
DimensionPainter什么时候出 公测上线时间预告,

时间:2023-10-05 08:01:01 来源: 浏览:

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Whether in his early still-life depictions of museum specimens or in his later “Beekeeper” and “Factory” series, Luo Quanmu ably evokes the atmosphere of something being manufactured, wherein objects and settings seem to have revived only moments ago from a stationary, trancelike interval to resume their existence before our eyes. One reason he can achieve this is that he frequently looks through old pictures for inspiration. Having been converted to new images, they retain a sense of former presence (what Barthes termed “interfuit” in his book Camera Lucida). However, his choice of pictorial sources is not just a matter of aesthetic appreciation, for they have to do with the interpolation of personal memory and real-life experience. The most persuasive examples are found in his “Factory Series,” which is directly connected to the painter’s experience as a factory worker.

红色工厂 2018 300x200cm oil on canvas


Through the buffering of pictorial material, Luo has in fact avoided naturalistic nostalgia. Starting with the estranged look of a historical picture, he works reflectively to imbue the painted surface with a dual autobiographical sense. Firstly, through those machine shop workers with whom he seems personally acquainted, he sharpens his deepest personal impressions of those years; he evokes a state of mechanistic activity within a closed space. At the same time, one can find his recognition of another dimension: having become an artist, he still shares attributes in common with those workers. That is, as a producer, he still finds himself in the midst of protracted labor and dedicated exertion. Thus, the viewing experience we get from his “Factory Series” is a back-and-forth movement between two dimensions or foci. In some of the canvases, a harsh nightmarish quality sets the tone, but in others one senses praise for ritualized devotion and expectancy toward the unknown and its mysteries.


In fact, this constitutes the core of Luo Quanmu’s paintings: his creations embody a dual thrust of treating experience objectively and of treating objects experientially. This is like two sets of clock hands moving in opposite directions on a clock face, driven by the sole pendulum which is continuously wavering and altering its stroke. The pendulum’s cessation of motion signifies the achievement of a certain balance or superimposition, at which point a painting can be seen as finished.

养蜂人 2011-2016 210x130cm oil on canvas


1965 年生于江苏南通。1990 年毕业于南京师范大学。现生活工作于南京。

曾在北京今日美术馆,上海/北京/台北亦安画廊及 Gallery JChen 等艺术机构举办个人展览。曾多次受邀参加日本福冈亚洲美术馆、意大利曼特尼亚美术馆、北京蜂巢当代艺术中心、成都当代美术馆、 当代唐人艺术中心(泰国曼谷)、法国巴黎泰勒基金会、北京国家会议中心、旧金山亚洲艺术博物馆、英国伦敦路易斯布罗恩基金会、 维也纳奥地利Kunstraum Noe Niederösterreichische美术馆、南京博物院等重要展览。

Lou Quanmu

Born in Nantong, Jiangsu Province in 1965, graduated from Nanjing Normal University in 1990, and now lives and works in Nanjing.

He has held individual exhibitions in Beijing Today Art Museum, Yian Gallery located in Shanghai / Beijing / Taipei , and Gallery JChen. He has also been invited to participate in significant group exhibitions in Fukuoka Asian Art Museum in Japan, Mantenia Art Museum in Italy, Beehive Center for Contemporary Art in Beijing, Chengdu Contemporary Art Museum, Tang Contemporary Art (Bangkok, Thailand), Taylor foundation in Paris, France, National Convention Center in Beijing, Asian Art Museum in San Francisco, Louise Brohn foundation in London, Kunstraum Niederoesterreich Art Museum in Vienna, and Nanjing Museum.

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