
AsdivineCross什么时候出 公测上线时间预告,

时间:2023-10-05 07:42:28 来源: 浏览:



What's the worst thing your parent has ever said to you?

Dushka Zapata, I wrote a step by step workbook about how to love yourself.
My parents had a knack for inflicting pain on me because of their place in my life: they created me, and I needed their care and their love to survive.
An absence of their approval felt like a threat to my existence because it was, so I became hyper-vigilant of what they said and how they acted.
It’s no wonder I strived to model my life in function of wanting them to be proud of me: my system is programmed to believe this is how I stay alive.
In the meantime, my parents are not god-like creators. They are figuring out life, acting clumsy, learning how to do this complex parenting thing. They say things out of exhaustion, exasperation, incompetence. They treat me the way someone once treated them because it’s what they know.
What they say is inept, a bad moment, an instant of anger, something they blurt out without thinking. Their carelessness is to me a poison that seems to remain in my system forever, like a thorn dipped in an everlasting toxin.
The moment I realized my parents were just human - flawed, bumbling humans - what they said and did began to have less of an impact on me.
You don’t know best. Your observations are not divine. Your advice is not celestial. I need to wake up, set limits so that I make the life you gave me mine and not yours.
I know me so am a better parent to me than you were. This is not meant to be bitter or angry or insulting. It’s just practical truth. I am the only one who knows what I really need, and I can make sure I get it.
I love my parents. The more I regard them as mortal, the more I see they were young like me, reckless like me, clueless like me, inexperienced like me, the better I understand them.
The more I embrace that I feel a mangle of contradicting emotions towards them - love, exasperation, frustration, tenderness - the better I understand myself.
I had the best parents in the world.
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Bailey Lamar, Writer (2015-present)
Bailey Lamar,作家(2015年至今)
Your brother was right.
My mom had me young, and my brother even younger.
She was only 18 when she gave birth to me, having had my brother four years earlier, right after her 14th birthday.
Two separate men, both of which were good fathers, but not great partners.
My parents didn’t get married until I was five, and ended up separated by the time I was thirteen.
My dad worked really long hours, so my mom decided to take me with her when she moved out. I lived with her, alone, for about three years.
Those were some of the most miserable years of my entire life.
She was still pretty young at that time, only 31, with two teenagers already. Pretty soon, she started drinking. The drinking turned to smoking, which turned to mild drugs, like weed. When the weed didn’t help, she started taking E. That didn’t work, either, so then it was coke. And when that didn’t give her enough of a high, it was meth.
When I was fourteen, I had a pretty bad boyfriend. I’ve written about him before, but he was a few years older, and liked to push me around.
On one night in particular, he punched me in the face after finding me alone in a room talking to another guy.
It was innocent—we were at a party, he’d left me to drink with his friends, and I was sitting cross-legged on the coffee table, talking to one of his other friends, who sat on the couch—but that didn’t matter. I’d still embarrassed him, so I still got a black eye.
That night, I didn’t get home until sometime around 4 A.M. My mom was passed out on the couch, woke up when I came in, took one look at my face, and rolled over.
The next night, my brother came over for dinner. He came bearing groceries like he always did—he knew our mom well enough to know the only thing he’d find in the house was vodka and top ramen.
The second he saw my face, he turned to our mom. “What happened?”
“What happened with what?” She asked back, shoving her matted, fire-engine red hair out of her face.
“With her face.” He pointed at me.
She looked at me over her shoulder. “Oh, yeah, I don’t know.”
“Gary—” I started, but he cut me off with a wave of his hand.
“You don’t know?” He glared at her. “Did you do that?”
“God, no.” She rolled her eyes at him and shuffled past him to grab at the grocery bag he’d placed on the counter. “She came home like that.”
“And, what? You didn’t ask her what happened?”
My mom shrugged. “No.”
“Jesus Christ.” My brother put his hand over his eyes. For a second, I thought he was too angry to look at her, but when he pulled his hand away, I saw a single tear sliding down his cheek.
I was frozen.
My brother—six-foot-four, 250 pounds, with nerves of steel and the smartest man I knew—was crying in our dingy, dirty kitchen. The light above him flickered, shuddering across his face.
“Do you even care about us?” He asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
She sighed loudly. “I’m not even going to answer that, Gary.”
“Why? Because you know how horrible you’d be if you told the truth?” He stared at her, tears silently tracing his cheeks. “I always thought you were just immature. That you just wanted to be young, and not have to take care of two kids. But that’s not just it, isn’t it? You don’t just resent being a mother. You resent us. You hate us.”
She didn’t reply.
Gary, swaying on his feet, turned around. “I’m fucking done with this. I’m leaving. Come on, Bailey.”
I looked between my brother and my mom. “I can’t just leave her here.”
He shook his head. “She’s never going to love you, not like that. You know that, right?”
I couldn’t meet his eye.
A second later, he was gone, the front door slamming shut behind him.
“I’ll start dinner,” I said, moving past her to unload the groceries.
She leaned against the kitchen counter, a tired look on her face.
“Your brother was right, you know,” she said casually.
I didn’t turn around.
“I’d never tell him that, because I’m sure he’d make it his mission in life to destroy me, but he’s right.”
“About which part?” I asked quietly.
No response.
I turned around, but all I saw was her back as she walked up the stairs.

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