, Russia has always advocated the establishment of an equal and indivisible不可分割的security system, a system of vital importance to the entire international community.

Last December, we proposed the conclusion of an agreement on security assurances保证. Russia has called on the West to engage in缔结 honest dialogue and seek reasonable and compromise妥协的 solutions, taking into account考虑 each other's interests. But it was all in vain. NATO countries don't want to hear from us, which means they actually have completely different plans. We are already seeing this.

They are now openly preparing another punitive惩罚性的 action in Donbas to invade our historic land, including Crimea. In Kiev, they announced that they might acquire nuclear weapons. The NATO group has actively carried out military development and deployment in the surrounding areas of Our country.

So, for us, absolutely unacceptable不能接受的 threats have been systematically系统地 created right on our borders. All this suggests that the United States and its client附庸的states are betting 押注于that conflict with the neo-Nazi新纳粹分子 Banderas班德拉派 is inevitable不可避免的.

Again, we have seen how the military infrastructure基础设施 is being deployed部署, how hundreds of foreign advisers顾问 are working, NATO countries are regularly delivering交付 the most modern weapons, and the dangers are increasing.

Russia gave a pre-emptive先发制人的 response to the aggression侵略. It was a forced, timely and only right decision. The decision of a sovereign主权的, strong, independent nation.

The United States of America, especially after the collapse解体 of the Soviet Union, began to talk about its exclusivity排他性, humiliating羞辱了 not only the entire world but also its client 附庸的states, which had to pretend they hadn't noticed and dutifully尽职尽责地 swallowed吞下 it all up.

But we are a different country. Russia has different national personalities. We will never give up our love for our country, our faith and traditional values, our customs of our ancestors, and our respect for all national cultures.

In the West, these thousand-year-old cultural values have clearly been decided to be discarded丢弃. This moral degradation堕落 has become a cynical愤世嫉俗的 distortion歪曲of the history of world War II. The memory of stirring煽动 up Russophobia恐俄症, glorifying美化 traitors叛徒 and mocking讽刺victims has sought to erase抹去 the courage of those who triumphed得胜利的.

We know that American veterans退伍军人 who wanted to parade参加阅兵 in Moscow were actually barred禁止 from doing so by a country. But I want them to know that we are proud of your contributions and feats壮举 in the common victory of World War II.

We salute all the soldiers of the Allied forces盟军, Americans, British, French, members of the Resistance抵抗 to the Nazis, brave soldiers and Chinese guerrillas游击队员. They both defeated Nazism and militarism军国主义.

Dear comrades! Today, Donbas顿巴斯 militias are fighting alongside Russian soldiers on their own soil. There the enemy was defeated by the vigilantes治安队员 of Sviatoslav and Vladimir Monomach, by the soldiers of Rumyantsev and Potemkin, and by the soldiers of Suvarov and Brosilov. Where the heroes of the Great Patriotic War -- Nikolai Vatutin, Sidor Kovak, Lyudmila Pavlichenko -- fought to the death奋战至死.

I am now addressing发表讲话 our armed forces and the Donbas militia民兵. You are fighting for your country, for its future, so that no one should forget the lessons教训 of World War II, so that there is no place in the world for executioners刽子手, punishers惩罚者 and Nazis纳粹分子.

Today, we observe a moment of silence before the memory of all those whose lives were taken by the Great Patriotic War, in the memory of sons, daughters, fathers, mothers, grandfathers, husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, relatives, friends.

We observed a moment of silence for the Odessa martyrs烈士 who were burned alive被活活烧死in the trade union工会 building大楼 in May 2014. A moment of silence was observed for the elderly, women and children of Donbas who were killed by relentless无情 shelling炮击 and brutal野蛮的 neo-Nazi新纳粹分子 attacks打击, and for their comrades who died in a just fight for Russia.

(One minute of silence默哀 is declared宣布)

The death of each of our soldiers and officers is a grief悲痛 to us all and an irreparable无法弥补的 loss to friends and relatives. National, regional地区, enterprise企业 and social organizations will make every effort to help these families. We will provide special support to the children of our fallen and injured comrades. A presidential总统 decree令 on this was signed today.

I wish the wounded soldiers and officers a speedy迅速的 recovery. I thank the medical staff at the military hospital for their selfless work. I bow to you for fighting for every life, often on the front lines under fire, risking your own safety to save others.

Dear comrades!

At this moment, in Red Square, soldiers and officers from all parts of our vast country stood shoulder to shoulder, including those who came directly from Donbas, from the war zone.

We know how Russia's enemies are trying to use international terrorist恐怖分子gangs 团伙against us, trying to sow seeds of ethnic民族and religious宗教hatred仇恨 in order to weaken削弱and divide分裂 us from within内部. But it didn't work.

Today, our soldiers of different nationalities come together in battle, like brothers, to protect each other from the threat威胁of fire炮火.

This is the power of Russia. A powerful and indestructible坚不可摧的 force of our united peoples.

Today, you are defending what your fathers and grandfathers and great-grandfathers曾祖父 fought for. For them, the highest meaning of life is to protect the well-being福祉 and security of their country. For us, the inheritance继承of their loyalty忠诚 to their motherland is the most important value and the surest 最可靠pillar支柱 of Russia's independence and security.

Those who crushed粉碎Nazism during the Great Patriotic War showed us an example of heroism ever seen. This is the generation of winners, and we will always look up to仰望 them.

Glory 荣耀to归于 our brave armed forces!

For Russia! To win!


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