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时间:2023-10-05 08:28:51 来源: 浏览:

Muffin Stories英语寓言故事高清动画片1~7季

Muffin Stories英语寓言故事高清动画片1~7季

Muffin Stories英语寓言故事高清动画片简介



Muffin Stories是美国的一批独立艺术家们创建的CD Baby公司推出的儿童动画故事。画面风格类似与动态绘本的形式,语速较慢、吐字清晰,非常适合孩子们观看并反复听。前7季的94集均是短小寓言故事,每集3-9分钟不等,Muffin stories寓教于乐,每个故事教授一个道理,是英语母语国家幼童娱乐、教育故事类动画。

01Muffin Stories Returned Shell of the
02Muffin Stories For one as oneself
03Muffin Stories Misunderstanding
04Muffin Stories Can_t be angry more
05Muffin Stories The remained thing of the Queen Zollar
06Muffin Stories The night watchman in the dream
07Muffin Stories The donkey for hopping
08Muffin Stories The giant and his hat
09Muffin Stories Who konws, you know
10Muffin Stories The nurse doll
11Muffin Stories Caterpillar_s Dream
12Muffin Stories The Donkey and the Goat
13Muffin Stories The Scarecrow and the Sparrow
14Muffin Stories The Green Goblin and the Red Goblin
15Muffin Stories Anyone can_t do that
01Muffin Stories The Magic Red Hat
02Muffin Stories Odol_s Talent
03Muffin Stories The Large Carrot
04Muffin Stories Greed
05Muffin Stories Daru and the Mean Lion
06Muffin Stories The Baby Lion_s Mistake
07Muffin Stories Caterpillar_s Dream
08Muffin Stories Boastful Father Spider
09Muffin Stories Mole
10Muffin Stories The Talkative Bunting
01Muffin Stories The wise crow
02Muffin Stories The result of the strong Cock_s Victory
03Muffin Stories The Price of Greed
04Muffin Stories The Greedy Boy
05Muffin Stories The fox_s Correct Remark
06Muffin Stories Foolish Magpie
07Muffin Stories The Hungry Wolf and the Goat
08Muffin Stories The Peony Tree and the Peony Flower
09Muffin Stories The Dog in the Manger
10Muffin Stories The Donkey and Salt
11Muffin Stories The Lying Merchant
12Muffin Stories The Farmer and his Three Sons
13Muffin Stories The Bellflower that Looks Like a Silver Bel
14Muffin Stories Flying Dandelion
15Muffin Stories The farmer that waited for the rabbit
01Muffin Stories The Red Fan and the Blue Fan
02Muffin Stories A Father and His Two Daughters
03Muffin Stories The Frog Whose Belly Burst
04Muffin Stories Fart Contest
05Muffin Stories Two Foolish People
06Muffin Stories The Goblin who Imitated the Farmer_s Speech
07Muffin Stories Egg Price Calculation
08Muffin Stories Two Brothers Who Threw Away Their Lumps of
09Muffin Stories Lady Carp
10Muffin Stories The Flea_s Guilt
11Muffin Stories The Kindhearted Brothers
12Muffin Stories The Sun and The Moon
13Muffin Stories The Old Lady that scolded a Tiger
14Muffin Stories The bellflower that waited
15Muffin Stories Zinnia
16Muffin Stories The God knows
01Muffin Stories The Green Frog that didn_t Listen
02Muffin Stories The Grateful Magpie
03Muffin Stories The Old Man with the wen
04Muffin Stories The Tiger that Ate a Hot Stone
05Muffin Stories The Story Pouch
06Muffin Stories The Shy Touch-me-not
07Muffin Stories The Mouse Bachelor
08Muffin Stories The Filial Tiger
09Muffin Stories The Child that Ate Honey
10Muffin Stories The Windflower
11Muffin Stories The Lazy Boy that Became a Cow
12Muffin Stories The Dog and the Cat
13Muffin Stories The Brier that Returned
14Muffin Stories The Legend of the Chinese Delight
15Muffin Stories The Forsythia that Bloomed from Dog Droppin
16Muffin Stories The Japanese Apricot Tree
01Muffin Stories The Crow and The fox
02Muffin Stories The Grateful Eagle
03Muffin Stories Hanging a bell on a cat
04Muffin Stories The Boy Who Cried Wolf
05Muffin Stories The Donkey with the Lion_s Fur
06Muffin Stories The Large Fish_s Regret
07Muffin Stories The Fox and the Grapes
08Muffin Stories How did Mosquitos Come About
09Muffin Stories The Oak and the Reed
10Muffin Stories The Happy Three Brothers
11Muffin Stories A Lantern for Others
12Muffin Stories The Foolish Fox
13Muffin Stories The Turtle that Carries a House Around
14Muffin Stories The Pigeon and the Ant
15Muffin Stories The Wind and the Sun
01Muffin Stories Dinner Time
02Muffin Stories Grandfather_s green fingers
03Muffin Stories The hope of whose
04Muffin Stories Mujuri and Zolbogi
05Muffin Stories The safety-pin_s adventure
06Muffin Stories The game for stop
07Muffin Stories The lost kitten
08Muffin Stories The Mice Go on a Picnic
09Muffin Stories Young Captain Kiddo_s Dream
10Muffin Stories The Crow that Wanted to be a King
11Muffin Stories The Fox and the Goat
12Muffin Stories The Grateful Mouse
13Muffin Stories The Greedy Lion
14Muffin Stories The Mother Crab and Baby Crab






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