
PocketMafiaMysteriousThrillergame什么时候出 公测上线时间预告,pocket游戏时间

时间:2023-10-05 09:06:14 来源: 浏览:



EU reveals plan to regulate Big Tech


The European Commission unveiled two proposals on December 15 to rein in big tech companies — like Google and Amazon. According to the Digital Services Act and Digital Markets Act, tech firms with over 45 million EU users are to be classed as digital “gatekeepers” and be subject to fines up to 10% of their annual turnover① for violating competition rules. Companies would need to inform the EU ahead of any planned mergers② or acquisitions③, and certain kinds of data must be shared with regulators and rivals④, the draft laws state. The tech companies could also be required to sell one of theirbusinesses⑤ or parts of it. Platforms would also be held more responsible for limiting the spread of illegal content. Repeat offenders of the new rules — those fined three times within five years, for example — face the threat of being broken up. (BBC)



① turnover: <ˈtɜːnəʊvər> n. the total amount of goods or services sold by a company during a particular period of time (一定时期内的)营业额,成交量

② merger: <ˈmɜːdʒər> n. the act of joining two or more organizations or businesses into one (机构或企业的)合并,归并

③ acquisition: <ˌækwɪˈzɪʃn> n. a company, piece of land, etc. bought by sb, especially another company; the act of buying it 购置物;收购的公司;购置的产业;购置;收购

④ rival: <ˈraɪvl> n. a person, company, or thing that competes with another in sport, business, etc. 竞争对手

⑤ business: <ˈbɪznəs> n. a commercial organization such as a company, shop/store or factory 商业机构;企业;公司;商店;工厂


President Macron Tests Positive for the Coronavirus


President Emmanuel Macron of France has tested positive for the coronavirus and will work in isolation this week, prompting① other European leaders he has met to take precautionary② measures and complicating Europe’s efforts to overcome acrippling③ second wave of the pandemic. The presidential Élysée Palace announced the illness on Dec. 17 without clarifying Mr. Macron’s symptoms or the gravity④of his condition. As one of Europe’s youngest leaders, at 42, the president is not among the most vulnerable⑤ to the virus. Gabriel Attal, the government spokesman, said: “the president began feeling Covid-19-like symptoms. He immediately isolated himself and took a P.C.R. test⑥. The result was communicated to us.” The Spanish government announced that Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, who had lunch with Mr. Macron last Monday, has suspended his official activities until Dec. 24. In Portugal, Prime Minister António Costa, who lunched with Mr. Macron last Tuesday, said he would self-isolate and get tested for Covid-19. (The New York Times)



① prompt: v. to make sb decide to do sth; to cause sth to happen 促使;导致;激起

② precautionary: adj. precautionary measures are taken in order to prevent something dangerous or unpleasant from happening 预防的;防备的;警惕的

③ crippling: <‘krɪplɪŋ> adj. very serious, harmful 有严重危害的

gravity: <ˈgrævəti> n. (formal) extreme importance and a cause for worry 严重性

④ vulnerable: <ˈvʌlnərəbl> adj. weak and easily hurt physically or emotionally(身体上或感情上)脆弱的,易受…伤害的

⑤ P.C.R. test: n. PCR testing is considered the “gold standard” in SARS-CoV-2 detection 核酸检测


Bitcoin hits new all-time high above $23,000


Bitcoin hit① a fresh record high above $23,000 on December 17, extending a wild rally② for the cryptocurrency③ that has seen it more than triple in value this year. The world’s most-valuable digital currency surged④ 12% to $23,421, according to crypto market data provider Coin Metrics, taking itsyear-to-date⑤ gains to more than 200%. Bitcoin only just smashed⑥ the $20,000 mark on December 16. A recent JPMorgan note claimed investorsappetite⑦ would boost inflows into funds tracking bitcoin to the detriment⑧of gold. While the price of Bitcoin has seen a massive increase this year, it has seen many peaks and troughs⑨ since 2009. Speaking on the BBC’s Asia Business Report, an insider said that “more ‘ups and downs’ are expected in the coming months”. (CNBC and BBC)

比特币在12月17日以超过23,000美元的价格再创历史新高,延续了该加密货币的疯狂涨势。今年以来其价值已经翻了三倍多。根据加密市场数据提供商“数字货币指标”(Coin Metrics)的数据,这个世界上最有价值的数字货币已飙升12%,达到23,421美元,使其年初至今的涨幅超过200%。比特币在12月16日才刚刚突破20,000美元大关。摩根大通最近的一份说明称,投资者的强烈欲望将促使追随比特币的基金流入,并不利好黄金市场。尽管今年比特币的价格出现了大幅上涨,实际自2009年以来,其价格经历多次跌宕起伏。一位业内人士在BBC的《亚洲业务报告》中说,比特币价格未来几个月预计将有更多“起伏”。


① hit: v. to reach a particular level 达到(某水平)

② rally: <ˈræli> n. (in sport or on the Stock Exchange 体育运动或证券交易) an act of returning to a strong position after a period of difficulty or weakness 止跌回升

③ cryptocurrency: n. a digital or virtual currency that is secured by cryptography, which makes it nearly impossible to counterfeit or double-spend 加密货币

④ surge: v. (of prices, profits, etc. 物价、利润等) to suddenly increase in value 急剧上升;飞涨;激增

⑤ year-to-date (YTD): refers to the period of time beginning the first day of the current calendar year or fiscal year up to the current date 到现在为止的一年

⑥ smash: v. to destroy, defeat or put an end to sth/sb 打败;使结束

⑦ appetite: <ˈæpɪtaɪt> n. a strong desire for sth 强烈欲望

⑧ detriment: <ˈdetrɪmənt> n. (formal) the act of causing harm or damage; sth that causes harm or damage 伤害;损害

⑨ peaks and troughs: patterns that are developed by the price action experienced by all securities 高峰与低谷


Warner Bros was ordered to pay damages


A judge in Spain has ordered Warner Bros to pay €25,000 in damages to a Moroccan businessman after his photograph appeared alongside images of the Gambino crime family in a 2016 thriller that starred Ben Affleck as aforensic① accountant with a prodigious② gift for maths. The claimant③, who had originally sought €250,000 from the studio, argued that his moral standing and business had suffered as a result of being associated with the mafia in the film The Accountant. In its judgment, the Valencia court ruled that the man’s photograph had been used in the film “without any kind of consent, be it tacit④ or explicit” and that it had appeared under a label reading: “Suspected Gambino family associates”. The juxtaposition⑤, it added, constituted a breach of the claimant’s own image and injured his reputation. The judge awarded the man €25,000 in damages but rejected his claim for loss of earnings on the grounds that it had not been established that he had suffered financially as a result of his image being used in the film. (The Guardian)



① forensic: a. connected with or used in court 法庭的;与法庭相关的;用于法庭的

② prodigious: a. very large or powerful and causing surprise; impressive 巨大的;伟大的

③ claimant: <ˈkleɪmənt> n. a person who claims something because they believe they have a right to it 原告;索求者

④ tacit: <ˈtæsɪt> a. that is suggested indirectly or understood, rather than said in words 心照不宣的;不言而喻的;默示的

⑤ juxtaposition: <ˌdʒʌkstəpəˈzɪʃn> n. the fact of putting people or things together, especially in order to show a contrast or a new relationship between them 并列;并置


Chang’e-5 mission accomplished, now on to the next


The Chang’e-5 lunar mission has been declared a complete success after the reentry capsule① carrying rock and soil samples from the moon landed safely in the designated area on December 17. During the mission, Chang’e-5 accomplished a series of firsts for the country’s space program — first collecting of samples from the moon, takeoff from surface of the moon, docking in lunar orbit, and returning with samples — and the spacecraft’s return marked the first time scientists have obtained fresh samples of lunar rocks since 1976. As the most complicated systems engineering ever attempted by the domestic space industry, it has reportedly achieved a series of key technological innovations and breakthroughs② that will greatly facilitate future lunar and interstellar③ missions. It was therefore a mission ofmilestone④ significance, one that represented “a great step forward for China’s space industry”, as President Xi Jinping said in a statement read out at the Beijing Aerospace Control Center. (China Daily)



① capsule: <ˈkæpsjuːl> v. the part of a spacecraft in which people travel and that often separates from the main rocket 太空舱;航天舱

② breakthrough: <ˈbreɪkθruː> n. an important development that may lead to an agreement or achievement 重大进展;突破

③ interstellar: <ˌɪntəˈstelər> adj. between the stars in the sky 星际的

④ milestone: <ˈmaɪlstəʊn> n. a very important stage or event in the development of something 重要事件;重要阶段;转折点;里程碑


Tai Chi and Wangchuan granted UNESCO status


Two new entries from China, Taijiquan and the Wangchuan ceremony, were added to UNESCO’s intangible① cultural heritage list on December 17. Taijiquan, also known as Tai Chi, is a traditional physical practice characterized by relaxed, circular movements that works in harmony with breath regulation and the cultivation of a righteous② and neutral mind. Originating during the mid-17th century in central China, it is now practiced throughout China by people of all ages and by different ethnic groups, according to the official website of UNESCO. The Wangchuan ceremony, was jointly put forward for UNESCO intangible cultural heritage status by China and Malaysia. It is a folk activity practiced by people to expel③ disasters and pray for peace mainly in Southern Fujian of China and the coastal areas of Malacca of Malaysia. China now has 42 entries in UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage List of Humanity, the most of any country in the world. (China Daily)



① intangible: <ɪnˈtændʒəbl> adj. that exists but cannot be touched; difficult to describe, understand or measure 无形的(指没有实体存在的资本性资产)

② righteous: <ˈraɪtʃəs> adj. morally right and good 公正的;正直的

③ expel:<ɪkˈspel> v. force (someone) to leave a place, especially a country 赶走;驱逐


标题:PocketMafiaMysteriousThrillergame什么时候出 公测上线时间预告,pocket游戏时间










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