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Asian carp are a serious problem, and Kentucky is getting creative in dealing with the invasive species.
为了应对泛滥成灾的亚洲鲤鱼(Asian carp),肯塔基州的野生动物管理部门邀请了多家当地媒体和新闻机构,通过拍摄亚洲鲤鱼“电出水面”的画面,以显示亚洲鲤鱼入侵当地生态的严重性。
Video shows countless fish leaping after the boat sent an electrical current through the water at Barkley Dam on Tuesday.
Stunning fish with electricity is a common practice when it comes to counting the population or tagging them, the department explained. The stunning does not kill the fish, only temporarily shocks them so they can be counted or caught.
"It's just to give folks an idea of how many fish we're dealing with below the dam. We collect and try to distribute to them to buyers," said Ron Brooks, the department's fisheries division director.
该部门渔业部门主任罗恩•布鲁克斯(Ron Brooks)表示:“这次只是为了让人们了解我们在大坝下面要对付多少鱼。我们收集并试图将其出售”。
These carp were stunned, harvested and sold to buyers who make fertilizer, fish bait and even food products for humans.
Asian carp are an invasive fish that were introduced to the United States by catfish farmers in the 70s.
They've inundated waterways along the Mississippi watershed and the Illinois and Missouri rivers. Carp populations grow at a rapid rate, and all their eating reduces the amount of food for other fish in the ecosystem.
"What they didn't realize is that these things would escape the ponds and get into the river system quickly. It took 30 years for them to get there," Brooks said. "They were brought here for a good reason, but the folks who brought them had no idea that it would cause such a terrible problem."
Carp are sensitive to noise, so when a boat motor disturbs the water, the fish leap out of the water. Silver carp can jump up to 10 feet high.
The big fish are famous for damaging fishing boats, breaking equipment on board and even injuring boaters.
"They're the ones you hear about jumping up and hitting people and even breaking bones sometimes," Brooks said. "They spew blood and mucus as a stress response. If they land in your boat, they'll be flopping around, and they'll get slime around."
Kentucky and Tennessee have been working together to get the commercial fishing industry to remove Asian carp. This latest project is aiming to save Kentucky and Barkley lakes, Brooks said.
"The two lakes themselves are very important for tourism for both recreational fishing and boating," Brooks said. "It's an industry of over a billion dollars a year for our two states. We're trying to figure out how to remove mass amounts of Asian carp."
The wildlife department is working on an experimental project to prevent carp from entering Lake Barkley.
"If we can get a barrier and combine that with the commercial fishing effort, then our ability to get the carp numbers down will be sufficiently enhanced," Brooks said. "This year, we expect 5 million pounds of Asian carp, at least, to be caught."
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