
CaravanStoriesAcademyofMagic什么时候出 公测上线时间预告,

时间:2023-10-05 07:49:51 来源: 浏览:

AI For Social Good | Providing inclusive and equitable education

As a new international organization focusing on the Internet, theWorld Internet Conference(WIC) is committed to building a global Internet platform for extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits. In order to advocate technology-for-social-good concept, guide global parties concerned to use AI technology to bridge the digital divide and promote human well-being, WIC launchedthe World Internet Conference AI for Social Good Action Planand solicited the projects globally. The first round of 33 projects received from 23 enterprises and organizations cover cultural exchanges, biodiversity conservation, medical health, accessible transformation, education and training, livable environment and other fields. These projects reflect the development trend where close combination of voice recognition, image recognition, natural language processing, situational awareness and other AI technologies with specific social good scenarios provides more diversified solutions to constantly improving social welfare capabilities.

Tencent Charity Foundation collaborates with Tencent YouTu Lab to open up basic AI capabilities for public use.Tencent Charity Foundation organizes the Light Technology Charity Creation Camp, which lowers the threshold for public participation in social good actions by opening up over 300 AI standard interfaces and over 80 AI industry solutions, bringing more social welfare topics into the public’s view, and continuously inspiring more people to pay attention to social issues. The Light Technology Charity Creation Camp has been held for three times, attracting over 3,600 teams and 18,000 developers to participate.

Zhejiang Ant Foundation provides new AI-driven vocational training to the counties across the country.The "Idol Plan" launched by Zhejiang Ant Foundation provides training on emerging AI-driven vocational skills such as data marker for the population, especially women, in underdeveloped regions, assists local governments in building digital employment centers and jointly incubates local operating enterprises. As of 2022, digital employment centers have been established in collaboration with local governments in 17 underdeveloped counties in central and western China, and digital skills training has been provided for a total of 5,921 people, more than 4,297 of whom have found jobs.

China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT) organizes international business training.By organizing study group meetings, standardization forums, seminars, investigations, visits and training programs, CAICT provides AI technology training for underdeveloped countries in the Asia-Pacific region to promote policy and technical exchanges and cooperation among member countries of the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT), and jointly advance the coordinated development of ICT industry in

Asia-Pacific region.

Lenovo helps rural schools achieve smart teaching.The "Lenovo Smart Classroom" application provides a simple but efficient intelligent teaching tool on the teacher end; on the student side, based on AI technologies such as recommendation algorithms, it feeds personalized learning resources and error question banks to students. The "Lenovo Dream Center" program has conducted AI course training for rural teachers and provided resource packages to enhance their ability to teach AI courses.

iFLYTEK broadens the AI vision of rural children.By holding the "Tech Caravan" national tour, iFLYTEK brought the most cutting-edge scientific devices, the most interesting interactive experience, AI and other scientific knowledge to teenagers in many underdeveloped regions to stimulate their interest in science, cultivate their scientific spirit, and promote the development of science popularization education.


来源: 世界互联网大会

标题:CaravanStoriesAcademyofMagic什么时候出 公测上线时间预告,


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