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【龙腾网】 科学和哲学有什么区别?


eorge Harrison
I disagree with most of the answers given.Despite the original name of “natural philosophy”, science has little to do with philosophy, and at best can be considered complementary to philosophy.Let me explain first by way of example.

Aristotle was a philosopher. He thought deeply, mostly in his arm chair I presume, and carefully considered observations made by others (such as the apparent motion of the stars, moon and sun in the sky) at their face value, and came up with very complex explanations (epicycles etc.) that were proven total nonsense by science. Yet he and his philosophies had a profound influence on western civilization. Some say, and I tend to agree, that Aristotle followed by the Catholic Church, set back western civilization by almost 2000 years.

亚里士多德是一位哲学家。我想,他大部分时间都坐在扶手椅上进行了深入思考,并仔细考虑了其他人所做的观察(例如天空中星星、月亮和太阳的视运动)的表面价值,并提出了非常复杂的解释(本轮 等)被科学证明完全是胡说八道。 然而,他和他的哲学对西方文明产生了深远的影响。 有人说,我也倾向于这种观点,亚里士多德之后的天主教会使西方文明倒退了将近 2000 年。
Kepler was a scientist (perhaps the first one) who analyzed the extremely accurate data of the positions of the “wandering stars” (the planets that moved relative to the background of fixed stars) painstakingly taken by Tycho Brahe, and noticed that the motion of the planets actually fitted an ellipse with the sun at one of its foci. This is the scientific method. Open to challenge by anyone bringing in any verifiable data that falsifies the tentative conclusions.

开普勒是一位科学家(也许是第一位),他分析了第谷-布拉赫费尽心思取得的 "游星"(相对于固定恒星背景移动的行星)位置的极其精确的数据,并注意到行星的运动实际上符合一个以太阳为焦点之一的椭圆形。这就是科学的方法。任何人都可以带着任何可验证的数据来挑战,以推翻暂定的结论。
Science is concerned only with the quantitative analysis of obxtive reality, which means analysis of careful measurements made by unbiased observers, and drawing a tentative conclusion that is consistent with all the verifiable data. Since measurements with tools and instruments only work with physical obxts (which includes energy particles like photons), science is also concerned exclusively with physical reality.

Science has no role in people’s feelings, visions and beliefs, which is the domain of philosophy. Religion is a particular subset of philosophy that starts from a belief in some supernatural (unobservable, unmeasurable, unverifiable) entity that allegedly via a certain special human, stipulates certain values and principles to live ones life by, and then adds a long list of rituals and practices to distinguish itself more easily from competing religions. If you actually study religions you will find that the underlying philosophy is very much the same, only the rituals and details differ.

I am a scientist but I also subscribe to certain philosophies as to how I live my life.
For example, one key philosophy that I believe strongly, in one word, is: MODERATION.

I believe almost anything done in moderation is ok (with a few exceptions like murder etc) while going to extremes (like eating too much first, then jogging to burn the excess calories, or completely stop eating meat or carbs) seems illogical.
Another philosophy (often stipulated by many religions but neglected by their subscribers) I believe and practice is: treating humans and other animals the way I would like to be treated.

I hope I have answered clearly what is see is the difference between science and philosophy.

Jay Ace
I would be provocative: there is none. Science is only a branch of philosophy. Let us speak, like Newton, of natural philosophy. In short, you might as well ask for the difference between a man and his legs! A metaphor which also has the advantage of showing that the sciences allow philosophy to be active. But, I would not discard myself and propose to demonstrate my assertion!

I) First of all, etymologically, philo is to love and sophia is wisdom, reasoning I would say, but also knowledge, knowledge. Philosophy would therefore be the appetite or the belief (first qualifier: it is a belief!) that if we had all the necessary facts and a sufficient capacity for reasoning we could ... understand. Note that, in fact, philosophy does not define so much "what we will understand" or even "with what facts". It is always contextual: it is an approach, a step, a method: I let you find the term, more or less strong, which best qualifies it from this point of view.

II) Ok on these bases, but it's a bit vague, how to proceed? Here again, let's stay on the fundamentals, Socrates, through Plato. I would speak of Socrates, more precisely, the Socrates of Alcibiades major. Socrates crosses paths with Alcibiades who is heading firmly towards the political center of Athens. Alcibiades pretends to ask the citizens to leave the government to him. Socrates is surprised. Indeed, they both agree that for a large number of activities, even the most harmless, we will ask for skills and even proof of them. But Alcibiades fails to demonstrate any for the governance of the city. Apart from the fact that the dialogue is tasty, it clearly shows the basis of Socratic reasoning, which we will see developing and renewing itself throughout Plato's texts. But also the basics of scientific reasoning.



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