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时间:2023-10-05 07:49:37 来源: 浏览:

英语文学 Villains

Which is more terrifying , a human being or a monster? The answer is a human being,because only mankind has the ability of thinking.What’s more,no monster is more ferocious than a human being,who can play the part of any most horrible demons and monsters.Apart from that,no beast can torture its enemies with such persistence in such a long time.

With each “unexpected” disaster approaching,the secret man emerged around unexpectedly. Was he coming to help ,rescuing or devastating?Was he God or a demon? Could he achieve his goals alone?


Chapter 5 Bell’s Resignation

With busy days passing by,both the parents and the teachers became increasingly anxious.The number of the naughty boys was more than ten ,far higher than any normal class.In this class,only a quarter of students were good at studying,and more than one quarter of them had got into bad habits.The first day Kate went to the class,she was scared by the mess and screams.Despite various difficulties and doubts,Kate didn’t give up.She did not care about how much work she overdid ,as long as the students would became better,which was her pride.However ,despite her efforts,there were still some boys who felt hard to get rid of their bad habits.On the other hands,Kate must tried her best to teach well the other students who were the best of the whole grade and the most hardworking .Kate deeply felt the burden on her shoulders.She must try her best to give every class with a best result.She must use a different way to make Class 5 students better to help realize their dreams to be admitted by key universities. At the same time, she had to spare some time to comfort some anxious parents,with various problems of their children.Kate felt she was like a spring ,with each higher pressure she would jump even higher.But she was after all a human being,not a working machine. Where could she vent her fear,anxiety and humiliation?Who could understand her and her situation? Worse still,Candy would always find chances to suppress her. Kate could not remember how many times she had been wronged.

After endless struggling the class made progress little by little.Some students gradually realized they should work hard and should be responsible for their own future.But still there were several students who were sticking with their bad habits.Some parents came to the school in a group to find the solutions.They found their children had not made progress,especially in the subject Bell Wood taught. At last the school was forced to hold a meeting with the parents .At the meeting ,Kate explained the status of the students ,hoping the parents would understand her and both the parents and the teachers would cooperate to hep improve the school including the students.However,Bell tried to find excuses to exculpate himself from the responsibility,while in fact what most of the parents were complaining about was his subject and the exam results.At this time John stood up and summarized the whole situation and pointed out that all the parties were to blame ,but he did not forget to remind everyone of Kate’s responsibility.Worse still,the principal joined in the innuendo. Poor Kate did not know how to respond to them.Before the meeting she had been told the parents came to question Bell,but now it seemed that Kate was to blame for Bell’s responsibility?

Several days later, John telephoned Kate saying that Bell was forced to resign! Kate was shocked !Forced ?Who forced him? What had he done to his students?Kate did not know,and neither would she have any way to know.But John seemed to have been instructed to tell Kate about this news,about which Kate felt much confused.

In the following days Kate often saw her colleagues gossip ,but when she approached they suddenly stopped talking.One colleague told Kate that somebody spread the news that Bell was forced by Kate to leave the school. During these days John repeatedly telephoned Kate reminding her not to bully other innocent colleagues.Kate felt even puzzled and indignant.Who was it that spread the rumor?Why had the person kept slandering Kate for doing bad things ,one after another nonstop ? She tried to remind John about Candy,but John immediately rejected her and said that Candy was a very excellent colleague.Many colleagues liked her because she worked hard and performed well. Kate now could confirm that John was telling lies,but how did she find ways to prove she was innocent?

Various times Kate was told that Candy had egged some students to play tricks on Kate’s students .Meanwhile,some students in other classes were cheating in the exams.Anytime faced with these occasions,Kate told her class to be calm,ignoring any interference.“What we should do was to keep working hard and keep staying calm.”She kept reminding them of this .

At the end of the term,Kate’s class and all the students got the best exam results.As for the appraisal,Kate could no longer take it seriously.After all,those tricks had been played by Candy and her faction teams endless times and Kate had already been used to that. Kate had no time to fight with them.She was proud that she and her students had made progress and that was enough. She was still constantly harassed by the news saying that her class was the worst in the school.She ignored the rumour,because she had to do so in order to save energy to find solutions to improve her students.

更多内容请点击以下链接继续阅读 https://max.book118.com/html/2018/0613/172290951.shtm

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