
EraofGlory什么时候出 公测上线时间预告,《era of glory》游戏

时间:2023-10-05 08:21:44 来源: 浏览:

【双语】A more wonderful Zhengzhou 2020 年的郑州,我们期待

430tharticle 第430期原创双语推文

Zhengzhou has surprised us a lot in 2019. New metro lines have commenced; Newly-completed overpasses have come into service; Several shopping malls have been established; More high-profile national sports events have been held in Zhengzhou. Apart from this, the “asterisk-shaped” high-speed railway network has taken shape with the opening of several high-speed railway lines.

2019 年的郑州,有不少惊喜。新挖了几条地铁线,新通了几座高架桥,新增了几家购物中心,新办了几场轰动全国的体育赛事……当然,还新开了几条高铁线,“米”字形高铁基本形成。

Photo:Ma Jian

Everything is getting better. We can’t wait to see what Zhengzhou will be like in 2020.

一切都在变得更好,这让我们迫不及待想看到2020 年的郑州是什么模样?

Regional population to reach 20 million

区域集聚人口达到2000 万人

Since the reform and opening up, every city in China has been seeing dramatic changes. The difference is some of them rise and thrive, and some others become silent or fall. Zhengzhou, obviously, is a typical city of rise.


Zhengzhou keeps forging ahead throughout the course of urban development, from an unknown Zheng County at the beginning of the 20thcentury to an important commercial node and a railway hub, from the site of the capital city of Henan Province to a national textile base, and from the glory of Erqi commercial area in the 1990s to the rise of Zhengdong New District in the early 21stcentury.

从20 世纪初一个名不见经传的郑县,发展成一个铁路枢纽的重要商埠;从河南省会搬迁于此,发展到全国纺织基地;从20 世纪90 年代二七商圈的辉煌,发展到21 世纪初郑东新区的崛起……在郑州的城市发展历程中,从不缺乏奋进的脚步声。

The permanent population exceeded 10 million, the economic aggregate surpassed 1 trillion yuan and the GDP per capita went beyond 100,000 yuan. Zhengzhou reshaped its dramatic outline with new records one after another. According to the Spatial Planning of Zhengzhou Metropolitan Area (2018-2035), Zhengzhou is going to construct the spatial pattern with “one core, four axes, three belts and multiple points”.

常住人口突破1000 万人,经济总量突破1 万亿,人均生产总值突破10 万元……郑州曾用一个个新纪录重新勾勒出了这座城市的精致轮廓。《郑州大都市区空间规划(2018-2035 年)》中提出,要构建“一核、四轴、三带、多点”空间格局。

“One core” refers to Zhengzhou-Kaifeng-Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone (ZAEZ) Core Engine Area, which is the core growth pole of Zhengzhou Metropolitan Area’s development. “Four axes” refer to enhancing the main arterial traffic and the comprehensive transportation network, improving the driving capacity of main development axes along north-south Beijing-Guangzhou railway and east-west Longhai Railway, constructing Zhengzhou-Jiaozuo and Kaifeng-ZAEZ-Dengfeng functional connection corridors, so as to form distinctive and reasonably located modern industrial town cluster belt. “Three belts” refer to the Yellow River Cultural and Ecological Belt, Songshan Mountain-Taihang Mountains Area Cultural and Ecological Belt, and Agricultural Area Cultural and Ecological Belt, which will collectively constitute the outer green ring of Zhengzhou Metropolitan Area. “Multiple points” refer to the sub-center cities, emerging growth centers, key towns and characteristic towns that form the multi-level development space of Zhengzhou Metropolitan Area.


In the future, Zhengzhou will lead the Central Plains city cluster to a national city cluster with international influence. In 2020, Zhengzhou Metropolitan Area aims to have a regional population of 20 million and the permanent population urbanization ratio of 70%, with significantly improved comprehensive strength.

未来的郑州,将引领带动中原城市群向具有国际影响力的国家级城市群迈进。到2020 年,郑州大都市区发展目标是区域集聚人口达到2000 万人,常住人口城镇化率达到70%,综合实力显著提升。

Good schools within a stone’s throw


The Zhengzhou School of Tsinghua University High School has been settled in Zhengdong New District. It is planned to recruit students from 2020, with a capacity of 6,000 students. It is learned in 2020, other good schools will be established in Zhengzhou.

备受关注的清华附中郑州学校已经落户郑东新区,计划2020 年开始招生,可容纳6000 名学生。据了解,到2020 年,郑州还将新建一批好学校。

Photo:Ma Jian

Zhengdong New District will establish the Zhengkai School and the East Campus of Zhengzhou No. 47 High School. Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone will establish the ZAEZ Campus of the No. 1 Middle School of Zhengzhou, the ZAEZ Campus of Zhengzhou Huimin Middle School and the ZAEZ Campus of Zhengzhou Foreign Language School. National Zhengzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone will establish the Jingkai Campus of the High School Division of Zhengzhou No. 2 Middle School. Huiji District will establish the new campus of the High School Division of Zhengzhou No. 4 Middle School. Zhongyuan District will establish the Longhai Road Campus of the No. 1 Middle School of Zhengzhou. Guancheng Hui District will construct the removal project of the High School Division of Zhengzhou Huimin Middle School and the new campus of the High School Division of Zhengzhou Information Technology School. Xinmi City will establish the Xinmi Park of Zhengzhou Out-of-School Education Base in Gegou Village, Pingmo Town.


As specified in the Three-Year Action Plan for New High-quality Junior High Schools initiated and implemented by Zhengzhou Municipality, by 2020, the city’s public junior high schools will basically meet the requirements of Administrative Standard for Compulsory Education Schools; within three years, 100 “new high-quality junior high schools” will be established and cultivated, 20 “high-quality junior high school development communities” will be formed, and the coverage ratio of the city’s public high-quality junior high schools will rise to 50% or above; these new schools shall reach the city’s excellent level in terms of the comprehensive index of “green evaluation”, with distinctive school running characteristics and the satisfaction of parents and residents in the community exceeding 90%, becoming the “good schools within a stone’s throw”.

在郑州市启动实施的“新优质初中三年行动计划”中显示,到2020 年,郑州公办初中基本达到《义务教育学校管理标准》要求;三年内创建和培育“新优质初中”100 所,结成“优质初中发展共同体”20 个,全市公办优质初中覆盖面达到50% 以上;“绿色评价”综合指标处于全市优良水平,有鲜明的办学特色,家长及社区居民满意度达到90% 以上,成为“家门口的好学校”。

Enter the great metro era


Photo:Ma Jian

In 2020 , Zhengzhou will have 7 metro lines: Line 1, Line 2, Suburban Line, Line 3, Line 4, Line 5 and Phase I of Line 14, truly ushering in the metro era.

2020 年,郑州将拥有7 条地铁线路:1 号线、2 号线、城郊线、3号线、4 号线、5 号线、14 号线一期,真正迎来地铁大时代。

In particular, Zhengzhou Metro Line 4, starting from Anshunlu Station and ending at Hexibeilu Station via areas featuring high passenger volume including Huiji District, Jinshui District, Zhengdong New District and Guancheng Hui District, has a planned full length of over 30km and 26 stations including 11 transfer stations. It is estimated to be opened on Oct. 1, 2020.

尤其是郑州地铁4 号线,起始于安顺路站,终点至河西北路站,途经惠济区、金水区、郑东新区、管城区等客流聚集的区域,规划线路超过30 公里,共设车站26 座,其中换乘站11 座,预计通车时间为2020 年10 月1 日。

The Phase I of Metro Line 3 , starting from Changxinglu Station in the north and ending at Hanghaidonglu Station in the south, has a full length of 25.2km and 21 stations. The trial operation is scheduled by the end of 2020.

还有郑州地铁3 号线一期工程,北起于长兴路站,南止于航海东路站,线路长25.2 公里,设车站21 座,预计2020 年底通车试运营。

“Asterisk-shaped” high-speed railway network to take shape in Zhengzhou


Zhengzhou-Jinan High-speed Railway is scheduled to open on Oct. 31, 2020; Zhengzhou-Taiyuan High-speed Railway is scheduled to open in 2020, and at that time, it takes only 2 hours from Zhengzhou to Taiyuan. By 2020, the “asterisk-shaped” high-speed railway network will be completely formed centering on Zhengzhou. You can take the high-speed trains to any direction from Zhengzhou. Nanyang, Zhoukou, Pingdingshan and other cities in Henan will also have their first high-speed railway line.

郑济高铁,计划于2020 年10 月31 日建成通车;郑太高铁,预计2020 年建成开通,届时郑州到太原只需2 小时。到2020 年,郑州“米”字形高铁将彻底成形。从郑州出发,乘高铁可抵达四面八方,河南境内也将打通南阳、周口、平顶山等无高铁的地市。

Photo:Ma Jian

At the same time, Zhengzhou-Luoyang-Dengfeng Intercity Railway links Zhengzhou South Railway Station and Luoyang Longmen Railway Station via Zhengzhou Airport Economy Zone, Xinzheng City, Xinmi City, Dengfeng City, Yichuan County and Luolong District. It is about 174.8km long in total and has 12 stations. It is scheduled to be completed in 2020 and will then cover well-known scenic areas including Shaolin Temple and Longmen Grottoes.

与此同时,郑登洛城际铁路由郑州南站引出,线路途经航空港经济综合实验区、新郑市、新密市、登封市、伊川县和洛龙区,最终抵达郑西高铁洛阳龙门站。线路总长度约174.8 公里,共有12 个车站。开通后,将覆盖少林寺、龙门石窟等著名景区,计划2020 年建成。

Urban buses to upgrade to new energy vehicles


By the end of 2020, vehicles involving buses, taxis, urban light-weight logistics delivery vehicles, and sanitation cars in built-up area of Zhengzhou will all be replaced with new energy vehicles.

2020 年底前,郑州市城市建成区公交车、出租车、城市轻型物流配送车、环卫作业车等领域将全部更换为新能源车。

Photo: Zhu Zhe

Zhengzhou BRT network will further expand. A total of 11 BRT routes will be constructed in the extension of Longhai Road (from Yongping Road to Shangdu Road) and the 4th Ring BRT will also be commenced. The total length of Zhengzhou BRT routes will exceed 1,400km by 2020.

郑州BRT线网将进一步扩大,陆续建设陇海路东延(永平路到商都路)等11 条快速公交线,四环快速公交也将开建。预计到2020 年,郑州市快速公交线网总长度将突破1400 公里。

Build an international convention and exhibition city


Photo:Ma Jian

According to Zhengzhou’s development goals, by 2020, the city’s available exhibition area will reach 500,000 square meters or above, the number of annual exhibitions above the designated size will be 350, the exhibition area will be 4 million square meters, and 10 international conferences will be held. The exhibitions will stimulate economic and social benefits of 60 billion yuan. Zhengzhou is going to become a national regional convention and exhibition center and an international convention and exhibition city.

按照郑州市发展目标,到2020 年,全市可供展览面积达到50 万平方米以上,年规模以上展览数量350 次,展览面积400 万平方米,举办国际性会议10 次,会展业带动经济社会效益达600 亿元,将郑州打造成为国家区域性会展中心城市和国际会展名城。

Build a new smart city


2020 will see a new smart city of Zhengzhou, boasting “one-visit” government services and a public service APP which covers all working and living needs of citizens, like booking the parking place and accessing “shared parking places”, making the parking more convenient.

政务服务“最多跑一次”;建设公共服务APP,将市民工作、生活所需之事“一网打尽”;APP 可预约停车、打造“共享车位”,解决“停车难”问题……2020 年,郑州将成为这样的新型智慧城市。

Photo:Ma Jian

Moreover, a large-scale elderly care center will be completed next year. Zhengzhou Elderly Care Service Center, located on Lvzhou Road in Huiji District, covers an area of 85 mu, with 1,061 beds and a total investment of 173.7 million yuan. At present, the main part has been basically completed.

同时,郑州明年将再添一座大型养老服务中心。位于惠济区绿洲路的郑州市养老服务中心项目占地85 亩,设计床位1061 张,总投资1.737 亿元,目前主体部分已基本完工。

Museums to spring up


The 2019 Report on the Work of Zhengzhou Municipal Government brought forward to “scheme and construct 100 or more museums of all kinds within three years”. According to the plan, Zhengzhou will strive to increase more than 100 museums in 3 years, including over 50 state-owned (industry-specific) museums and over 50 non-state museums, which means in the urban area of Zhengzhou, 1 museum will be shared by every 100,000 people rather than 300,000 people in the past, and the number of museums at the third grade or above will surpass 30.

2019 年,郑州市政府工作报告提出“三年内谋划建设各类博物馆100 家以上”。根据方案,3 年内,郑州力争新增博物馆100 家以上。其中,国有(行业)博物馆达到50 家以上,非国有博物馆达到50 家以上。这意味着,郑州市域内将从30万人拥有1 家博物馆,发展到10 万人拥有1 家博物馆,国家三级以上博物馆将达到30 家以上。

Photo:Ma Jian

The new Henan Science and Technology Museum is located on the west side of Elephant Lake in Baisha Town, and expected to be completed and put into use in the first half of 2020. It is the largest science and technology museum under construction in China, and will be built into a new landmark of Zhengzhou and a 5A tourist attraction integrating science, technology, culture and leisure. The project includes 8 exhibition halls, 4 specialeffect cinemas, atriums, etc. After completion, it will be an important science communication center and a provincial public cultural service center in central China.

河南省科技馆新馆位于白沙象湖西侧,预计于2020 年上半年建成投入使用。该馆是国内在建的最大科技馆,将打造成为郑州的新地标和科技文化休闲的5A 级旅游景区。项目包括8 大展厅、4 个特效影院、中庭等,建成后将成为中部地区重要的科学传播中心和省级公共文化服务中心。

The new Zhengzhou Museum under construction is located on the central axis of Zhengzhou Civic Cultural Service Center. With a total building area of about 147,000 square meters, it is the largest single museum in the country. The new museum is expected to officially open in 2020.

在建的郑州博物馆新馆,位于郑州市民文化服务中心中轴线上,总建筑面积约14.7 万平方米,为全国单体最大博物馆。整个新馆项目预计2020 年开放。

Zhengzhou Shang Dynasty Ruins Museum & Zhengzhou Institute of Cultural Heritage and Archaeology, with two floors underground and three floors above ground, has a total building area of 75,000 square meters, and is scheduled to be fully open in 2020.

地下两层, 地上三层, 总建筑面积7.5 万平方米的郑州商都遗址博物院、郑州市文物考古研究院, 计划于2020 年全面开放。

Number of football pitches will exceed 500

足球场地要超过500 块

Welfare is granted to football fans. Zhengzhou will strengthen the planning and construction of football pitches. By 2020, there will be more than 500 football pitches in the city, with 0.5-0.7 pitch per 10,000 people.

足球爱好者的福利来了。郑州市将加强足球场地规划建设,到2020 年全市足球场地达到500 块以上,每万人拥有足球场0.5~0.7 块。

Photo:Ma Jian

By 2020, Zhengzhou will also have 10 more large forest parks, including: Zhengzhou Mangling Forest Park, Zhengzhou Houzhai Forest Park, Xinmi Yunmeng Mountain Forest Park, Xinzheng National Ancient Jujube Trees Forest Park, Dengfeng Xiangshan Mountain Forest Park, Xinzheng Juci Mountain Forest Park, Zhengzhou Yanming Lake Chinese Scholar Trees Forest Park, Dengfeng Daxiong Mountain Forest Park, Zhengzhou Forest Park and Zhengzhou Yanming Lake Bird Watching Forest Park.

到2020 年,郑州还会增加10 个大型森林公园,包括:郑州邙岭森林公园、郑州侯寨森林公园、新密市云蒙山森林公园、新郑市国家古枣树森林公园、登封香山森林公园、新郑市具茨山森林公园、郑州雁鸣湖槐树冈森林公园、登封大熊山森林公园、郑州市森林公园和郑州雁鸣湖观鸟林森林公园等。

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Managing Editor : Xiong Vivi

Interviewed by Wang Yipin

New Media Editor: Wang Zhiyu



标题:EraofGlory什么时候出 公测上线时间预告,《era of glory》游戏

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