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Do people in India eat beef?




Mohd Alam
Very few people in India eat beef since cow is a sacred for many people.Now why cow is sacred for many people?One of the reason which I think is that cow provide milk to us similar like a mother giving to the child so you can imagine why cow is so sacred for many people in India.I hope you get some idea why cow is sacred for so many Indians.


Yeah they eat beef.But most probably they don’t let it know to others. Because they have a thought ‘what will the society think if we eat beef.’Definitely those hindu people never consider a cow as a sacred one.Because india ranks 5th position in beef production and 7th position in domestic consume and 1st position in exporting. Eventhough india has a huge hindu population. If they really consider it as a sacred animal they will never do that.
Bhawesh Kumar Agarwal
Yes Beef is eaten in India. Though there are many places where it is restricted. Basically to sell beef the shop owner should have a valid license.Some facts about beef Beef is mostly preferred by the Muslim community Hindus don't consume beef because they worship cow as their Mother
The third largest meat which is consumed all over the world is Beef In 2015 India was the largest exporter of Beef.
Krishna Modak
You don’t have to see or understand why Hindus see cows as sacred. Just know that Hindus do not eat beef because we find cows sacred as they provide us with milk and many other things that Indian civilizations have depended on for thousands of years. There is also religious aspect to it as well that we do not eat cows, although our ancients have eaten buffalo which is not considered the same as eating cow.
Rahul Verma
Slaughtering of cows is even prohibited as per one of the “ directive principles of state policies" mentioned in Indian constitution.Social and cultural reason: Ancient Vedic society was mainly agrobased. It was quite common for almost every house to own a plot of land and have cows and bulls. The cows were the provider of milk to the family which were even used for the production of other products like cheese, curd, milk based sweets etc. The bulls on the other hand would assist in the tilling of the fields and also for transportation purpose for small distances. Some bulls were even used for doing mechanical works like “ mustard oil extraction “ ( “ kolhu ka baill" ). So technically cows and bulls were analogous to mother and father of the family Respectively ( not exactly but metaphorically). As per vedic theology, God pervades each and every atom of the universe. So even animals r the fragmental parts of God. Cow and bull due to their usefulness and family like members ( pets) became quite important for most of the hindu households.In case of drought and other calamities, cow milk would keep the family of 4 alive for almost months with just primary requirement of simple grass for them.,I think , due to these social , cultural and religious reasons, cows r considered sacred in our country. Now it's quite disappointing to see various cows roaming on the streets eating plastics and garbage and even getting slaughtered. I wish , these adorable and sensitive creatures r taken care off properly all around the globe.
Shaikh. Mobinuddin,
Beef is very Cheap and Highly Nutritious and it has been best source of cheap food to crores of Indians and is consumed among all religious class Some are open but majority are hidden due to religious compulsions. And Religious Hindu Scriputures too have references of its Consumtions.
and India is largest exporter In the world and maximum export house belongs to Majority community.
Adam Basheer,
Beef business is big business in India , despite the banning of cow slaughters by Hindu Zealots' official decrees. People who like to eat meat, choose widely lambs, goats and chicken.. but mostly poor people can't afford to add those very expensive diets and look for cheap alternatives.. like beef.. Etc..
Yes we do! Kerala beef fry and curry is the tastiest beef in the world after Kobe beef. Since our cattle are all grass fed, you don’t need to worry about the health issues that come with grain-fed cattle. Right from high-caste Brahmins to the the poorest of the poor, they relish it! Slurrrrrrrpppp!
Ankit Singhal,
In frustration few Hindus eat beef but mostly don't or just sake of adventure they tasted once or twice. Cow giving much more and we can't be thankless to her. Our mother feeds us for initial 1 or 2 years but cow feeds us till death, so I would say no Hindu eat beef..
Typically, Hindus living in India are against the consumption of beef, as they hold the cow to be sacred.
Navdip Ghai
yes beef is widely eaten in India especially southern and North Eastern parts. Religion wise most Hindus, Sikhs, Jains don't eat beef. India is also among the largest exporters of good quality beef in the world.
Prabhu Ksb, I am an Indian.
India is an agricultural country and the chief source of nutrition is milk products which are also heavily used in religious rituals.Killings of cows and bulls would have ended the Hindu civilization.
It was Buddha who stopped the killing of cows and bulls.Previously Hindus used to eat beef religiously.
Raashid Mahmood,
Yes majority of Indians eat but due to fear from Hindu fundamentalist not admit publicly. However , Hindu fundamentalists do not eat beef.
Saroj Jaiswal

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