
《V Rising》将军之魂死神镰刀获取攻略,

时间:2023-10-03 22:48:09 来源: 浏览:


法国经济学家、《21世纪资本论》的作者托马斯·皮凯蒂(Thomas Piketty)20日在日媒发文,讨论西方国家应该如何面对中国崛起。他认为,应对中国的最好方式就是以中国为参照,改掉自己的“毛病”,建设“新社会主义”。“如果西方继续宣扬并坚持其早已过时的‘超级资本主义’(Hypercapitalism)模式,那么就有可能遭遇更多‘白眼’。”




• China is a socialist country. Ideologically, it is totally opposite to the western capitalist countries. If China succeeds in rising, when the poor people try to establish a national governance model that takes China as an example to improve their lives, the western countries may have a revolution to overthrow the capitalist regime, which is the same as the western world's intention against the Soviet Union.

• 中国是社会主义国家。在意识形态上与西方资本主义国家截然相反,如果中国成功崛起,那么当贫苦人民试图建立一个以中国为榜样的国家治理模式以改善生活时,西方国家可能会发生推翻资本主义政权的革命,这和西方世界对抗苏联的意图相同。

After all, in the past few decades, we have seen the rise of China, but western countries have suffered serious setbacks, such as the 2008 financial tsunami, the fight against novel coronavirus, and countless Western companies have set up subsidiaries in China or moved to China, but their domestic jobs have been lost.


• second, racial prejudice. From the 19th century to the present, many western countries have discriminated against the Chinese, such as the anti Chinese act of the United States, the white policy of Australia, the "Yellow Peril theory" with Fu Manzhou as a typical figure, the Scandinavian royals and TV hosts like to insult and disparage China and the Chinese people, the trafficking of Chinese workers in the Qing Dynasty to engage in high-risk railway construction in the United States and Canada, the "no Chinese and dogs allowed to enter the park" sign in the old concession, and so on, All these have created a subtle or subconscious mentality of discrimination against China, which is difficult to eliminate in a short time.

• 第二,种族偏见。从19世纪到现在,许多西方国家都歧视中国人,例如美国的排华法案、澳大利亚白人政策、傅满洲为典型人物的“黄祸论”、北欧皇室成员和电视主持人喜欢对中国和中国人进行侮辱和贬损,清朝时贩卖华工在美国和加拿大从事高风险的铁路建设工作,旧租界的“中国人和狗不准入园”标志等等,所有这些都创造了一种微妙的,或潜意识的歧视中国的心态,这种心态在短时间内很难消除。

• western media reports on China are distorted and biased, and the editing and censorship of their content are influenced by ideology. Many Westerners do not know the development level of China. When they see some impressive Chinese achievements, they will say: Oh, the Chinese have stolen our technology. Their mentality is that China is backward and cannot create, but can only copy. The media have tarnished China's image: hegemonism, the threat to western "democracy", the revival of the yellow peril, etc. Chinese media have been labeled as state organs, and Western NGOs have been banned, which can make them extremely indignant.


• trump has intensified Anti China sentiment. Therefore, we can see that Chinese lecturers jogging in Southampton were beaten by the British for no reason, Chinese people in Chinatown were attacked by white Americans for no reason, and Chinese students in the United States were shot and killed for no reason. Question: why does the United States need a hate crime act against Asians? The reason is that Biden is now trying to form an anti China Alliance.


• on many issues, Western politicians tend to bring disaster to the East and accuse China. They are difficult to solve some domestic problems. They have no choice but to blame China - China robbed our overseas projects, China stole our jobs, China is a threat, and then they began to fabricate lies against China, such as genocide, virus leakage, etc.


• therefore, western countries have established many entity organizations targeting China: clean network initiative, global epidemic radar, Quad, and some animal protection and environmental protection organizations, which exclude China only. Although it plays an important role in relevant topics, such as cptpp (later cancelled by trump), the focus of the "five eye alliance" has shifted to targeting China.


• to sum up, it is difficult for Western capitals and politicians to accept the rise of China. Western countries are entering the denial stage - denying China's rise, trying to prevent China's development, obstructing China's efforts on different fronts, decoupling from China, and so on, although all this may be in vain.



In the past few centuries, the West has been the leader in global affairs. When you are in the leading position, you will not like to be overthrown by others.


Unlike the west, China has unique historical, cultural and political conditions. Westerners believe that they are Democrats and human rights activists, and have an innovative spirit in popular culture and society.


At the same time, China has become a big country ruled by the Communist Party of China (CPC), and its political system is very different from that in the west, where adult citizens vote for candidates wanted by the behind the scenes capital. Therefore, when a sovereign government does not choose the path of populism, Westerners will feel confused.


They believe that only western democracy can curb the spread of government corruption and abuse of power. However, in many so-called democratic led sovereign governments, rampant election fraud is common, or only the rich or elite politicians can be elected.


It is wrong to think that the west is pure democracy. Many Americans still doubt whether Joe Biden will be elected to the White House. There is even a popular trend on instagram. Strange plots are scattered in the video, claiming that Biden is just a hologram, and the behind the scenes is controlling his words and deeds. Tens of millions of instagram fans seem to agree with this view very much.


When violent riots continue to plague American cities, the rising crime rate frightens all Americans, and Washington fails to contain the coronavirus, will democracy succeed in the United States?


China is not a perfect country, but no country can claim that it can create a utopian perfect world. Nevertheless, Chinese citizens still live in good economic conditions. Their government cares about the health and welfare of citizens. The annual GDP growth rate is far higher than the global average. The Chinese are best at building large-scale infrastructure quickly and efficiently.


Social stability is helping all Chinese feel safe about the environment they live in. The low crime rate in this country makes them optimistic about the future.


Since october2010, I have been living and working in Beijing. Even in the dead of night, you can walk on the street with confidence, because uniformed police and security guards are patrolling the street, which often makes people who try to commit crimes afraid. Law enforcement personnel made full use of video surveillance equipment integrated with intelligent technology and AI (Artificial Intelligence) face recognition program to improve case handling efficiency.


Chinese people have different views on their surroundings from westerners. A westerner believes that personal freedom should be given priority, but many Chinese believe that supporting the community spirit and advocating social harmony rather than selfish individualism.


The cultural atlas writes:


"China is one of the countries with the most collectivist culture in the world. However, economic growth and growing economic independence are leading to more individualistic attitudes. People are encouraged to share common mindsets or goals with their families, work units and the government. In return for their loyalty and commitment to their responsibilities, individuals gain a sense of protection and solidarity. Therefore, China's social organizations take the interdependence between people as the core Characteristics. Individuals are taught to respect the law and authority while maintaining themselves, so as to maintain social harmony. "


"The Chinese believe that national unity and cooperation are necessary for the harmonious operation of society. This is reflected in the most basic basis of culture. For example, all regions of China follow a common time zone, even though the land spans five geographical time zones. This reflects a sense of national belonging and equality."


China is indeed different from the west, but just because Chinese and Western cultures are so unique does not mean that the West should be afraid of China's rise. There is a better way, that is, compromise, seek common ground while reserving differences, and avoid tit for tat.



The United States hopes to remain first in everything, but that is not the case. China has a population of 1.4 billion and the United States has a population of 330million, which means that China's population is four times that of the United States, and the wisdom and strength of the Chinese people are four times that of the United States.


Forty years ago, when China began to modernize through reform and opening up, the Chinese people were very poor. Its starting point is very low, but it has developed rapidly since then. Today, China's nominal per capita GDP is estimated at US $11000, and its PPP per capita GDP is US $19000. For the United States, the PPP per capita GDP is about $56000. Simple mathematics tells us that China's per capita GDP exceeds 1/4 of that of the United States, which means that China's PPP GDP has exceeded that of the United States.


Now, American political leaders should have been aware of this problem years ago. After the Second World War, the United States won a free pass to the superpower by winning the Second World War, and it should know that China's economy is growing at a very fast rate. Like the United States, this must be accompanied by the overflow of political, military and cultural forces. So why is the United States surprised and angry that China has become bigger and stronger and has begun to put pressure everywhere? Double standards are omnipresent.


U.S. policymakers should say: "what industries do we need to stay ahead of China? What industries can we give up? What industries can we cooperate with China? What areas do we need to learn from China's industrial policy, and perhaps follow China's industrial policy?"


On the contrary, people strongly condemn China as a threat to the United States and the West. What rules stipulate that the United States must be a world leader in every field without paying a corresponding price?


This is our current situation. Every incoming leader should choose a target and then make a gesture to show the voters.


You have to look at this from the perspective of a typical Western elected official. These people are the administrators of the country. They are not leaders. The best thing they can hope to achieve is to prevent the country from overturning and sinking. Nothing else matters.


Asking them to plan and implement the long-term agenda of national development is like asking the blind to paint the Mona Lisa. The western world no longer has such leadership.


Take Angela Merkel as an example. She is praised by the media as the most successful head of state in the West in decades. Now it is difficult for you to say what long-term work she plans, implements and completes, such as narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor. This is an inherent defect of capitalist countries.


Take the United States as an example:


There is no doubt that people's income has been improving, except for the middle and lower classes.


Western countries obtained the first barrel of gold by robbing other countries (mainly from Africa, Asia and South America). They conquered land, enslaved people and harvested natural resources, which is the key to their success.


But capitalism has its own defects, one of which is the cyclical crisis.


The core of the crisis is the uneven distribution of wealth:


The blue line peaked in 1929, when 0.1 percent of Americans owned 25 percent of their wealth. Then the Great Depression happened after the crisis. Crisis → depression → recovery → prosperity, this is the cycle of capitalist economy. The collapse of the last circle is also the beginning of the next cycle.


There are ways to postpone the next crisis, but the crisis cannot be eliminated unless the social system is modified or changed.


Since the war of independence, the United States has experienced 20 economic crises: 1825, 1837, 1847, 1857, 1866, 1873, 1882, 1890, 1900, 1907, 1920-21, 1929-33, 1937-38, 1948-49, 1957-58, 1969-70, 1974-75, 1980-82, 1990-91, 2007-12. Crises occur about every 10 years.


The root of this cyclical crisis is that the value of the products produced by the proletariat is greater than the purchasing power of the market.


During the great depression, pouring milk into the river was a desperate choice. It costs more to transport milk to the customer's place than to actually buy milk. People have no money to buy milk. That's the problem.


The basic logic of capitalist society is production and sales. Once this logic fails, a crisis will occur. The usual solution is:


• expand the market by forcing or inducing others to accept the concept of a free market. Take Mexico for example. After the 1982 crisis, Mexico adopted a free market economy, and local agriculture was completely replaced by cheaper and better American crops. This is the end of Mexican agriculture and the beginning of the rise of drug cartels, because those unemployed farmers must find a way out.

• 通过强迫或引诱他人接受自由市场的概念来扩大市场。以墨西哥为例,1982年危机后,墨西哥采用了自由市场经济,当地农业完全被更便宜、更好的美国作物所取代。这是墨西哥农业的终结,也是毒品卡特尔兴起的开始,因为那些失业的农民必须找到出路。

• or explore new markets through technological breakthroughs, such as the Internet foam era in the United States. Usually, the price of new products is high, which can effectively expand the market capacity.

• 或者通过技术突破来开拓新市场,例如美国的互联网泡沫时代。通常新产品价格较高,这可以有效地扩大市场容量。

The key is to maintain the purchasing power of the working class. This is the reason why trump and Biden continue to print and distribute money to ensure that people still maintain their consumption desire.


However, the largest share of social wealth held by the poor is 1% or 0.1%. Compared with their parents in the 1970s and 1980s, Americans' purchasing power has been declining. There are no more colonies in the world, only emerging markets like China.


Since the Second World War, due to various reasons, the United States has successfully got rid of the serious crisis, but this time, we can no longer escape. Therefore, the capital of Wall Street and the politicians in Washington have sharpened their swords and extended their sickles to China.


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