
HelixFly什么时候出 公测上线时间预告,

时间:2023-10-05 08:33:26 来源: 浏览:


Madness In Mud, Tar & Mid-Air

1. Introduction


2. Road To Spa


3. Screaming Sixteen Hundreds


4. R Times Two


5. The Supercars


6. Cutting Room Floor


Bang. Sequential forced into fifth gear and throttle mashed. Bang. Stone after stone peppers the underside of the car. Bang. Suspension forced to full compression after the jump, expected to settle in time for turn one. Bang. Race over in a flash.

Rallycross is utterly mad. It’s about the only logical way I can describe the sport, because the action is intense, the machinery is incredible, and the speed is frightening.

Mad also describes my personal feelings on how I managed to go this far in life without attending an FIA World Rallycross Championship (World RX) round before.




While you may have noticed from my contributions to the site since I came on board that I have a bit of a love for traditional rallying, one weekend in Belgium has gone and turned everything I know and love nearly on its head.


More than just the highest echelon of the sport, each and every race across multiple support categories caught my attention, and each was every bit as intense as the big boys that are the true crowd pullers of World RX.


Paddy has already brought some incredible coverage from Benelux, but trust me this sport is so incredible that it deserves another post. As very much the office junior of the SH team, it was also an incredible chance to work alongside our fearless leader for the first time.





Road To Spa

Naturally, with a multitude of low-cost airlines criss-crossing the European airspace at any one time, getting from Ireland to Belgium should be a fairly easy and direct proposition. I don’t really work to norms, so a weekend of racing should naturally begin with a Wednesday flight. Makes sense, right? Why go direct when there are a few stops worth making along the way.

First stop: Stuttgart.



The industrial heart of the West, Stuttgart is a busy city with massive factories pumping out huge volumes of product on a daily basis. Two facilities, located on opposite sides of the city, are perhaps more recognisable to readers of this site. The perfect first stop would be at Porscheplatz, the site of one of the most stunning pieces of modern architecture I have ever seen. Inside wasn’t half bad either.


While the number of cars on display may be reasonable, the provenance of the collection is mind blowing. Each turn has my eye fixed on yet another piece of Porsche racing heritage.


After a rather tasty salami sandwich with a rather tasty view, it was time to head across town to the other large museum on my radar, located on Mercedesstrasse.


While the Porsche Museum is nicely contained over a single floor, the Mercedes-Benz Museum is a towering seven-storey history of both the company, and much of the world over the past 150 years. From automotive genesis right through to legendary race cars that I have idolised for years, the home of the pointed star had it all.

虽然保时捷博物馆位于一个楼层,但梅赛德斯 - 奔驰博物馆在过去的150年里,在公司和世界大部分地区都有七层高的历史。从汽车创世一直到我多年来一直崇拜的传奇赛车,这位尖头明星的家就拥有了这一切。

The museum here is designed to be enjoyed as a double helix experience, two very different paths to be explored from top to bottom. While one side covered the car output of Mercedes-Benz, the other was a reminder of just how diverse the range is across all manner of vehicular output.

这里的博物馆旨在作为双螺旋体验,从上到下探索两条截然不同的路径。虽然一侧覆盖了梅赛德斯 - 奔驰的汽车产量,但另一方面提醒了各种车辆输出范围的多样性。

With Stuttgart ticked off, the next morning meant getting a two-hour mix of trains across the German countryside to pick up a hire car, and then head to Spa-Francorchamps. The sat nav read 75 minutes of journey time, but there was a small local track that would only add about an hour of a detour. It would have been a shame not to swing by the ‘Ring, I suppose.

As I rolled into Nürburg, the roads were busy with a string of development mules out testing on the Nordschleife.



Driving around the GP track perimeter, it became apparent that Volkswagen had a sizeable presence set up in a carpark opposite the old pits. The branding, proudly displaying Pikes Peak International Hill Climb record times, gave it away, as the incredible VW I.D. R was set to hit the track that afternoon in the hands of Romain Dumas. I just about got to Brünnchen to see – but most definitely not hear – the electric machine fly past at a rather frightening pace.

在GP跑道周边行驶时,很显然大众汽车在旧维修站对面的停车场中设置了相当大的存在。品牌推广,自豪地展示了Pikes Peak International Hill Climb创纪录的时间,因为令人难以置信的VW ID R将于当天下午在Romain Dumas手中登场。我只是到了Brünnchen去看 - 但绝对没有听到 - 电机以相当可怕的速度飞过去。

Quick visit over, next stop would be Belgium and the Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps. A name synonymous with F1, the allure of the place is what forced me to pop my rallycross cherry.

As the sun began to set on Friday night, I got a first opportunity to take in this absolute temple of speed for the first time.

快速访问,下一站将是比利时和Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps。一个与F1同义的名字,这个地方的诱惑力迫使我弹出我的拉力赛樱桃。


Walking around the La Source hairpin, the hairs began to tingle looking straight on towards the spellbinding Eau Rouge, possibly one of the most famous corners in motor racing. Every piece of coverage mentions how steep it is, and they are definitely not lying.

This particular evening, 10 Audis sit on the hallowed tar, each ready to take on the custom-built rallycross track to our left. The mood is light, but that is soon to change once racing starts.

走在La Source发夹周围,头发开始刺痛,直视着引人注目的Eau Rouge,可能是赛车运动中最着名的角落之一。每一片报道都提到它是多么陡峭,而且绝对不会撒谎。





Screaming Sixteen Hundreds

The first engine I hear on any race weekend always gets me excited. Not at tick over, I mean the opening note of a machine already being pushed to its rev limit, screaming as it approaches. That’s what gets me pumped, and through the gloom and rain a Citroën C2 S1600 pierces the silence.

Pops, bangs, induction noise and more – the thing is a howling monster as it rounds turn one and heads up the long drag to the summit of Eau Rouge. I’m like a giddy child.

我在任何比赛周末听到的第一台发动机总让我很兴奋。不是嘀嗒嘀嗒,我的意思是机器的开启音符已被推到其转速限制,当它接近时尖叫。这就是让我抽水的原因,在阴沉雨中,雪铁龙C2 S1600突破了沉默。

流行音乐,刘海,感应噪音等等 - 它是一个嚎叫的怪物,因为它绕过一个并将长拖曳到Eau Rouge的顶峰。我就像一个头晕眼花的孩子。

The Euro RX S1600 series is one of the largest support series that travels alongside the main World RX championship, and is the first real stepping stone for emerging talent looking to broaden their experience beyond their home events.

Euro RX S1600系列是世界上最大的支援系列之一,与世界RX主赛事一起,是新兴人才的第一个真正的垫脚石,希望在他们的家庭活动之外拓展他们的经验。

The cars here are all naturally aspirated 1.6L screamers, with many revving to beyond 9,000rpm. Power, generally in the 220 to 240bhp range, is sent to the front wheels and mated to a sequential gearbox. The variety is massive, with all manner of shapes and sizes of car taking to the line.


With a set rulebook regarding engine and mechanicals, freedom to choose a body shell and aero means that the field is one of the most visually exciting, but then I really love low-power French FWDs so I may be biased here.


A real eye-catcher, and a case of a car that immediately elicits the reaction ‘that’s really cool’ was this Skoda Citygo. The most mundane of everyday runaround, whack on a set of wide box arches and race car parts and it’s a proven recipe for success.

Tomáš Krejcik would take the diminutive Skoda right through to the S1600 final, but it wasn’t to be and he finished sixth.

斯柯达城市(Skoda Citygo)是一个真正吸引眼球的人,以及能够立即引发“非常酷”反应的汽车案例。最平凡的日常运行,敲击一套宽箱形拱门和赛车部件,这是一个成功的秘诀。


The weather likely had the biggest effect of all on the smaller S1600s, with the complete lack of grip on Saturday not overly overcome in the lower powered machinery. But once things dried up on Sunday they really began to fly.





R Times Two

While the Euro S1600s may appear to be rather cool modified versions of the typical hatchbacks we could encounter on our daily commute, the next series up is a real bridge into the world of bespoke rallycross machinery. RX2 – or Supercar Lites – are a hell of a lot more than the field of Ford Fiestas they may look like.

虽然欧洲S1600可能看起来是我们在日常通勤中遇到的典型掀背车的相当酷的改装版本,但下一个系列赛是进入定制拉力机械世界的真正桥梁。RX2 - 或Supercar Lites - 比他们看起来的福特嘉年华领域还要多得多。

Designed as the natural breeding ground for those with aspirations of World RX success, the history of the RX2 series has time and time again proved to be a successful formula. Six drivers behind the wheel of World RX machinery this weekend have come through this single-make formula, all honing skills that have seen them become event winners.


The cars here are serious pieces of kit, with a lot of impressive engineering hiding beneath the composite plastic exterior. The chassis are of complete space-frame construction, while the 2.4L Duratech engines send 310bhp and 300Nm of torque to the rear wheels through a Sadev sequential transmission.

Each corner gets an Alcon brake setup, with adjustable suspension all round thrown into the mix. Each car is identical, making this much more of a test of man than machine.

这里的汽车是严肃的工具包,在复合塑料外壳下隐藏着许多令人印象深刻的工程。底盘采用完整的空间框架结构,而2.4L Duratech发动机通过Sadev顺序变速箱向后轮发送310bhp和300Nm的扭矩。


With an even field the action is intense. Each inch of track is fought for, none more so than the dive into turn one. Braking and turning in on gravel, the transition to tarmac happens literally right on the apex. The inside line is ideal for the run up to the hairpin, whereas too wide leaves the risk of meeting the immovable pit wall.


Rounding the final turn and gunning the throttle open towards the jump, the airtime these cars get is significantly larger than the S1600s, but still seems tame compared to what was to come…





The Supercars

The first time a World RX Supercar came thundering towards me will remain special in my mind for quite some time.


Around the brilliantly-designed Spa circuit, these cars came alive. The start line, always a buzzing mass of excitement, ramped up to 11 as the big cars rolled in. The crackle of anti-lag as each made its pre-race practice launch could be felt, while all five cars hitting anti-lag was like a punch straight into the chest.


When I mentioned at the start that World RX had turned all I knew about motorsport on its head, no particular few minutes could sum this up better than Race 3 of Qualifying 3. The spectacle had me as excited as I’ve ever been while photographing an event.

当我在开始时提到World RX已经把我所知道的关于赛车运动的所有内容都转过头时,没有特别的几分钟可以比排位赛第3场比赛更好地总结这一点。这场奇观让我像拍摄时一样兴奋一个事件。

Ready to race. Bang, bang, bang. Green light… Go! Three thousand horsepower, held back by 10 brake callipers and five handbrake levers is unleashed. The dash into turn one is manic. Bakkerud sweeps the Audi to the inside, with the two Hansen Peugeots forced wide. Timerzyanov and Chicherit dive tight, but the Monster RX Cartel car has the cleanest line.

All I hear is exhaust and carbon fibre colliding at less than three-feet from my face.

准备比赛。砰砰砰。绿灯......去!由10个制动钳和5个手制动杆控制的三千马力被释放出来。第一个冲刺是躁狂。Bakkerud将奥迪扫入内部,两辆汉森标致被迫展开。Timerzyanov和Chicherit潜水严密,但Monster RX Cartel汽车拥有最干净的线路。


Timmy Hansen loses out and goes on the attack – hard. Lap one, the side of the Timerzyanov Hyundai acts as the necessary nudge to get the Peugeot straightened for the upcoming left-hander, yet the following lap he is rubbing up the side of his own brother, Kevin Hansen.

Obviously on the back foot and dropping time, Hansen is desperate to make the most of the final two laps and maximise his time. Out of the joker on maximum lock, he knows the importance of passing Chicherit’s Megane and having a chance at an open track for the lap ahead. Rubbing is racing, right?

蒂米·汉森(Timmy Hansen)输掉并继续进攻 - 很难。第一圈,Timerzyanov Hyundai的一侧充当必要的推动,让标致为即将到来的左撇子挺直,但接下来的一圈,他正在摩擦他自己的兄弟凯文汉森。


The main selling point of World RX is that the action is right there, all the time. It works as a form of entertainment, as everything is done and dusted in a matter of minutes, with more thrills and spills combined in four laps than nearly a season of other forms of motorsport.

It took me 25 years to witness this for myself, and I’m pretty adamant that I need more of this in my life. N

ow, how do I get to Holjes in July…

World RX的主要卖点是,行动始终在那里。它可以作为一种娱乐形式,因为一切都在几分钟内完成并且拂尘,与其他形式的赛车运动相比,在四圈内结合了更多的刺激和溢出。




Cutting Room Floor


标题:HelixFly什么时候出 公测上线时间预告,



【当前战况】 2022IVL秋季赛第四周的比赛已






