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The six-pack can wait: how to set fitness goals you will actually keep
Most of us have, at some point in our lives, looked in the mirror and decided we need a radical image overhaul - especially in January. Then, when we don't achieve the desired six-pack within a month,we tumble off the fitness bandwagon. But is there a way to set realistic, useful fitness goals that will keep you motivated as the nights draw in and the prospect of an extra hour in bed trumps a workout?
在我们人生的某一刻,大多数人都会看着镜子,决定要给自己的形象来个彻底改造一特 别是在一月。然后当我们在一个月内未能练成预期的6块腹肌,我们便从健身大潮中败下阵来。但有没有一个方法,能让我们建立切实有效的健身目标?这样的健身目标能使你在天黑得越来越早、多躺一小时的 想法打败了锻炼身体的时候,依旧保持动力。
First of all, think about the goals not to make -keep in mind that exercise alone won't change your body shape. If you are looking for major fat loss, you will have to look at diet, too.“People underestimate the amount of effort physical transformations take,”says Hannah L ewin, a personal trainer. She advises clients to focus on positive fitness goals instead 一running 5km or deadlifting 30kg一rather than aesthetic goals that will require drastic lifestyle overhauls.
首先,注意那些不应该被制定的目标一记住只运动是不会改变你的体型的。如果你寻求的是大幅减重,你也必须注意饮食。私人教练汉娜.勒温表示:“人们低估了体型改变所需要的努力。” 她建议客户们把注意力放在那些有建设性的健身目标上一跑5千米或者硬拉30公斤,而非投入精力在那些需要大幅改变生活方式的“美观”目标上。
Next, the personal trainer Ruby Tuttlebee advises starting small and building up. Something straightforward, such as a press-up, is a better bet than aiming for a triathlon right off the bat. She also suggests having a series of goals. When you have mastered a perfect press-up, set a new goal of five press-ups in a row, then 10, then 20.
其次,私人教练鲁比.塔特尔比建议从小目标开始着手,再逐步加码。比起一开始就以铁人三项为目标,从一些容易的事情,比如俯卧撑开始,就更可能成功。她也建议设定一系列的目标。当你完美做好了1个俯卧撑,就设一个新目标一连续做 5个俯卧撑,接着连续10个、连续20个。
Always reward yourself for achieving your goals,however small.“ Even if just walking through the door of your gym is your first goal, you've achieved it- So well done,says Tuttlebee. Above all,remember that your goals are yours alone, she says.“Make it your own. Tailor it to you.”
无论目标多小,完成了就要奖励你自己。塔特尔比认为:“即便通过健身房那道门就是你的第一个目标,你也完成了它一这就很棒。 ”她还表示,最重要的是要记住你的目标只属于你,“ 将它变成你专属的,为自己量身定制目标。”
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