
《邂逅在迷宫》女神的冥界之旅全结局事件路线介绍 女神的冥界之旅攻略大全,邂逅在迷宫攻略秘籍

时间:2023-10-05 01:55:34 来源: 浏览:



在这样的特殊时刻(美国当地时间3月27日午夜),78岁的鲍勃·迪伦在YouTube上发布了一首近17分钟(16’55”)的长歌。翻唱了那么多老掉牙的歌曲,用靴子腿翻起池底的宝石之后,《Murder Most Foul》是八年来迪伦首次发表的原创歌曲。(文末附歌词)



“谢谢你们多年的真诚相伴。这是一首我们录好有一阵的歌,你们可能会有点兴趣。” 鲍勃·迪伦在留言区向粉丝和追随者致意。






谋杀的连锁反应冷酷地展开,如同恐龙的骨骼泛着幽黯的光。恐龙的血肉是嵌入词中的74首歌和众多电影、艺术、音乐、名人的吉光片羽。它们是教父级的彩蛋,已有太多人津津有味地投入搜寻行列。《滚石》杂志为此制作了一份肯尼迪被刺杀后的歌曲创作清单。鲍勃·迪伦粉丝网站“Expecting Rain”每天搜集整理世界各大媒体对这首歌的新闻报道和评论文章。对歌中所涉细节、史实、解读、歌曲感兴趣的人不难获得这些信息。早有勤劳的游戏玩家把经验秘籍整理上传,待君采撷。

有个喜欢报名字的朋友,问他一个问题,他可以像电脑吐出一长串人名和史实,并详述他们之间互相勾连的因果。有强大记忆力的人喜欢拿自己当凹地,储存纷纷雨落的记忆,希望借梳理找到世事隐秘的关联。鲍勃·迪伦早就是这样的凹地。虽然未来不在过去之中(但谁能确定呢),陈旧的蛛网中一定存在适用于未来的规律和因果。死亡是它最重要的捕获物,流行文化作为集体记忆的结晶像宝石般光彩。《Murder Most Foul》正是织了这样的一张网。






“演奏黑暗/死亡终将会降临。” 诗人发出警告,随后又温情提示:“注意安全,保持洞察,愿上帝与你们同在”。


Well my heart’s in the Highlands gentle and fair

Honeysuckle blooming in the Wildwood air

Bluebells blazing where the Aberdeen waters flow

Well my heart’s in the Highland

I’m gonna go there when I feel good enough to go

Windows were shaking’ all night in my dreams

Everything was exactly the way that it seems

Woke up this morning and I looked at the same old page

Same ol’ rat race

Life in the same oil’ cage

I don’t want nothing from anyone, ain’t that much to take

Wouldn’t know the difference between a real blonde and a fake

Feel like a prisoner in a world of mystery

I wish someone would come

And push back the clock for me

Well my heart’s in the Highlands wherever I roam

That’s where I’ll be when I get called home

The wind, it whispers to the buckeyed trees in rhyme

Well my heart’s in the Highland

I can only get there one step at a time

I’m listening to Neil Young, I gotta turn up the sound

Someone’s always yelling turn it down

Feel like I’m drifting

Drifting from scene to scene

I’m wondering what in the devil could it all possibly mean?

Insanity is smashing up against my soul

You can say I was on anything but a roll

If I had a conscience, well, I just might blow my top

What would I do with it anyway

Maybe take it to the pawn shop

My heart’s in the Highlands at the break of dawn

By the beautiful lake of the Black Swan

Big white clouds like chariots that swing down low

Well my heart’s in the Highlands

Only place left to go

I’m in Boston town, in some restaurant

I got no idea what I want

Well, maybe I do but I’m just really not sure

Waitress comes over

Nobody in the place but me and her

It must be a holiday, there’s nobody around

She studies me closely as I sit down

She got a pretty face and long white shiny legs

She says, “What’ll it be?”

I say, “I don’t know, you got any soft boiled eggs?”

She looks at me, says, “I’d bring you some

But we’re out of ’m, you picked the wrong time to come”

Then she says, “I know you’re an artist, draw a picture of me!”

I say, “I would if I could, but

I don’t do sketches from memory”

“Well,” she says, “I’m right here in front of you, or haven’t you looked?”

I say, “All right, I know, but I don’t have my drawing book!”

She gives me a napkin, she says, “You can do it on that”

I say, “Yes I could, but

I don’t know where my pencil is at!”

She pulls one out from behind her ear

She says, “All right now, go ahead, draw me, I’m standing right here”

I make a few lines and I show it for her to see

Well she takes the napkin and throws it back

And says, “That don’t look a thing like me!”

I said, “Oh, kind Miss, it most certainly does”

She says, “You must be joking’.” I say, “I wish I was!”

Then she says, “You don’t read women authors, do you?”

Least that’s what I think I hear her say

“Well,” I say, “how would you know and what would it matter anyway?”

“Well,” she says, “you just don’t seem like you do!”

I said, “You’re way wrong”

She says, “Which ones have you read then?” I say, “I read Erica Jong!”

She goes away for a minute

And I slide up out of my chair

I step outside back to the busy street but nobody’s going anywhere

Well my heart’s in the Highlands with the horses and hounds

Way up in the border country, far from the towns

With the twang of the arrow and a snap of the bow

My heart’s in the Highlands

Can’t see any other way to go

Every day is the same thing out the door

Feel further away than ever before

Some things in life, it gets too late to learn

Well, I’m lost somewhere

I must have made a few bad turns

I see people in the park forgetting their troubles and woes

They’re drinking and dancing, wearing bright-colored clothes

All the young men with their young women looking so good

Well, I’d trade places with any of them

In a minute, if I could

I’m crossing the street to get away from a mangy dog

Talking to myself in a monologue

I think what I need might be a full-length leather coat

Somebody just asked me

If I registered to vote

The sun is beginning to shine on me

But it’s not like the sun that used to be

The party’s over and there’s less and less to say

I got new eyes

Everything looks far away

Well, my heart’s in the Highlands at the break of day

Over the hills and far away

There’s a way to get there and I’ll figure it out somehow

But I’m already there in my mind

And that’s good enough for now

标题:《邂逅在迷宫》女神的冥界之旅全结局事件路线介绍 女神的冥界之旅攻略大全,邂逅在迷宫攻略秘籍
《光遇》2021年12月24日任务怎么做 12.24任务完成攻略,光遇2021年8月11号日常任务
《光遇》2021年12月24日任务怎么做 12.24任务完成攻略,光遇2021年8月11号日常任务









