
双人对战游戏下载安装大全2022 好玩的多人对战手游下载推荐,

时间:2023-10-07 07:16:44 来源: 浏览:

Heroes come from the people | Longtime Friends Bring Prosperity to their Hometown


Longtime Friends Bring Prosperity to their Hometown

楚天都市报极目新闻记者 常怡 实习生 冯宁萱 郑文瑾 彭宇涵 通讯员 刘晓汉 苏娟 蔡青

翻译:张袁、董芷婕、刘桂兰 (湖北大学)

Jimu News Reporter: Chang Yi

Interns: Feng Ningxuan, Zheng Wenjin, Peng Yuhan

Correspondents: Liu Xiaohan, Su Juan, Cai Qing

Translators: Zhang Yuan, Dong Zhijie, Liu Guilan (Hubei Uninversity)

蔡金顺(右)和吴松柏抱着自己种的西瓜(通讯员供图) Cai Jinshun (right) and Wu Songbai holding watermelons they grew (photo provided by correspondents)


Cai Jinshun and Wu Songbai, two longtime friends, once comrades-in-arms and now business partners, live in Yuantian Village, Sandian Street, Xinzhou District, Wuhan. Upon being discharged from the army, the two chose to return to their hometown to launch a business together, providing employment to nearly 200 villagers.


Over the past three years, starting from a small plot of land in their front-yard to restoring hundreds of acres of wasteland in the village, the two friends have established a family farm to help low-income families in their hometown and lead Yuantian Village onto the path of poverty alleviation and prosperity. Currently, their 100-acre watermelon field yields 10,000 jin (5,000 kilograms) of watermelons per mu (one fifteenth of an hectare), leaving those who have a taste of the watermelons exclaiming “how sweet they are”.


Learning Techniques to Start a Business


From Comrades to Business Partners


“We are neighbors and live in the same village. He is a few years older than me, and I practically grew up following him around,” said Cai Jinshun. He explained that he and Wu Songbai became friends early in their childhood. Both of them had dreams of serving in the military, so they made a pact to enlist together. Although they were assigned to different units later on, they would always exchange letters to keep each other updated.


In 1998, they both retired from the military. Cai Jinshun returned to Wuhan to work, while Wu Songbai went to Foshan, Guangdong province to study farming techniques. Despite being thousands of miles apart, they still maintained correspondence through letters. In 2019, Cai Jinshun, who became a member of the village committee in Yuantian Village, decided to contribute to the development of his hometown and promote the cultivation of agricultural produce. That spring, Cai Jinshun acquired a 30 mu piece of land from his uncle and attempted to cultivate rice. After one year of trial planting, he found that due to the large number of abandoned land in Yuantian Village, transferring land was challenging, making large-scale mechanized farming impractical. To develop the industry and aid in poverty alleviation, they needed to find a more suitable path.


“Watermelons are ripe over here, they are big and sweet. I'll send you some to try.”


In August 2019, Wu Songbai, who returned to Hubei, worked at a watermelon farm in Huangzhou District, Huanggang City. The watermelons mentioned in the letter caught the attention of Cai Jinshun. Cai Jinshun, thus, went straight to Huangzhou and visited the farm where Wu Songbai worked. Over the course of a few days, from sowing, germination, seedling care, fertilization to sales, Cai Jinshun compared the soil conditions, water sources, and sunlight conditions of Yuantian Village and Huangzhou District. Looking at the new melon seedlings in the field, Cai Jinshun immediately had an idea in mind.


“Our hometown is also suitable for growing watermelons, you come home with me, and we’ll look to do it ourselves, be our own bosses, yeah?” Cai Jinshun tried to persuade Wu Songbai, who surprisingly, after a brief hesitation, agreed.


In 2020, Wu and Cai partnered, their total investment, 200,000 yuan to set up the first family farm in Yuantian Village - JunJinHaoYu Family Farm in Xinzhou District. They jointly managed the farm, with Wu Songbai in charge of the technical aspects and Cai Jinshun handling external relations. Starting in 2021, the farm introduced high-quality varieties such as ice-sugar watermelons, and gradually took off over the course of the year. Unfortunately, sudden heavy rainstorms rendered the watermelons unsellable. Tens of thousands of kilograms of watermelons were left to rot in the ground. At a loss for what to do, Wu Songbai took out all his savings and helped raise funds. Cai Jinshun once again gathered the courage to invest 180,000 yuan in the farm to purchase 6 sets of farm machinery, build connected growing high tunnels, as well as set-up a complementary small hydroelectric power station. In 2022, the farm had its first bumper watermelon harvest. With the earnings, they expanded the farm’s land area to 100 mu.


Mr. Dong, a regular customer of Cai Jinshun, came to the farm to purchase watermelons and said, “Watermelons from Yuantian Village have thin rinds and juicy flesh, crunchy and sweet in flavour, which is highly favored by customers. So during peak watermelon season, I always come and purchase some. Today, I loaded more than 5,000 jin (2,500 kilograms) of watermelon onto my truck.”


Employing over 100 people


Priority hiring for families struggling financially due to illness


Recently, Yuantian Village has entered peak season, with a continuous flow of locals and buyers from various places flocking to buy watermelons. Walking into the greenhouse, a delightful fruity smell signaling harvest fills the air, the lush green branches swaying gently in the breeze, a perfect backdrop for the watermelons inside.


“At that time, I was the first person in my military unit to join the Communist Party, the first to become a squad leader, and also the first to establish a family farm in Yuantian Village,” said Cai Jinshun. Retired soldiers never lose their military spirit. They use their hands to build their homeland and take the lead in assisting others thus attaining common prosperity. The farm went from 30 mu of scattered operations to 50 mu of small-scale operations, and eventually now to 150 mu. The yield per mu (one fifteenth of a hectare) of the main watermelon varieties has increased from 5,000 jin to 10,000 jin (2,500 kilograms to 5,000 kilograms), with an annual profit of 690,000 yuan. Every year, the farm is able to provide employment to over 100 villagers in the nearby areas every year.


Mr. Cao, who resides on the eastern side of the village, became the first employee to join the farm. A few years ago, Cao’s son, who was attending elementary school, unexpectedly became disabled. The costly medical treatment nearly depleted their savings, and Cao and his wife had to take turns to leave for work. During a village committee meeting, Cai Jinshun learned about Cao’s situation and took the initiative to visit him, offering him a job at his own farm. “My home is just a few minutes away from the watermelon growing site. It’s much more convenient to work here compared to my previous jobs. I earn tens of thousands of yuan per year and can come back home anytime to take care of my child,” expressed Cao gratefully.


Mr. Cao is just one among the more than 20 employees at the family farm who come from families, who due to disabilities or serious illnesses, struggle financially. “Everyone has helped us a lot, and giving back to our neighbors is something we are indebted to doing,” said Cai Jinshun. Low-income households and retired comrades are always given priority for employment at the farm. Wang Guohong, a fellow villager, used to work on his own farm after retiring from the military. Later, drawn by their reputation, he joined them for the cultivation of a new crop - aquatic lotus. Gradually, they expanded its scale, further increasing the farm’s income.


Currently, the farm has already welcomed six veterans. Moving forward, Cai Jinshun and Wu Songbai plan to double the size of the farm and increase the production of crops such as hollow lotus, potatoes, and fragrant rice. They aim to explore a path of rural revitalization using fruits as the medium to highlight the unique characteristics of their village.



标题:双人对战游戏下载安装大全2022 好玩的多人对战手游下载推荐,




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