
SurvivalWarTankGame好玩吗 SurvivalWarTankGame玩法简介,survival evolved单人好玩吗

时间:2023-10-05 09:26:52 来源: 浏览:














Python3、 Pycharm 、Pygame。

第三方库的安装:pip install pygame







import pygameimport sysimport tracebackimport wallimport myTankimport enemyTankimport food    def main():    pygame.init()    pygame.mixer.init()        resolution = 630, 630    screen = pygame.display.set_mode(resolution)    pygame.display.set_caption("Tank War ")        # 加载图片,音乐,音效.    background_image     = pygame.image.load(r"..\image\background.png")    home_image           = pygame.image.load(r"..\image\home.png")    home_destroyed_image = pygame.image.load(r"..\image\home_destroyed.png")        bang_sound          = pygame.mixer.Sound(r"..\music\bang.wav")    bang_sound.set_volume(1)    fire_sound           = pygame.mixer.Sound(r"..\music\Gunfire.wav")    start_sound          = pygame.mixer.Sound(r"..\music\start.wav")    start_sound.play()        # 定义精灵组:坦克,我方坦克,敌方坦克,敌方子弹    allTankGroup     = pygame.sprite.Group()    mytankGroup      = pygame.sprite.Group()    allEnemyGroup    = pygame.sprite.Group()    redEnemyGroup    = pygame.sprite.Group()    greenEnemyGroup  = pygame.sprite.Group()    otherEnemyGroup  = pygame.sprite.Group()      enemyBulletGroup = pygame.sprite.Group()    # 创建地图     bgMap = wall.Map()    # 创建食物/道具 但不显示    prop = food.Food()    # 创建我方坦克    myTank_T1 = myTank.MyTank(1)    allTankGroup.add(myTank_T1)    mytankGroup.add(myTank_T1)    myTank_T2 = myTank.MyTank(2)    allTankGroup.add(myTank_T2)    mytankGroup.add(myTank_T2)    # 创建敌方 坦克    for i in range(1, 4):            enemy = enemyTank.EnemyTank(i)            allTankGroup.add(enemy)            allEnemyGroup.add(enemy)            if enemy.isred == True:                redEnemyGroup.add(enemy)                continue            if enemy.kind == 3:                greenEnemyGroup.add(enemy)                continue            otherEnemyGroup.add(enemy)    # 敌军坦克出现动画    appearance_image = pygame.image.load(r"..\image\appear.png").convert_alpha()    appearance = <>    appearance.append(appearance_image.subsurface(( 0, 0), (48, 48)))    appearance.append(appearance_image.subsurface((48, 0), (48, 48)))    appearance.append(appearance_image.subsurface((96, 0), (48, 48)))                    # 自定义事件    # 创建敌方坦克延迟200    DELAYEVENT = pygame.constants.USEREVENT    pygame.time.set_timer(DELAYEVENT, 200)    # 创建 敌方 子弹延迟1000    ENEMYBULLETNOTCOOLINGEVENT = pygame.constants.USEREVENT + 1    pygame.time.set_timer(ENEMYBULLETNOTCOOLINGEVENT, 1000)    # 创建 我方 子弹延迟200    MYBULLETNOTCOOLINGEVENT = pygame.constants.USEREVENT + 2    pygame.time.set_timer(MYBULLETNOTCOOLINGEVENT, 200)    # 敌方坦克 静止8000    NOTMOVEEVENT = pygame.constants.USEREVENT + 3    pygame.time.set_timer(NOTMOVEEVENT, 8000)            delay = 100    moving = 0    movdir = 0    moving2 = 0    movdir2 = 0    enemyNumber = 3    enemyCouldMove      = True    switch_R1_R2_image  = True    homeSurvive         = True    running_T1          = True    running_T2          = True    clock = pygame.time.Clock()    while True:        for event in pygame.event.get():            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:                pygame.quit()                sys.exit()                        # 我方子弹冷却事件            if event.type == MYBULLETNOTCOOLINGEVENT:                myTank_T1.bulletNotCooling = True                            # 敌方子弹冷却事件            if event.type == ENEMYBULLETNOTCOOLINGEVENT:                for each in allEnemyGroup:                    each.bulletNotCooling = True                        # 敌方坦克静止事件            if event.type == NOTMOVEEVENT:                enemyCouldMove = True                        # 创建敌方坦克延迟            if event.type == DELAYEVENT:                if enemyNumber < 4:                    enemy = enemyTank.EnemyTank()                    if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(enemy, allTankGroup, False, None):                        break                    allEnemyGroup.add(enemy)                    allTankGroup.add(enemy)                    enemyNumber += 1                    if enemy.isred == True:                        redEnemyGroup.add(enemy)                    elif enemy.kind == 3:                        greenEnemyGroup.add(enemy)                    else:                        otherEnemyGroup.add(enemy)                                            if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:                if event.key == pygame.K_c and pygame.KMOD_CTRL:                    pygame.quit()                    sys.exit()                            if event.key == pygame.K_e:                    myTank_T1.levelUp()                if event.key == pygame.K_q:                    myTank_T1.levelDown()                if event.key == pygame.K_3:                    myTank_T1.levelUp()                    myTank_T1.levelUp()                    myTank_T1.level = 3                if event.key == pygame.K_2:                    if myTank_T1.speed == 3:                        myTank_T1.speed = 24                    else:                        myTank_T1.speed = 3                if event.key == pygame.K_1:                    for x, y in <(11,23),(12,23),(13,23),(14,23),(11,24),(14,24),(11,25),(14,25)>:                        bgMap.brick = wall.Brick()                        bgMap.brick.rect.left, bgMap.brick.rect.top = 3 + x * 24, 3 + y * 24                        bgMap.brickGroup.add(bgMap.brick)                                if event.key == pygame.K_4:                    for x, y in <(11,23),(12,23),(13,23),(14,23),(11,24),(14,24),(11,25),(14,25)>:                        bgMap.iron = wall.Iron()                        bgMap.iron.rect.left, bgMap.iron.rect.top = 3 + x * 24, 3 + y * 24                        bgMap.ironGroup.add(bgMap.iron)                                        # 检查用户的键盘操作        key_pressed = pygame.key.get_pressed()        # 玩家一的移动操作        if moving:            moving -= 1            if movdir == 0:                allTankGroup.remove(myTank_T1)                if myTank_T1.moveUp(allTankGroup, bgMap.brickGroup, bgMap.ironGroup):                    moving += 1                allTankGroup.add(myTank_T1)                running_T1 = True            if movdir == 1:                allTankGroup.remove(myTank_T1)                if myTank_T1.moveDown(allTankGroup, bgMap.brickGroup, bgMap.ironGroup):                    moving += 1                allTankGroup.add(myTank_T1)                running_T1 = True            if movdir == 2:                allTankGroup.remove(myTank_T1)                if myTank_T1.moveLeft(allTankGroup, bgMap.brickGroup, bgMap.ironGroup):                    moving += 1                allTankGroup.add(myTank_T1)                running_T1 = True            if movdir == 3:                allTankGroup.remove(myTank_T1)                if myTank_T1.moveRight(allTankGroup, bgMap.brickGroup, bgMap.ironGroup):                    moving += 1                allTankGroup.add(myTank_T1)                running_T1 = True                        if not moving:            if key_pressed:                moving = 7                movdir = 0                running_T1 = True                allTankGroup.remove(myTank_T1)                if myTank_T1.moveUp(allTankGroup, bgMap.brickGroup, bgMap.ironGroup):                    moving = 0                allTankGroup.add(myTank_T1)            elif key_pressed:                moving = 7                movdir = 1                running_T1 = True                allTankGroup.remove(myTank_T1)                if myTank_T1.moveDown(allTankGroup, bgMap.brickGroup, bgMap.ironGroup):                    moving = 0                allTankGroup.add(myTank_T1)            elif key_pressed:                moving = 7                movdir = 2                running_T1 = True                allTankGroup.remove(myTank_T1)                if myTank_T1.moveLeft(allTankGroup, bgMap.brickGroup, bgMap.ironGroup):                    moving = 0                allTankGroup.add(myTank_T1)            elif key_pressed:                moving = 7                movdir = 3                running_T1 = True                allTankGroup.remove(myTank_T1)                if myTank_T1.moveRight(allTankGroup, bgMap.brickGroup, bgMap.ironGroup):                    moving = 0                allTankGroup.add(myTank_T1)        if key_pressed:            if not myTank_T1.bullet.life and myTank_T1.bulletNotCooling:                fire_sound.play()                myTank_T1.shoot()                myTank_T1.bulletNotCooling = False                        # 玩家二的移动操作        if moving2:            moving2 -= 1            if movdir2 == 0:                allTankGroup.remove(myTank_T2)                myTank_T2.moveUp(allTankGroup, bgMap.brickGroup, bgMap.ironGroup)                allTankGroup.add(myTank_T2)                running_T2 = True            if movdir2 == 1:                allTankGroup.remove(myTank_T2)                myTank_T2.moveDown(allTankGroup, bgMap.brickGroup, bgMap.ironGroup)                allTankGroup.add(myTank_T2)                running_T2 = True            if movdir2 == 2:                allTankGroup.remove(myTank_T2)                myTank_T2.moveLeft(allTankGroup, bgMap.brickGroup, bgMap.ironGroup)                allTankGroup.add(myTank_T2)                running_T2 = True            if movdir2 == 3:                allTankGroup.remove(myTank_T2)                myTank_T2.moveRight(allTankGroup, bgMap.brickGroup, bgMap.ironGroup)                allTankGroup.add(myTank_T2)                running_T2 = True                        if not moving2:            if key_pressed:                allTankGroup.remove(myTank_T2)                myTank_T2.moveUp(allTankGroup, bgMap.brickGroup, bgMap.ironGroup)                allTankGroup.add(myTank_T2)                moving2 = 7                movdir2 = 0                running_T2 = True            elif key_pressed:                allTankGroup.remove(myTank_T2)                myTank_T2.moveDown(allTankGroup, bgMap.brickGroup, bgMap.ironGroup)                allTankGroup.add(myTank_T2)                moving2 = 7                movdir2 = 1                running_T2 = True            elif key_pressed:                allTankGroup.remove(myTank_T2)                myTank_T2.moveLeft(allTankGroup, bgMap.brickGroup, bgMap.ironGroup)                allTankGroup.add(myTank_T2)                moving2 = 7                movdir2 = 2                running_T2 = True            elif key_pressed:                allTankGroup.remove(myTank_T2)                myTank_T2.moveRight(allTankGroup, bgMap.brickGroup, bgMap.ironGroup)                allTankGroup.add(myTank_T2)                moving2 = 7                movdir2 = 3                running_T2 = True        if key_pressed:            if not myTank_T2.bullet.life:                # fire_sound.play()                myTank_T2.shoot()                                        # 画背景        screen.blit(background_image, (0, 0))        # 画砖块        for each in bgMap.brickGroup:            screen.blit(each.image, each.rect)                # 花石头        for each in bgMap.ironGroup:            screen.blit(each.image, each.rect)                # 画home        if homeSurvive:            screen.blit(home_image, (3 + 12 * 24, 3 + 24 * 24))        else:            screen.blit(home_destroyed_image, (3 + 12 * 24, 3 + 24 * 24))        # 画我方坦克1        if not (delay % 5):            switch_R1_R2_image = not switch_R1_R2_image        if switch_R1_R2_image and running_T1:            screen.blit(myTank_T1.tank_R0, (myTank_T1.rect.left, myTank_T1.rect.top))            running_T1 = False        else:            screen.blit(myTank_T1.tank_R1, (myTank_T1.rect.left, myTank_T1.rect.top))        # 画我方坦克2        if switch_R1_R2_image and running_T2:            screen.blit(myTank_T2.tank_R0, (myTank_T2.rect.left, myTank_T2.rect.top))            running_T2 = False        else:            screen.blit(myTank_T2.tank_R1, (myTank_T2.rect.left, myTank_T2.rect.top))            # 画敌方坦克        for each in allEnemyGroup:            # 判断5毛钱特效是否播放                        if each.flash:                # 判断画左动作还是右动作                if switch_R1_R2_image:                    screen.blit(each.tank_R0, (each.rect.left, each.rect.top))                    if enemyCouldMove:                        allTankGroup.remove(each)                        each.move(allTankGroup, bgMap.brickGroup, bgMap.ironGroup)                        allTankGroup.add(each)                else:                    screen.blit(each.tank_R1, (each.rect.left, each.rect.top))                    if enemyCouldMove:                        allTankGroup.remove(each)                        each.move(allTankGroup, bgMap.brickGroup, bgMap.ironGroup)                        allTankGroup.add(each)                                else:                # 播放5毛钱特效                if each.times > 0:                    each.times -= 1                    if each.times <= 10:                        screen.blit(appearance<2>, (3 + each.x * 12 * 24, 3))                    elif each.times <= 20:                        screen.blit(appearance<1>, (3 + each.x * 12 * 24, 3))                    elif each.times <= 30:                        screen.blit(appearance<0>, (3 + each.x * 12 * 24, 3))                    elif each.times <= 40:                        screen.blit(appearance<2>, (3 + each.x * 12 * 24, 3))                    elif each.times <= 50:                        screen.blit(appearance<1>, (3 + each.x * 12 * 24, 3))                    elif each.times <= 60:                        screen.blit(appearance<0>, (3 + each.x * 12 * 24, 3))                    elif each.times <= 70:                        screen.blit(appearance<2>, (3 + each.x * 12 * 24, 3))                    elif each.times <= 80:                        screen.blit(appearance<1>, (3 + each.x * 12 * 24, 3))                    elif each.times <= 90:                        screen.blit(appearance<0>, (3 + each.x * 12 * 24, 3))                if each.times == 0:                    each.flash = True                               # 绘制我方子弹1        if myTank_T1.bullet.life:            myTank_T1.bullet.move()                screen.blit(myTank_T1.bullet.bullet, myTank_T1.bullet.rect)            # 子弹 碰撞 子弹            for each in enemyBulletGroup:                if each.life:                    if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(myTank_T1.bullet, each):                        myTank_T1.bullet.life = False                        each.life = False                        pygame.sprite.spritecollide(myTank_T1.bullet, enemyBulletGroup, True, None)            # 子弹 碰撞 敌方坦克            if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(myTank_T1.bullet, redEnemyGroup, True, None):                prop.change()                bang_sound.play()                enemyNumber -= 1                myTank_T1.bullet.life = False            elif pygame.sprite.spritecollide(myTank_T1.bullet,greenEnemyGroup, False, None):                for each in greenEnemyGroup:                    if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(myTank_T1.bullet, each):                        if each.life == 1:                            pygame.sprite.spritecollide(myTank_T1.bullet,greenEnemyGroup, True, None)                            bang_sound.play()                            enemyNumber -= 1                        elif each.life == 2:                            each.life -= 1                            each.tank = each.enemy_3_0                        elif each.life == 3:                            each.life -= 1                            each.tank = each.enemy_3_2                myTank_T1.bullet.life = False            elif pygame.sprite.spritecollide(myTank_T1.bullet, otherEnemyGroup, True, None):                bang_sound.play()                enemyNumber -= 1                myTank_T1.bullet.life = False                #if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(myTank_T1.bullet, allEnemyGroup, True, None):            #    bang_sound.play()            #    enemyNumber -= 1            #    myTank_T1.bullet.life = False            # 子弹 碰撞 brickGroup            if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(myTank_T1.bullet, bgMap.brickGroup, True, None):                myTank_T1.bullet.life = False                myTank_T1.bullet.rect.left, myTank_T1.bullet.rect.right = 3 + 12 * 24, 3 + 24 * 24            # 子弹 碰撞 brickGroup            if myTank_T1.bullet.strong:                if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(myTank_T1.bullet, bgMap.ironGroup, True, None):                    myTank_T1.bullet.life = False                    myTank_T1.bullet.rect.left, myTank_T1.bullet.rect.right = 3 + 12 * 24, 3 + 24 * 24            else:                    if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(myTank_T1.bullet, bgMap.ironGroup, False, None):                    myTank_T1.bullet.life = False                    myTank_T1.bullet.rect.left, myTank_T1.bullet.rect.right = 3 + 12 * 24, 3 + 24 * 24                # 绘制我方子弹2        if myTank_T2.bullet.life:            myTank_T2.bullet.move()                screen.blit(myTank_T2.bullet.bullet, myTank_T2.bullet.rect)            # 子弹 碰撞 敌方坦克            if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(myTank_T2.bullet, allEnemyGroup, True, None):                bang_sound.play()                enemyNumber -= 1                myTank_T2.bullet.life = False            # 子弹 碰撞 brickGroup            if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(myTank_T2.bullet, bgMap.brickGroup, True, None):                myTank_T2.bullet.life = False                myTank_T2.bullet.rect.left, myTank_T2.bullet.rect.right = 3 + 12 * 24, 3 + 24 * 24            # 子弹 碰撞 brickGroup            if myTank_T2.bullet.strong:                if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(myTank_T2.bullet, bgMap.ironGroup, True, None):                    myTank_T2.bullet.life = False                    myTank_T2.bullet.rect.left, myTank_T2.bullet.rect.right = 3 + 12 * 24, 3 + 24 * 24            else:                    if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(myTank_T2.bullet, bgMap.ironGroup, False, None):                    myTank_T2.bullet.life = False                    myTank_T2.bullet.rect.left, myTank_T2.bullet.rect.right = 3 + 12 * 24, 3 + 24 * 24                # 绘制敌人子弹        for each in allEnemyGroup:            # 如果子弹没有生命,则赋予子弹生命            if not each.bullet.life and each.bulletNotCooling and enemyCouldMove:                enemyBulletGroup.remove(each.bullet)                each.shoot()                enemyBulletGroup.add(each.bullet)                each.bulletNotCooling = False            # 如果5毛钱特效播放完毕 并且 子弹存活 则绘制敌方子弹            if each.flash:                if each.bullet.life:                    # 如果敌人可以移动                    if enemyCouldMove:                        each.bullet.move()                    screen.blit(each.bullet.bullet, each.bullet.rect)                    # 子弹 碰撞 我方坦克                    if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(each.bullet, myTank_T1):                        bang_sound.play()                        myTank_T1.rect.left, myTank_T1.rect.top = 3 + 8 * 24, 3 + 24 * 24                         each.bullet.life = False                        moving = 0  # 重置移动控制参数                        for i in range(myTank_T1.level+1):                            myTank_T1.levelDown()                    if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(each.bullet, myTank_T2):                        bang_sound.play()                        myTank_T2.rect.left, myTank_T2.rect.top = 3 + 16 * 24, 3 + 24 * 24                         each.bullet.life = False                    # 子弹 碰撞 brickGroup                    if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(each.bullet, bgMap.brickGroup, True, None):                        each.bullet.life = False                    # 子弹 碰撞 ironGroup                    if each.bullet.strong:                        if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(each.bullet, bgMap.ironGroup, True, None):                            each.bullet.life = False                    else:                            if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(each.bullet, bgMap.ironGroup, False, None):                            each.bullet.life = False                     # 最后画食物/道具        if prop.life:            screen.blit(prop.image, prop.rect)            # 我方坦克碰撞 食物/道具            if pygame.sprite.collide_rect(myTank_T1, prop):                if prop.kind == 1:  # 敌人全毁                    for each in allEnemyGroup:                        if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(each, allEnemyGroup, True, None):                            bang_sound.play()                            enemyNumber -= 1                    prop.life = False                if prop.kind == 2:  # 敌人静止                    enemyCouldMove = False                    prop.life = False                if prop.kind == 3:  # 子弹增强                    myTank_T1.bullet.strong = True                    prop.life = False                if prop.kind == 4:  # 家得到保护                    for x, y in <(11,23),(12,23),(13,23),(14,23),(11,24),(14,24),(11,25),(14,25)>:                        bgMap.iron = wall.Iron()                        bgMap.iron.rect.left, bgMap.iron.rect.top = 3 + x * 24, 3 + y * 24                        bgMap.ironGroup.add(bgMap.iron)                                    prop.life = False                if prop.kind == 5:  # 坦克无敌                    prop.life = False                    pass                if prop.kind == 6:  # 坦克升级                    myTank_T1.levelUp()                    prop.life = False                if prop.kind == 7:  # 坦克生命+1                    myTank_T1.life += 1                    prop.life = False                                                                          # 延迟        delay -= 1        if not delay:            delay = 100                    pygame.display.flip()        clock.tick(60)        if __name__ == "__main__":    try:        main()    except SystemExit:        pass    except:        traceback.print_exc()        pygame.quit()        input()


import pygameimport randomclass Food(pygame.sprite.Sprite):    def __init__(self):                self.food_boom    = pygame.image.load(r"..\image\food_boom.png").convert_alpha()        self.food_clock   = pygame.image.load(r"..\image\food_clock.png").convert_alpha()        self.food_gun     = pygame.image.load(r"..\image\food_gun.png").convert_alpha()        self.food_iron    = pygame.image.load(r"..\image\food_iron.png").convert_alpha()        self.food_protect = pygame.image.load(r"..\image\food_protect.png").convert_alpha()        self.food_star    = pygame.image.load(r"..\image\food_star.png").convert_alpha()        self.food_tank    = pygame.image.load(r"..\image\food_tank.png").convert_alpha()             self.kind = random.choice(<1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7>)        if self.kind == 1:            self.image = self.food_boom        elif self.kind == 2:            self.image = self.food_clock        elif self.kind == 3:            self.image = self.food_gun        elif self.kind == 4:            self.image = self.food_iron        elif self.kind == 5:            self.image = self.food_protect        elif self.kind == 6:            self.image = self.food_star        elif self.kind == 7:            self.image = self.food_tank                    self.rect = self.image.get_rect()        self.rect.left = self.rect.top = random.randint(100, 500)                self.life = False            def change(self):        self.kind = random.choice(<1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7>)        if self.kind == 1:            self.image = self.food_boom        elif self.kind == 2:            self.image = self.food_clock        elif self.kind == 3:            self.image = self.food_gun        elif self.kind == 4:            self.image = self.food_iron        elif self.kind == 5:            self.image = self.food_protect        elif self.kind == 6:            self.image = self.food_star        elif self.kind == 7:            self.image = self.food_tank                    self.rect.left = self.rect.top = random.randint(100, 500)        self.life = True                    


import pygamebrickImage          = r"..\image\brick.png"ironImage           = r"..\image\iron.png"class Brick(pygame.sprite.Sprite):    def __init__(self):        pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self)                self.image = pygame.image.load(brickImage)        self.rect = self.image.get_rect()        class Iron(pygame.sprite.Sprite):    def __init__(self):        pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self)                self.image = pygame.image.load(ironImage)        self.rect = self.image.get_rect()        class Map():    def __init__(self):        self.brickGroup = pygame.sprite.Group()        self.ironGroup  = pygame.sprite.Group()                # 数字代表地图中的位置        # 画砖块        X1379 = <2, 3, 6, 7, 18, 19, 22, 23>        Y1379 = <2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23>        X28 = <10, 11, 14, 15>        Y28 = <2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20>        X46 = <4, 5, 6, 7, 18, 19, 20, 21>        Y46 = <13, 14>        X5  = <12, 13>        Y5  = <16, 17>        X0Y0 = <(11,23),(12,23),(13,23),(14,23),(11,24),(14,24),(11,25),(14,25)>        for x in X1379:            for y in Y1379:                self.brick = Brick()                self.brick.rect.left, self.brick.rect.top = 3 + x * 24, 3 + y * 24                self.brickGroup.add(self.brick)        for x in X28:            for y in Y28:                self.brick = Brick()                self.brick.rect.left, self.brick.rect.top = 3 + x * 24, 3 + y * 24                self.brickGroup.add(self.brick)        for x in X46:            for y in Y46:                self.brick = Brick()                self.brick.rect.left, self.brick.rect.top = 3 + x * 24, 3 + y * 24                self.brickGroup.add(self.brick)        for x in X5:            for y in Y5:                self.brick = Brick()                self.brick.rect.left, self.brick.rect.top = 3 + x * 24, 3 + y * 24                self.brickGroup.add(self.brick)        for x, y in X0Y0:            self.brick = Brick()            self.brick.rect.left, self.brick.rect.top = 3 + x * 24, 3 + y * 24            self.brickGroup.add(self.brick)                # 画石头        for x, y in <(0,14),(1,14),(12,6),(13,6),(12,7),(13,7),(24,14),(25,14)>:            self.iron = Iron()            self.iron.rect.left, self.iron.rect.top = 3 + x * 24, 3 + y * 24            self.ironGroup.add(self.iron)                    







项目1.1 GIF制作神奇(斗罗大陆为例)


项目2.7 圣诞快乐你的已送达!

【圣诞快乐】叮咚 没人送你圣诞礼物没有关系,可以找我啊?只要你开口 我都没有~

项目2.8 圣诞快乐!
【圣诞快乐】闻到圣诞的气息了,喜欢的节日在慢慢来临~祝大家Merry Christmas。

项目1.0 超级玛丽


项目1.1 扫雷



项目1.0 Python—2021 |已有文章汇总 | 持续更新,直接看这篇就够了


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