
HitCars3D什么时候出 公测上线时间预告,

时间:2023-10-05 08:34:10 来源: 浏览:

每日新闻播报(May 12)

The Palace Museum can be seen in this photo taken on April 30, 2020.

>Museum raises daily visitor cap


China's Palace Museum will welcome more visitors from next Tuesday as its daily cap on visitor numbers will increase from 5,000 to 8,000, according to a newly released notice. 根据新发布的通知,12日起,故宫博物院每天将迎来更多游客,其数量从5000人上调至8000人。

Visitors still need to make reservations online, wear face masks and have their body temperatures checked before admission, according to the notice. 游客仍需通过网络提前预约参观,参观时须全程佩戴口罩,入馆前须接受体温测量。

The Palace Museum partially reopened on May 1, the first day of China's five-day May Day holiday, after it was closed on Jan 25 to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus. 为遏制新冠病毒传播,故宫自1月25日起闭馆。5月1日,即五一假期的第一天,故宫重新恢复开放。

The year 2020 marks the 600th anniversary of the Forbidden City.2020年是紫禁城建成600周年。

The Palace Museum was built on the base of the former imperial compound in 1925.1925年,在原紫禁城的基础上建立了故宫博物院。

People walk across from the Stock Exchange as the coronavirus keeps financial markets and businesses mostly closed in New York City on May 8, 2020.

>US unemployment rate hits 14.7%


US employers cut 20.5 million jobs in April as the coronavirus pandemic hit the economy and sent the unemployment rate to 14.7% – the highest since World War II, the Labor Department reported Friday. 美国劳工部8日称,由于新冠肺炎疫情重创经济,4月份美国公司裁员2050万人,使该国失业率升至14.7%,为二战以来最高值。

The leisure and hospitality sector lost 7.7 million jobs, including 5.5 million in restaurants and bars. 休闲和酒店业有770万人失业,其中餐馆和酒吧有550万人失业。

Retail, professional services and healthcare each lost about 2 million jobs. 零售业、专业服务业和医疗保健业均各有约200万人失业。

In demographic groups, the unemployment rate for Hispanics rose 12.9 percentage points to 18.9%. 在不同种族群体中,拉美裔失业率上升12.9个百分点至18.9%。

For whites, blacks and Asians, the unemployment rate increased about 10 percentage points each, the Labor Department said. 劳工部表示,白人、黑人和亚洲人的失业率均各上升了约10个百分点。

The so-called real unemployment rate, which includes those not seeking jobs and the under-employed, soared to 22.8% in April, government statistics show.


Britain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson speaks during a daily news conference to update on the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, at 10 Downing Street in London, Britain May 11, 2020.

>PM: UK to ease lockdown


UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has encouraged some people to return to work from Monday, in the first phase of a three-step plan to ease lockdown measures that have been in place since late March to combat the spread of the novel coronavirus. 英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊鼓励部分人自11日起复工,这是一项分三步走计划的第一阶段,该计划旨在放宽自3月底以来为抗击新型冠状病毒蔓延而实施的封锁措施。

Johnson said employees who are not able to perform their duties from home, including those in the construction and manufacturing industries, may return to work starting this week. 约翰逊称,建筑业和生产行业等无法在家工作的员工可自本周开始复工。

But he said people should avoid public transport, if possible, and use cars, bicycles, or walk to workplaces. 但他表示人们应当避免使用公共交通,如果可能的话以汽车、自行车或走路的方式去工作场所。

During a national address delivered on Sunday evening, the prime minister said the second step in the government's "road map for reopening society" will involve the reopening of shops in phases from June 1, and students will return to school in stages.约翰逊10日晚发表全国讲话时表示,政府的"重新开放社会路线图"的第二步将包括自6月1日起分阶段重新开放商店,学生分阶段返校。

Johnson said that businesses in the hospitality industry could resume operations in July under step three of the plan. 根据计划的第三步,酒店业会在7月份恢复运营。

He said that the whole plan is conditional on the rate of infection, and noted that lockdown measures will once again tighten if the epidemic gathers pace. 他表示,整个计划取决于感染率,如果疫情加剧,封锁措施将再次加强。

"This is not the time simply to end the lockdown. Instead, we are taking the first careful steps to modify our measures," Johnson said.约翰逊称,目前还不是直接结束封锁的时候,我们反而首先要采取一些谨慎的步骤,来调整我们的措施。

Xi Yanchun, spokeswoman for the State Council Information Office, speaks at a news conference in Beijing, on May 9, 2020.

>Suggestions and proposals handled


China's two sessions, known as the nation's highest-profile political event of the year, will convene later this month. 我国每年最令人瞩目的政治活动——全国两会将于本月晚些时候召开。

The State Council Information Office briefed the press Saturday about the handling of thousands of different suggestions and proposals in 2019. 国务院新闻办公室9日举行吹风会,介绍2019年国务院部门办理人大代表建议和政协委员提案情况。

Ministries and departments under the State Council had responded to 7,162 suggestions made by national legislators and 3,281 proposals made by national political advisors in 2019, said Xi Yanchun, spokeswoman for the State Council Information Office. The suggestions and proposals were made during last year's two sessions. She said that the handled suggestions and proposals accounted for 87.8% and 85% of the total, respectively, and were all settled on time.


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