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每日新闻播报(April 11)

In this March 4, 2018 file photo, Jeff Bezos and wife MacKenzie Bezos arrive at the Vanity Fair Oscar Party in Beverly Hills, California.

>Bezos agrees $35B divorce 史上最贵离婚尘埃落定

The world's richest man, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, and his wife MacKenzie have agreed a record-breaking divorce settlement of at least $35 billion. 世界首富、在线零售巨头亚马逊的创始人杰夫•贝佐斯和妻子麦肯齐近日达成创纪录的离婚协议,"分手费"至少350亿美元(约合人民币2351亿元)。

MacKenzie Bezos will keep a 4% stake in the online retail giant, worth $35.6 billion on its own. 麦肯齐获得4%的亚马逊股份,价值356亿美元。

Amazon was founded by Jeff Bezos in Seattle in 1994, a year after the couple married, and MacKenzie was one of its first employees. 1994年,贝佐斯在西雅图创建了亚马逊,当时他已经与麦肯齐结婚一年。在企业创立之初,麦肯齐也曾是亚马逊的一名员工。

Both parties tweeted positive comments about the other in the wake of the announced settlement. 在宣布离婚协议之后,双方在推特上发表了正面的评论。

The two did not provide any further financial details about the settlement. 双方都没有透露离婚协议的更多财务细节。

The Amazon shares alone will make MacKenzie Bezos the world's third-richest woman while Jeff will remain the world's richest person, according to Forbes. 根据《福布斯》的排名,仅亚马逊股份一项财产就使麦肯齐成为全球第三大女富豪,而贝佐斯仍是世界首富。

Shan Jixiang, director of the Palace Museum, on Nov 14, 2018.

>Palace Museum head retires 故宫'看门人'单霁翔退休

According to a public announcement from the Palace Museum, director and curator Shan Jixiang has retired April 8, succeeded by the director of the Dunhuang Academy, Wang Xudong. 根据故宫博物院发布的公告,院长单霁翔4月8日退休,原敦煌研究院院长王旭东接任故宫博物院院长一职。

During his time at the Palace Museum, the place underwent a series of innovative changes. 单霁翔在任期间,故宫博物院经历了一系列创新性变革。

By the end of 2018, over 80% of the areas in the Forbidden City opened up to public visitors, compared with only 52% in 2014. 截至2018年年底,故宫对公众的开放面积达到80%以上,而2014年该数字只有52%。

Shan also injected new vitality into Chinese cultural heritage. From the various creative products to the Lantern Festival light show, the Palace Museum has returned to the center of public discussion. 他还为故宫注入新的活力。从各种创意产品到元宵节灯会,故宫博物院再次成为公众谈论的焦点。

Netizens praised him as a tireless guardian and promoter of the nation's heritage. 有网友称赞单霁翔是故宫不知疲倦的守护者和倡导者。

Shan "has made the Forbidden City shift from a luxury beyond reach to one that is accessible to ordinary people", a Sina Weibo user posted on Monday. "He made more younger people fall in love with the Forbidden City." 一位新浪微博用户8日发帖称:"单霁翔把故宫从一个可望不可及的奢侈品做成了一个平易近人的奢侈品。他使更多年轻人爱上了故宫。"

With the fear of a so-called "No Deal" Brexit some Britons are planning for the worst and stockpiling food and other essentials.

>People stockpiles for Brexit 英国民众囤货应对脱欧

Wine, toilet roll and pasta are the most common items panicked shoppers are stockpiling in preparation for a no deal Brexit, analysis of Mumsnet revealed. 妈妈网的分析显示,恐慌的消费者正在大量囤货为"英国无协议脱欧"做准备,其中红酒、厕纸和意大利面是人们购买最多的商品。

And rice, long-life milk, coffee, medication, flour, tinned tomatoes, beans and tea were most commonly bulk bought, according to Quartz who analyzed more than 3,000 Mumsnet posts. 石英网在分析了妈妈网上3000多条帖子后称,大米、保质期较长的牛奶、咖啡、药品、面粉、罐装番茄、豆类和茶也是民众大量囤积的最常见商品。

A third of the food bought by British shoppers is imported from the European Union and fears a complex supply network will break down following Brexit are rising. 英国消费者购买的1/3的食品都是从欧盟进口的,人们对这个复杂的供应网络在英国脱欧后无法运转的担忧正日益加剧。

But the Department for Exiting the European Union and the British Retail Consortium said there was no reason to stockpile. 但脱欧事务部和英国零售商协会均表示,人们没有理由需要囤货。

Andrew Opie, director of food and sustainability at the British Retail Consortium, said retailers were already stockpiling so consumers did not have to. 英国零售商协会食品和可持续发展部负责人安德鲁•奥佩称,零售商已在囤货,因此消费者无需这么做。

>Residency curbs relaxed 大城市落户现重大变化

China will relax residency curbs and boost the urban population, the country's top economic planner said. 国家发改委表示,我国将放宽城市落户限制,进一步增加城镇人口。

According to a document posted on the website of the National Development and Reform Commission on Monday, the government aims to increase the urbanization rate by at least 1 percentage point by the end of this year. 根据国家发改委官网8日发布的文件,2019年,我国要实现城镇化率提高1个百分点以上。

The proportion of urban population to total population reached 59.58% in 2018. 2018年,中国城镇化率为59.58%。

The objective is part of its larger goal to move 100 million rural residents to cities by 2020. 该目标是我国为实现到2020年使一亿农业转移人口在城镇落户的更大目标的一部分。

Under the plan, cities with a population under 3 million should remove all limits on hukou - household registration - and cities with populations between 3 million and 5 million should relax restrictions. 根据计划,人口在300万以下的城市应当全面取消落户限制,人口在300万到500万之间的城市应当放宽落户条件。

Megacities including Beijing and Shanghai should improve the points system to qualify for household registration, allowing more people to settle in those cities. 北京、上海等超大特大城市要完善积分落户系统,使更多人能在这些城市定居。

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