
格斗游戏《Among Us 竞技场》正式公布,经典街机游戏中,有哪些冷兵器为主的格斗游戏呢?,街机格斗游戏有多少

时间:2023-10-06 06:21:00 来源: 浏览:



1911年辛亥革命胜利后,清帝退位,中华民国成立,中国民主主义革命的先驱者孙中山就任中华民国临时大总统,并在颁布的“临时大总统令”中提出要“另刊新模,鼓铸纪念币”,随后武昌和南京两处造币厂率先铸行了 “中华民国开国纪念币”铜元辅币,以十文面值的为主,在全国大量发行以取代清朝铜元。这就是“中华民国开国纪念币” 铜元的由来。毋庸置疑,这种铜元的币名很明确,就是“中华民国开国纪念币”。正面"中华民国开国纪念币"字样,正面是面值,背面交叉龙旗。

从历史的角度出发, 中华民国开国纪念币具有浓厚的历史氛围,是收藏价值不菲的革命文物,在钱币历史上具有深远的纪念意义。从考古的角度出发,开国纪念币记录了辛亥革命漫长而惊天动地的革命历史,见证了无数革命先烈的奋斗,近代中国钱币中的精品;从收藏的角度出发,随着时间的推移,“开国纪念币”的市场存量越来越稀少, 品相好的更是稀有无比,成为了钱币市场的“老珍稀”藏品。



英文名称:Double flag currency





中华民国双旗币当十铜元币面纹饰清晰,品相较好。钱币正面珠圈内镌交叉五色旗与铁血十八星旗,珠圈外上环书楷体“中华民国”四字、下环书“开国纪念币”五字,字体端庄工整,挺拔清秀,十分清晰,左右两端长枝花饰。背面外圈英文THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA TEN CASH,内圈中置楷书十文面值,稻穗组成的嘉禾纹,此币乃采用优质铜材料精制而成,钱币保存完整,有自然磨损痕迹,包浆自然醇厚,具有很高的收藏价值。藏品设计精美,做工精细,纹饰丰富,布局合理,层次鲜明,线条流畅优雅,工艺纯熟精湛,艺术价值较高。由于铜元在我国发行流通前后不过半个世纪的时间,在我国货币的历史长河中仅是十分短暂的一瞬间,但中国铜元见证了中国从封建社会演化为半封建半殖民地社会的历史过程,是我国近代货币史和钱币学的重要组成部分,独具历史意义。钱币虽小,却也能反映当时社会文化的特征,收藏意义颇佳,价值深厚。


青铜器(Bronze Ware)在古时被称为“金”或“吉金”,是红铜与其他化学元素锡、铅等的合金,其铜锈呈青绿色。

青铜器的使用开始于新石器时代晚期的土耳其和伊拉克地区,及叙利亚古代TellRamad遗址出土的铜珠等 。中国青铜器开始于马家窑至秦汉时期,以商周时期的器物最为精美。在中国仰韶文化早期和马家窑文化时期就已经出现。





英文名称:Bronze ewer










英文翻译:Republic of China double flag coin as ten copper coin surface decoration is clear, the quality is better. Coin front bead circle engrave cross five color flag and iron blood 18 star flag, bead circle outside the regular script "China nation" four words, under the ring book "founding commemorative coin" five words, dignified neat, straight and handsome, very clear, both ends of the long branches flowers. THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA TEN CASH in THE outer circle, regular script in THE inner circle with 10 text face value, golden grain composed OF rice ears, this coin is refined by using high quality copper material, THE coin is completely preserved, with natural wear marks, and THE wrapping pulp is naturally mellow, with high collection value. The collection is exquisite in design, fine in workmanship, rich in ornamentation, reasonable in layout, distinct in hierarchy, smooth and elegant in lines, exquisite in workmanship and high in artistic value. Due to the copper coin in China before and after half a century, however, outstanding issues in the long history of China's currency is just a very brief moment, but China's copper coin witnessed the evolution from the Chinese feudal society for the history process of the semi-feudal and semi-colonial society, is our country modern monetary history and an important part of numismatics, unique historical significance. Although the coin is small, it can also reflect the characteristics of the social culture at that time.

The original shape of the ewer came from the bronze ware. In the early celadon of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, this shape of the ewer was completed. Later in the Tang and Song dynasties, it was a kind of wine utensil, which is easy to see from the paintings of the Tang and Song dynasties. Until now, there are blue and white porcelain ewer handed down.

Bronze Ware, called "gold" or "Bronze gold" in ancient times, was an alloy of red copper with other chemical elements, such as tin and lead. Its Bronze rust was bluish green.

The use of bronzes began in the late Neolithic period in Turkey and Iraq, and the ancient TellRamad site in Syria unearthed copper beads, etc. Chinese bronzes started from Majiayao to the Qin and Han dynasties, and the most exquisite ones are from the Shang and Zhou dynasties. It appeared in early Yangshao culture and Majiayao culture in China.

China began with small tools or accessories. Bronze vessels and weapons began to appear in the Xia Dynasty. In the middle Period of Shang Dynasty, bronze ware was abundant with inscriptions and fine patterns. From the late Shang dynasty to the early Western Zhou Dynasty, bronze ware reached its peak, with various forms, vigorous and dignified, gradually lengthening inscriptions, and splendid patterns. Subsequently, bronze body began to thin, the decorative pattern gradually simplified. From the late Spring and Autumn period to the Warring States Period, there were fewer and fewer copper tools because of the widespread use of iron. During the Qin and Han Dynasties, with the introduction of pottery and lacquer into daily life, the variety of copper containers was reduced, the decoration was simple, the surface was mostly plain, and the body was lighter.

Chinese bronzes are exquisitely made and enjoy a high reputation and artistic value among the world's bronzes, representing the superb technology and culture of China's bronze development over 5,000 years.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: Bronze ewer

Bronze Ewer

Specification: one piece

Category: Miscellaneous

Appearance: After the establishment of the Republic of America, copper COINS continued to be widely circulated and used. In 1914, the copper coin was officially renamed "copper coin". The biggest difference between the Copper coin issued by the Republic of China and the Qing Dynasty is that dragon grain was replaced by golden grain composed of rice ears. Most of the copper COINS cast in the provinces are a two-sided fork of the national flag.

After the victory of revolution in 1911, the qing emperor to abdicate, the republic of China was founded, China's democratic revolution pioneer sun yat-sen became provisional President of the republic, and in the "interim executive order" issued to "another issue of the new mould, drum casting COINS", then the wuchang and nanjing mint in two places first casting line "the founding of the republic of China COINS" copper coin COINS, give priority to with the face value of 10, issue instead of the qing dynasty copper coin in the country. This is the origin of the "Founding commemorative coin of the Republic of China". Undoubtedly, the name of this copper coin is very clear. It is the "Founding commemorative coin of the Republic of China". "Founding of the Republic of China" on the front, face value on the front, cross dragon flag on the back.

From the perspective of history, the founding commemorative coin of the Republic of China has a strong historical atmosphere, is a valuable collection of revolutionary cultural relics, in the history of the coin has far-reaching commemorative significance. From the perspective of archaeology, the founding commemorative COINS record the long and earth-shaking revolutionary history of the 1911 Revolution and witness the struggles of numerous revolutionary martyrs. From the perspective of collection, with the passage of time, the stock of "Founding COINS" is becoming more and more scarce, and the good ones are even more rare, becoming the "old rare" collections in the coin market.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: double flag coin

Double Flag Currency

Category: Miscellaneous

Specification: one coin

Appearance: Beautiful

Large area of the coin at the bottom of the light is soft, were oxidized patina, and bone patina, closely integrated with COINS, patina nature, the so-called wrapped slurry is a natural formation of the oxide layer, there are also think hands wrapped slurry, the two different, but at the same time have to protect the function of money, like a plated coin on a layer of protective film, make money no longer oxidation, facilitate collection handed down from ancient times, if feel money is dirty, can wash, reoccupy cloth wipe, do not destroy the wrapped slurry, destroyed the wrapped slurry is equivalent to destroy the protective layer, more important is the wrapped slurry is the most simple and effective method for identification of new and old COINS. Scrutinize this coin to taste photograph is perfect, without knock break, damage, be out of shape to wait to be not much collect class copper coin, the proposal is collected, handed down in the world.

Is the earliest bronze yangshao culture period, now has more than 6000 years, to say the time span is very big, China has 5000 bronze figure, so best bronze is the study of history and culture carrier, whether money or vessels, weapons, are given priority to with bronze, different smelting technology of different times have different performance, as the qing dynasty COINS are mostly made of brass, even oxidation and bronze, and bronze ware is called bronze ware, is its surface with a layer of caesious the rust, has a long history of this ewer cinereous oxidation surface is very classic, demonstrate that it has a long history and identity.

The body of the pot is in the shape of a bottle with a raised mouth. The spout and handle are in a horizontal line and are very regular. The lid is conveniently held by a three-dimensional auspicious animal, which is connected by a ring.

The lower part of the spout shows a large Angle turning, close to a right Angle, rather than an arc turning, which is a feeling of rapid turning. This feature will not appear in the copper ewer in the later period, but will appear under the natural light, with soft bottom light and full of ancient charm.

It is a very correct and round style with red spots and green embroidery on the bottom. It is a very open ewer with perfect appearance. It is a rare collection-grade porcelain without any distortion, breakage or damage.

The original shape of the ewer came from the bronze ware. In the early celadon of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, this ewer was completed. Later in the Tang and Song dynasties, it was a kind of wine utensil, which is easy to see from the paintings of the Tang and Song dynasties. In the later period, many ewer were also fired with porcelain, which showed its exquisite shape and became popular for thousands of years.

The collection that can be called bronze ware has a very high value, while those that are more recent can only be called bronze ware without the characteristics of bronze ware. This collection has a regular shape, a signature at the bottom and an expensive identity, and has a very high value of collection and historical research.

标题:格斗游戏《Among Us 竞技场》正式公布,经典街机游戏中,有哪些冷兵器为主的格斗游戏呢?,街机格斗游戏有多少
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