
LabRemnants什么时候出 公测上线时间预告,

时间:2023-10-05 08:40:15 来源: 浏览:

【双语】例行记者会/Regular Press Conference(2022-7-27)

AFP: According to a White House official, Joe Biden will speak with President Xi Jinping this Thursday, so tomorrow. What does the Chinese side expect from this call?

Zhao Lijian: I believe I’ve made it very clear. I have no information to offer at the moment.


Africa is a land full of hope. Despite the challenges posed by the lingering pandemic and sluggish recovery of the world economy, Africa still enjoys bright prospects and its stature and role on the international stage will only grow. China has always had great confidence in Africa’s development prospects. Our support for Africa’s peace and development efforts will not lessen. Our long-standing commitment to delivering more benefits to the African people will not change. Over the decades, the traditional friendship between China and Africa has stood the test of the changing international landscape. Our all-round cooperation has maintained high-level growth, bearing tremendous fruits in political, economic, social, security and other fields. This has significantly improved the conditions for development in Africa and fostered an enabling environment for international cooperation with the continent, which has received wide recognition from African countries and the international community. At present, China and African countries are speeding up efforts to implement the outcomes of the eighth Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation and build a China-Africa community with a shared future for the new era. I believe this will inject fresh strong impetus into our joint efforts to combat COVID-19 and realize development and prosperity.



I would like to stress that China has all along pursued the peaceful use of outer space in accordance with international law and the international customary practice. Since the development stage of China’s space engineering, it has incorporated post-mission disposal requirements for carrier rockets and on-orbit satellites, including on debris mitigation and de-orbit measures. According to information at hand, this rocket is designed with special technology, and the overwhelming majority of its components will burn up during the re-entry into the atmosphere. The probability of this process causing harm to aviation activities or to the ground is extremely low. The Chinese side has also participated in UN and other multilateral cooperation mechanisms and conducted international cooperation through such means as joint monitoring of re-entry of spacecraft, information exchange and sharing of re-entry predictions. With regard to the upper stage of the Long March-5 rocket, the competent authorities in China are closely tracking it and will release timely information on the website of China Manned Space Agency.


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