

时间:2023-10-07 11:31:25 来源: 浏览:



Sacrifice in Qingming Festival



Houttuynia cordata growing all over the slope, I am the grandson of my mother's mother.

I pass my grandma’s door, and she calls to me to come in and sit down.



At the middle of spring, the grass was long and birds sang. Two children carried their schoolbags, singing the nursery rhyme and bouncing along "Xinghe Road" on their way to school. Zhou Xinghe watched the figures of the two children disappearing in the bend of the mountain, and his face showed a trace of imperceptible happiness.


When the Qingming Festival arrived, Zhou Xinghe made a special trip back to his hometown. The courtyard of the old house had already covered by new grass, and the old house was engraved with the vicissitudes of life. Standing in the col, people can see as far as they can, but the hills were undulating and the river winding. They climbed up the back hill, along a path hidden by bushes behind the old house.


He was going to visit his long-dead parents.


The barren grass on the grave of his parents had been green and yellow in dozens of spring and autumn, the tombstone had been full of vicissitudes, and the two small fir trees in front of the grave had grown into towering trees.


For some reason, Zhou Xinghe thought of his father and mother a lot recently. At the thought of his dead parents, his heart would be filled with endless bitterness and sadness, but sometimes inexplicably with some comfort and stirring. Over these years, he had gone through the warm and cold of the world, and read the vicissitudes of the world, with decades of running around, decades of struggling, several ups and downs, several times of close to death - time flies, and now he has long passed the year of the destiny.


The smoke curled up and the joss paper ash fluttered.


In the flickering firelight, Zhou Xinghe stood silently in front of his parents' graves. He had so many things to say to his parents, and so many things he wanted to say to them.


But what he wanted to talk to his parents most was not the development of his career, but just chatting the daily life with them.


He married Wang in 2001. Over the years, Wang had accompanied him in his new career, sparing no effort to promote his technology and products. Wang was smart and capable, not only his life partner, but also his secretary in the work. Especially during his struggle abroad, Wang accompanied him on his travels to more than 10 countries and regions. Over the years, as the technology and products had settled in some African countries, they had successfully opened up the overseas markets. In those memorable days, they faced difficulties and setbacks, together in the same spirit; in the face of joy and harvest, they shared joy and harvest. With the help of his wife, Zhou Xinghe devoted himself to his invention and innovation. In those years, his career gradually came out of the downhill and climbed to the high slope full of green grass and flowers.


However, human emotions are perhaps the most elusive thing in the world. With the passage of time, the differences between the two people's personalities, interests and ideas were gradually revealed; later, with the improvement of living conditions and economic conditions, the feelings of the couple began to slowly get cold, and then appeared a rift.


Zhou Xinghe was a career-oriented man. He could work day and night for his career, but when it came to housework, it could say he was clueless. The man who could solve the problem of cutting-edge science and technology, as his former wife said, "can't even tell the difference between salt and gourmet powder", plus his obstinate character, making Wang dissatisfied, a woman with a strong independent personality, pursuing the life interest and unwilling to be trapped in the living room and kitchen all day long. Over time, the contradictions in their lives gradually deepened, and gradually gathered, so that it was difficult to reconcile and resolve finallly.


"Previously, I thought Zhou was a towering tree in my heart. How happy I could be to enjoy the shade under the tree! However, other living plants are often difficult to survive under the big tree, which is the fundamental reason why I am willing to give up a big tree to find my own survival land. Now in the small piece of soil to grow, I could support my own sky, enjoy the sun, rain, and wind; more setbacks, more bravely. Although it is tired, there is always a ray of sunshine on the body, so that I can thrive..."


When Wang learned that someone was writing a book for Zhou Xinghe, she sent me a short letter from the far south, revealing the source of their breakup in the first place - well, everyone had own opinion, so don’t impose any opinion on others.


"Due to the pain of my first three divorces, I cherished my fourth marriage. I was very tolerant to my wife, but due to different life goals, it was difficult for us to go forward together in life. It was painful for both of us to struggle on, so we ended our marriage after 10 years..."


Talking of this marriage, Zhou Xinghe sighed deeply, and his eyes were a little wet - well, as a bird longing for the blue sky, she was unwilling to just jump on one tree, so let her fly freely!


Today, he came to his parents and told them that their children and grandchildren not only had enough to eat and lived in harmony with each other, but also lived up to their expectations and had a successful career. In particular, their oldest grandson, Zhou Kaihong, had grown into an outstanding young talent in the business world. Over these years, in the issue of children's education, he should not follow his parents’ education way of "good man from sticks", but it was universally true that "All parents worry for their children"!


He did not want his son to become a fragile chick under his wing, as so many rich families do today to transfer the leadership from father to son, and he did not want his son to become an idle toff in his father's hothouse. He did not expect his son to be an all-power man, but at least he should be a man who can withstand the wind and rain!


Over the years, he would never forget an old story his father had told him about a skilled carpenter in a neighboring village who had amassed a fortune in his lifetime. And while he was alive, he not only left some farmlands for his children and grandchildren, but also made coffins for himself and every family member. But his children and grandchildren, idle and desponding, not only sold the farmland the old man had bought, but also sold the coffin which the old man had prepared for himself, and at last he had to be buried in a tattered straw mat!


The lesson was profound and painful.


For thousands of years, China's traditional consciousness of inheriting their fathers' work has led to the fact that some young people in the current society have become the "NEET". Zhou Xinghe taught his descendants from his original view. Before 2000, Zhou Xinghe's preference for sons over daughters still existed. In order to educate his son Zhou Kaihong, he used 30 years of painstaking efforts; after Zhou Kaihong graduated from university, he went to work in his father's company first; in 2008, Zhou Xinghe was cruel to drive him out of the company! In just a few years, Zhou Kaihong started several companies of his own and made great achievements. Because of his ability and character, he was elected as the President of Mianyang Chamber of Commerce Investment Company in his 30s. Shareholders trusted him with hundreds of millions of dollars to run the business.


On March 3, 2012, Mianyang Chamber of Commerce Investment Company held a celebration in Sangong Shangping Restaurant, and Zhou Kaihong raised his glass in front of the business elites of Mianyang Chamber of Commerce to toast his father and said: "Dad, thank you for cultivating me over the years, I finally understand your care and thought now." Zhou Xinghe was so happy that his tears filled his eyes. He told everyone he met that his decades of hard work had not been in vain, and it was the happiest moment in his life to hear these words of his son.


The candle flickered and the smoke swirled.


Today, Zhou Xinghe came to his parents' grave. He also wanted to tell his parents, please rest assured! The wretched, starving, miserable condition they saw when they died had gone for ever! Their children and grandchildren had made a praiseworthy cause for the society, for their hometown, for the people of their hometown!


The sun shone brightly through the trees, and two birds sang among the branches and leaves. Zhou Xinghe piously kowtowed several times in front of the grave. Then he followed the path down the hill, left the old house, crossed the Weihe River, said goodbye to his hometown, and walked on until he disappeared gradually...于2021年9月5日《廉政内参》第4期的第38页“人民心声”栏目刊登标题“我国建筑和建材领域一场颠覆性的革命”,其中第三节(第42页)小标题“愿星河新型材料的伟大发明得到国家大力推广,造福人类”的第七行摘要:“在当今中国,利用自己研发的高新科技成果走向世界的有两个人和两个项目:一个是袁隆平先生和他的杂交水稻,正在解决人们的吃饭问题;一个是周兴和先生和他的秸秆建材,正在解决人们的住房问题”。合乎科技兴国的伟大战略。

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