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「肺癌指南连载专栏」Part6.1.3 原发肿瘤 III期




Part6.1.3 原发肿瘤 III期



Stage III is often defined by cancer spread to lymph nodes far outside the lungs. N2 nodes are between the lungs but next to the lung with cancer. Some are right below the windpipe. N3 nodes are between the lungs close to the lung without cancer. Other N3 nodes are near the collarbone or in the neck.

一些iii a期癌症没有远处淋巴结转移。这些癌症的N分期是N0或N1。然而,在同一肺中可能有一个原发肿瘤和一个二次肿瘤。或者,肿瘤可能侵入胸壁、支气管或纵隔。

Some stage IIIA cancers have not spread far among lymph nodes. The N stage for these cancers is either N0 or N1. Instead, there may be a primary and secondary tumor in the same lung. Or instead, the tumor may have invaded the chest wall, bronchus, or mediastinum.


Options for stage III cancers are grouped into four sections.



Guide 16 lists options for initial treatment for N0 or N1 disease. N0 means that no cancer has been found in lymph nodes. N1 means that cancer has been found in peribronchial, intrapulmonary, or hilar nodes of the lung with the primary tumor.



Tumors without invasion These tumors have not grown into the chest wall, bronchi, or mediastinum. For initial treatment, options depend on if you are able to have surgery.



Surgery. If lung surgery is an option, removal of the tumor and lymph nodes is advised. The goal of surgery is to cure the cancer. If chemotherapy is likely, you may receive it before surgery to shrink the tumor.



After surgery, adjuvant treatment will be given. This treatment is given to reduce the chances of the cancer returning. Chemotherapy is advised if the surgical margins are cancer-free. When the margins have cancer, chemoradiation is an option. These two types of treatment can be given at the same time. They may also be given back-to-back if cancer in the margins can only be seen with a microscope.



Chemoradiation. You may be unable or refuse to have surgery. In this case, chemoradiation is an option. These two types of treatment should be received at the same time. If the cancer does not worsen after 2 or more cycles of chemoradiation, durvalumab may be received. It may also slow down the growth of the cancer.



Superior sulcus tumors start at the top of the lung. They easily grow into the chest wall. They are invasive cancers.


Treatment options are based on if you can have surgery. Surgery is likely an option for T3 tumors but may not be for T4 tumors. In either case, chemoradiation is the first treatment given.

放化疗可能缩小癌症使其能够接受外科手术。肿瘤将通过影像学检查重新评估。建议进行增强或不曾强胸部CT。PET/ CT也可以使用。如果手术仍然不是一种选择,那么就需要进行放化疗治疗。

Chemoradiation may shrink the cancer enough for surgery. The tumor will be re-assessed using imaging tests. A chest CT with or without contrast is advised. PET/CT may also be used. If surgery is still not an option, finish chemoradiation.


After surgery, more chemotherapy is advised. It will reduce the chances of the cancer returning.


The tumor may have not shrunk enough. In this case, you may complete radiation therapy. More chemotherapy is advised.


If surgery wasn’t received, durvalumab may be an option. It is given if the cancer does not worsen after 2 or more cycles of chemoradiation. It may also slow down the growth of the cancer.



Other stage III tumors can be invasive like superior sulcus tumors. These other tumors have grown into the chest wall, bronchi, or mediastinum. For initial treatment, options depend on if you are able to have surgery.


Surgery. If surgery is an option, surgery alone is the preferred option of NCCN experts. Removal of the tumor and lymph nodes is advised to try to cure the cancer. Other options are chemoradiation or chemotherapy to shrink the cancer before surgery.


After surgery, adjuvant treatment will be given. This treatment is given to reduce the chances of the cancer returning. If not received before, chemotherapy is advised if the surgical margins are cancer-free. Otherwise, you can start your survivorship plan.


When the margins have cancer, a second surgery is an option. If not received before, chemotherapy may follow surgery. If prior radiation, you may receive a boost to improve treatment results.


When the margins have cancer, a second option is chemoradiation if not received before. These two types of treatment can be given at the same time. They may also be given back-to-back if cancer in the margins can only be seen with a microscope.



Chemoradiation. You may be unable or refuse to have surgery. In this case, chemoradiation is an option. These two types of treatment should be received at the same time. If the cancer does not worsen after 2 or more cycles of chemoradiation, durvalumab may be received. It may also slow down the growth of the cancer.



Guide 15 lists treatment options for N2 disease. N2 nodes are between the lungs but next to the lung with cancer. Some are right below the windpipe.



There are two options for initial treatment. Chemoradiation is one option. These two types of treatments should be given at the same time. Chemoradiation may greatly reduce tumor size. If the cancer does not worsen after 2 or more cycles of chemoradiation, durvalumab may be received. It may also slow down the growth of the cancer.


Your doctor may decide that induction treatment is an option. It is used only under certain conditions. These conditions include T1–T3 tumors and no invasion. In such cases, chemotherapy with or without radiation therapy is advised. Induction treatment may stop the cancer from getting worse. If induction treatment works, surgery may be received.



Post-initial treatment for N2 at diagnosis More treatment is advised to improve the results of initial treatment. After chemoradiation, durvalumab may be received. It is given if the cancer does not worsen after 2 or more cycles of chemoradiation. It may also slow down the growth of the cancer.


You may have received induction chemotherapy with or without surgery. After induction treatment or surgery, radiation therapy is advised if not received before. You may receive more chemotherapy before radiation therapy.



Adjuvant treatment for N2 found after surgery Sometimes N2 disease is found only after surgery. Adjuvant treatment is given to reduce the chances of the cancer returning. Options are based on if there’s cancer in the surgical margins. If there’s no cancer, chemotherapy alone or chemoradiation given backto-back is an option.


When the margins have cancer, chemoradiation is an option. These two types of treatment can be given at the same time. They may also be given back-toback if cancer in the margins can only be seen with a microscope.



N3 disease Guide 16 lists treatment options for N3 disease. Surgery will not remove enough of the cancer. Thus, chemoradiation is an option. These two types of treatments should be given at the same time. Chemoradiation may greatly reduce tumor size. If the cancer does not worsen after 2 or more cycles of chemoradiation, durvalumab may be received. It may also slow down the growth of the cancer.



Guide 17 lists the health care that is advised for a survivorship plan. These plans start when treatment is done and tests show no signs of cancer. The plan should address your whole health and well-being. Talk with your doctor about making a plan together.



Follow-up cancer tests are given to find any new lung tumors early. These tests include a medical history, physical exam, and chest CT scan with or without contrast. The timing of tests partly depends if radiation therapy was part of your treatment. Read Guide 17 for recommended time frames. Your doctor will decide when testing is needed within a time frame.



Besides follow-up tests, tests of your general health are advised. After going through treatment for cancer, it may be hard to think about taking care of “less important” issues. However, your general health can have a big impact on your well-being. Have your blood pressure, cholesterol, and glucose checked on a regular basis. Some people also need bone density testing.



Likewise, take steps to prevent other diseases. Such steps can include getting immunization shots for the flu, herpes, and other diseases. Dental cleaning and exams on a regular basis can prevent disease, too. Screening tests for other cancers are also very important.



The last recommendation is to start or keep a healthy lifestyle. There is proof that healthy behaviors can improve your treatment results. Limiting your use of alcohol, protecting yourself from the sun, and being at a healthy weight are important.


Healthy eating includes eating a balanced diet, eating the right amount of food, and drinking enough fluids. However, you may have special food needs during and after treatment. A nutritionist—an expert in creating a healthy diet—can help.


Many patients benefit from some exercise. Exercise tones muscles, lowers stress, and improves health. Exercise programs differ between people based on their needs. Talk with your treatment team about which exercises would be best for you.


Being hooked on nicotine is one of the hardest addictions to stop. The stress of lung cancer may make it harder or easier to quit. Quitting is important since smoking can limit how well cancer treatment works. Talk with your treatment team about ways to quit.

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