
TowerofGodMTheGreatJourney好玩吗 TowerofGodMTheGreatJourney玩法简介,

时间:2023-10-05 09:32:48 来源: 浏览:


和我一起踏上从深圳到上海的激动人心的夜间火车之旅,我将分享我在中国高铁系统上旅行的经历。 在这段视频中,我将带您进入我的卧铺舱,并展示为乘客提供的舒适床铺和便利设施。 从豪华座椅和充电站到机上餐饮选择,您会明白为什么在中国乘坐火车旅行是探索这个国家的一种便捷而愉快的方式。 我还提供了对火车现代化设施的见解,所以如果您计划去中国旅行并考虑乘坐火车,请务必观看此视频以体验乘坐世界上最令人印象深刻的铁路之一的感觉。 …


Love that they have foldup benches out in the corridors. That's so considerate, the passengers need not all coop up in the cabin.

I am travelling in China now. I took the highspeed train yesterday, like 306 km/ hour one. It was so good.

wish you a happy tour in China and welcome

Personally, I don't recommend going to Shanghai and Shenzhen. There are only modern buildings. If you want to experience Chinese fashion culture, please come to Chengdu and Chongqing. If you want to experience traditional Chinese culture, Xi'an, Beijing, Luoyang and Nanjing are the best places

These high speed trains in China are amazing! I've lived in China for a while now and they make travel so much easier ?
中国的高铁太棒了! 我在中国住了一段时间了,高铁让旅行变得容易多了。

What about the cost? Its cheap or exspensive?

@sweetpotato3910 非常便宜,任何阶层的人们都能承担。

@sweetpotato3910 He said it was about 900 yuan or £100
@sweetpotato3910 他说大约是900元或100英镑 。

@sweetpotato3910 It's very cheap, for example, I travel 300 kilometers from Shanghai to my hometown, and the cost is about 160 yuan, about 25 US dollars
@sweetpotato3910 它非常便宜。例如,从上海到我的家乡,旅途300公里,花费160元人民币,大约25美元。

since they have the high speed trains 14 years ago, the price keeps same for now.

@sweetpotato3910 It starts from the source, because China is a socialist country, railways and civil aviation are all public, and all countries will subsidize the fares, which are set by the state, so they will not be very high, unlike the West, where they are all private companies.
@sweetpotato3910 要从源头讲起,中国是社会主义国家,铁路和民航都是公共交通的,国家都会补贴票价,票价都是国家设定的,所以票价不会很高;不像西方都是私营公司运营。

D class can also go up to 250km/h. However the overnight sleeper trains keep the speed “low” at 200 to make the timing more suitable for a full overnight sleep.

Very informative. Did not know the Hi-Speed sleeper train exists. Good to have another alternative for people who don't like flying or the hassles of getting in & out of airports.

It’s also a lot greener. The carbon footprint for such tickets are much lower than flying.

@davidlazarus67 even more... you can skip a hotel room. Take the train and sleep over night in it, visit (or do your business) in your destination city then get back and sleep again over night.
@davidlazarus67 还有,你可以不必住酒店房间。在列车在里面睡一晚,在目的地城市参观 (或做生意),然后回来时再在列车上睡一晚。


Thanks for sharing this with us, Chinese people seem to be enjoying themselves,confident and very friendly,the train is comfortable

Thanks for this very informative video. I've never taken a high-speed sleeper train. Looks a little tight - but much better than redeye on an airplane.

It’s also cheaper.

and safe more than airplane

Them trains were not designed to accommodate our average American bodies.

@PeterParker-yp2eo Just imagine the number of lawsuits they will get for obese passengers falling out of the top level bunk beds. It take some arm strength and agility to get on the top level.
@PeterParker-yp2eo 想象一下,如果肥胖乘客从双层卧铺的上铺摔下来,他们将面临多少诉讼。要爬上上铺需要具备一些臂力和敏捷性。

my favorite sleeper trains are the Z trains, Z in Chinese means non-stop.
it travels at 160km/h and price is half of high speed D or G train.
我最喜欢的卧铺列车是直达列车,“Z ”在中文中的意思是不停靠。

z train will have a sound at night, clunk clunk clunk

Not exactly, will stop at some large stations/or very few stations

@Aapig that cluck is the soul of railway. From this perspective, high speed rail doesn’t have soul because it uses seamless rail
@Aapig 哐当声是铁路的灵魂。从这个角度来看,高铁没有灵魂,因为它使用无缝轨道。

Nice job Lee to show the real China to the world which is safe, modern and convenient, I remember when my parents came to England few years ago and I took them on the train here it was quite embarrassing with the speed and facilities, it never changed or improved

It looks 1000 times better and cleaner than America’s airports

Lol, because it uses western style toilets

That's not true! I traveled in US quite a lot. The airports are super clean and well built!
那不是真的! 我在美国旅行了很多次,那里的机场超级干净,建得很好!

@productguru8323 only if you come to visit China, you would realize the difference. I visited Florida in February and now I am in Shanghai after visiting Guang Zhou and Hang Zhou.

The sleeper is too narrow.

I was pretty dumbfounded in a HangZhou High Speed Train station. It was so huge that it Iooked like an airport main terminal!

The infrastructure is really amazing. I am surprise that a young lady was bunking right beside you.

In China, women are very safe.After all, we are not India.

China law is very strong. no one dare to hurt others. they also use smart city system in Shenzhen, they can arrest theft or Villain in 6 minutes.

There was a weibo post the other day of a woman complaining about sharing a cabin with three men. I understand the concern and I think there should be women/men-only cabins.

@charleneji6759 For someone being in China for like 9 months, it's been pretty safe compared to Western countries - even for women, my wife traveled alone to do calligraphy class in another town . Sure you get occasional issues, but minor compared to Western countries, minor. Compared to say Australia, I witness more crap every single day.
I'm pretty sure you could buy a ticket for for a like a business class or something.
@charleneji6759 对于一个在中国待了9个月的人来说,与西方国家相比,即使对女性来说,这里是相当安全的。我妻子也独自去另一个城市上书法课。当然,你偶尔会遇到问题,但与西方国家相比,这是微不足道的。相比起来,在澳大利亚,我每天都看到更多的垃圾。

@charleneji6759 only women or men, how about I travel with my family? Or with colleagues? It’s a public transport, I have never heard of someone be offended sexually. As your suggested, then how about the gay people, it also could be a risk for only women or only men. I just think those arguments on weibo about this topic were quite silly
@charleneji6759 女士或男士专用,我和我的家人或者和同事一起怎么办? 这是公共交通,从来没听说有人被性侵犯过。正如你所建议的,那么同性恋者呢,这也可能只对女性或男性构成危险。我只是觉得微博上关于这个话题的争论很愚蠢。

Produce some double decker trains for luxury travelling where people can book private cubicles, with large glass windows and well designed space. Hope China would continues to upgrade and improve on their trains' exterior/interior design.

china just announced their hyperloop train is ready for mass transport few days back. it can travel 1000kmph, meaning in less than 1.5 years the track will be made available to public

The distance between London and Glasgow in Scotland is about 360 miles, if you want to spend Christmas with your family in Scotland you better catch the train now and you might just about make it there christmas eve.

it’s not that bad, but it is much more expensive.


I am living in China at the Moment and will ride the Hainan High speed rail this weekend and maybe Guangzhou-Shanghai soon. China is awesome ?? and I am happy to see the german ICE 3 based train is so popular in China.
我现在住在中国,这个周末会乘坐海南高铁,也许很快会乘坐广州到上海的高铁。中国太棒了。我很高兴看到德国ICE - 3型列车在中国如此受欢迎。

"D-Class trains aren't the fastest ones, they only go 200kph"
Man I wish I had "slow" high speed rail like that

It’s very interesting to know that China seeks cooperation with western countries to build its high-speed railway at first but no one wants collaboration. They wish China just to buy and rely upon them forever. In the end, China developed it by itself.

30 year ago in 1992, it have take about 35--40 hours from shenzhen to shanghai by train.
30年前,在1992年,从深圳到上海坐火车大约需要35- 40个小时。

Great video for us who've never been inside these trains in China.

The double perspective on your camera is very unique and helpful

Good to know they have sleepers on the high speed trains now before it was only on the slow green trains.

I personally really enjoy taking high speed trains in China,very comfortable & convenient and also clean&fast.Definitely better than flights….

Thanks for showing the train facilities. It's a bit crowded than I thought.

Generally they offer hard or soft beds, but the soft bed ticket is a little more expensive

The overnight sleepers in Australia are completely rubbish compared to these ones. They cost about the same too. Our train don't even have a Dining car just somewhere you can buy stuff, they are also half of the speed those overnight ones go at.

I often take this sleeper train to go there and back between Shanghai and Shenzhen. It is convenient for my business trips.


Wow, a thousand miles in less than a day that's insane!

The older trains were a lot of fun too, but not so fast.

Hope someday we will get our stations like this…

Well done china, we indians admire your hard work and progress


love the sound the train makes as it's moving

I heard the most beautiful sleeper train route is Z21 from Xining to Lhasa. Would be nice if you experience it for us someday

I've taken sleeper trains before. It's quite good, but not enough room for luggage.

High-speed rail is one of China's most successful business cards

I watched a video yesterday. The sleeper train for single person room in Japan 6.5 hour ride cost $1200 usd, crazy.

Only problem I would have is loud snorer’s! Lol
我觉得唯一的问题是鼾声很大! 哈哈。

What a spectacular train. Puts UK trains to shame.

Great video, I was wondering did your train not have a carriage with the solo capsule berths?

This train is using old design carriages. The new design has a relatively independent space.

Shanghai to Moscow sleeper, dreaming of this thing.


@stinguy30 加油,一定可以的,欢迎友好的国际友人来中国定居

thanks for sharing , Welcome back to China.

Thank you for bringing us a truly China

China should be very proud of their modern infrastructure.

so great, amazing! But I suggest you put the english title so that more people will see it! If add spanish title thats better!!
太棒了,太神奇了! 但我建议你加上英文标题,这样更多人会看到! 如果你能加上西班牙语标题就更好了!

Open-style cabins would be safer.

A train station so gigantic ...OMG ...China needs it being a highly populated country

We need it too.

Are you going to Shanghai auto show? Enjoy your trip in Shanghai, the capital of coffee in China.
你要去上海车展吗? 祝你在中国咖啡之都——上海之旅愉快。

The first and good impression is "the train inside is very clean" !!

China high speed is amazing, I took all of the other high trains in the world, French TGV, German ICE, Japan JR ..... China outperformed everyone !
中国高铁太棒了,我坐过世界上所有其他的高铁,法国TGV,德国ICE,日本JR .....中国的高铁比所有其他国家的都要好!

Just recently in the Chinese news a woman passenger complained about the lack of privacy for being the only woman in a 4 or 6 bed sleeper train and her post caused some debate about the need for women only sleeper trains. But implementing this would be challenging for the booking system.

Such overnight sleeper trains are used mainly by businessmen/women or specialists staff requiring to travel for some short duration work or meeting in another distant city.
Single woman will form only a small percentage of these passengers.
Normally the ladies will just go along for a night journey without any complaints as they will be very safe within the shared cabin since these are usually decent business people.
If she really want privacy she can perhaps buy up all 4 beds tickets in the room?

Lee, when you said you took a green train, did it still run on steam?

No,just only look like , but the engine is still electric

Koreans say: Chinese trains are too slow. We still need to stay overnight on the train. In Greater Korea. Run the entire country in just one hour. The speed of Korean trains is too fast.

Nice informative video. I took a train from Huizhou South to Shenzhen Pingshan today with my family, the ticket price was around 1.50USD but it only took 9 minutes.

Dang....puts our Trians TTC in Toronto to shame. We are like 50 years behind.

These videos will only show you magnificent projects and buildings, but they will not show you the real standard of living and cultural and educational level of the people who built them.
It's like the ancient Egyptian dynasty also left behind the great wonders of the pyramids, but no one knows how many slaves' lives were exchanged for them.

Sir, I understand what you mean. It's just that it's inappropriate for you to use the Egyptian pyramids to compare with China's high-speed rail. The pyramids in Egypt have no practical function,but The construction of high-speed rail has significant importance for the development of the country. Some of its main significances are as follows:
1. Promoting economic development: High-speed rail construction can promote regional economic development, improve transportation efficiency, reduce transportation costs, and enhance the convenience of commercial and trade exchanges.
2. Improving transportation conditions: High-speed rail construction can alleviate urban traffic congestion, improve intercity transportation efficiency, and reduce intercity transportation pressure.
3. Enhancing international competitiveness: High-speed rail construction can enhance the country's international competitiveness, promote international trade and investment, and drive economic globalization.
4. Improving the environment: High-speed rail construction can reduce air and noise pollution and improve urban environmental quality.
5. Improving national quality: High-speed rail construction can improve people's quality of life, promote cultural exchanges, and enhance national quality.
6. Strengthening national unity: High-speed rail construction can strengthen the internal transportation lixs of the country and promote national unity.
7. Accelerating urbanization: High-speed rail construction can accelerate the process of urbanization, promote urban development, and enhance urban economic competitiveness.
8. Improving rural economic level: High-speed rail construction can drive rural economic development, improve the level of rural economy, and promote the process of rural industrialization. High-speed rail can improve rural infrastructure, promote the sale of rural products, and increase farmers' income.
In addition, high-speed rail construction can also improve the economic gap between regions and promote balanced regional economic development. The planning and construction of high-speed rail lines can be adjusted according to the regional economic development situation to better meet the needs of regional economic development.
High-speed rail construction can also promote the development of the tourism industry and improve its economic benefits. The operation of high-speed rail can facilitate tourists to travel to various tourist attractions, improve their experience, and promote the development of the tourism industry.

1. 促进经济发展: 高铁建设可以促进区域经济发展,提高运输效率,降低运输成本,增强商业和贸易往来的便利性。
2. 改善交通条件: 高铁建设可以缓解城市交通拥堵,提高城际交通效率,减轻城际交通压力。
3. 提升国际竞争力: 高铁建设可以提升国家的国际竞争力,促进国际贸易和投资,推动经济全球化。
4. 改善环境: 高铁建设可以减少空气和噪音污染,改善城市环境质量。
5. 提高国民素质: 高铁建设可以提高人民生活质量,促进文化交流,提高国民素质。
6. 加强民族团结: 高铁建设可以加强国家内部的交通联系,促进民族团结。
7. 加快城市化: 高铁建设可以加快城市化进程,促进城市发展,增强城市经济竞争力。
8. 提高农村经济水平: 高铁建设可以带动农村经济发展,提高农村经济水平,促进农村工业化进程。高铁可以改善农村基础设施,促进农产品销售,增加农民收入。

We’ve reached a point at which, worldwide, the poor live increasingly precarious lives, the dwindling middle class are kept in a bubble unaware of the poor, and a few ultra-rich individuals control more resources than the remaining 98% of humanity combined.
These trains look great, just as the USA’s skyscrapers look great, but they seem like distractions from a real and growing problem.

thanks for sharing your travelling in China


It's like a free night of hotel.

The people were amazing and welcoming they were very kind and awesome the problem is with their government ??really no body know what their government were thinking

Even today India railways better than USA airport

Absolutely! It is good.

You must be going to the Shanghai car show, Lee

China currently testing a maglev which can run at 1000 kmph.

The Chinese are very good do make things very well have the best engineers and scientist very mafadical and great teaching

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