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跟老韩学Ubuntu Server 2204-gcc指令帮助手册第17小节


root@hanyw:~# cat /etc/os-release PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS"NAME="Ubuntu"VERSION_ID="22.04"VERSION="22.04.1 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)"VERSION_CODENAME=jammyID=ubuntuID_LIKE=debianHOME_URL="https://www.ubuntu.com/"SUPPORT_URL="https://help.ubuntu.com/"BUG_REPORT_URL="https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/"PRIVACY_POLICY_URL="https://www.ubuntu.com/legal/terms-and-policies/privacy-policy"UBUNTU_CODENAME=jammy


root@hanyw:~# gcc --versiongcc (Ubuntu 11.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) 11.3.0Copyright (C) 2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NOwarranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.


10288             Most extension names are generically named, but have an effect that is dependent upon the architecture to10289             which it is applied.  For example, the +simd option can be applied to both armv7-a and armv8-a10290             architectures, but will enable the original ARMv7-A Advanced SIMD (Neon) extensions for armv7-a and the10291             ARMv8-A variant for armv8-a.10292             The table below lists the supported extensions for each architecture.  Architectures not mentioned do not10293             support any extensions.10294             armv5te10295             armv610296             armv6j10297             armv6k10298             armv6kz10299             armv6t210300             armv6z10301             armv6zk10302                 +fp The VFPv2 floating-point instructions.  The extension +vfpv2 can be used as an alias for this10303                     extension.10304                 +nofp10305                     Disable the floating-point instructions.10306             armv710307                 The common subset of the ARMv7-A, ARMv7-R and ARMv7-M architectures.10308                 +fp The VFPv3 floating-point instructions, with 16 double-precision registers.  The extension10309                     +vfpv3-d16 can be used as an alias for this extension.  Note that floating-point is not supported10310                     by the base ARMv7-M architecture, but is compatible with both the ARMv7-A and ARMv7-R10311                     architectures.10312                 +nofp10313                     Disable the floating-point instructions.10314             armv7-a10315                 +mp The multiprocessing extension.10316                 +sec10317                     The security extension.10318                 +fp The VFPv3 floating-point instructions, with 16 double-precision registers.  The extension10319                     +vfpv3-d16 can be used as an alias for this extension.10320                 +simd10321                     The Advanced SIMD (Neon) v1 and the VFPv3 floating-point instructions.  The extensions +neon and10322                     +neon-vfpv3 can be used as aliases for this extension.10323                 +vfpv310324                     The VFPv3 floating-point instructions, with 32 double-precision registers.10325                 +vfpv3-d16-fp1610326                     The VFPv3 floating-point instructions, with 16 double-precision registers and the half-precision10327                     floating-point conversion operations.10328                 +vfpv3-fp1610329                     The VFPv3 floating-point instructions, with 32 double-precision registers and the half-precision10330                     floating-point conversion operations.10331                 +vfpv4-d1610332                     The VFPv4 floating-point instructions, with 16 double-precision registers.10333                 +vfpv410334                     The VFPv4 floating-point instructions, with 32 double-precision registers.10335                 +neon-fp1610336                     The Advanced SIMD (Neon) v1 and the VFPv3 floating-point instructions, with the half-precision10337                     floating-point conversion operations.10338                 +neon-vfpv410339                     The Advanced SIMD (Neon) v2 and the VFPv4 floating-point instructions.10340                 +nosimd10341                     Disable the Advanced SIMD instructions (does not disable floating point).10342                 +nofp10343                     Disable the floating-point and Advanced SIMD instructions.10344             armv7ve10345                 The extended version of the ARMv7-A architecture with support for virtualization.10346                 +fp The VFPv4 floating-point instructions, with 16 double-precision registers.  The extension10347                     +vfpv4-d16 can be used as an alias for this extension.10348                 +simd10349                     The Advanced SIMD (Neon) v2 and the VFPv4 floating-point instructions.  The extension +neon-vfpv410350                     can be used as an alias for this extension.10351                 +vfpv3-d1610352                     The VFPv3 floating-point instructions, with 16 double-precision registers.10353                 +vfpv310354                     The VFPv3 floating-point instructions, with 32 double-precision registers.10355                 +vfpv3-d16-fp1610356                     The VFPv3 floating-point instructions, with 16 double-precision registers and the half-precision10357                     floating-point conversion operations.10358                 +vfpv3-fp1610359                     The VFPv3 floating-point instructions, with 32 double-precision registers and the half-precision10360                     floating-point conversion operations.10361                 +vfpv4-d1610362                     The VFPv4 floating-point instructions, with 16 double-precision registers.10363                 +vfpv410364                     The VFPv4 floating-point instructions, with 32 double-precision registers.10365                 +neon10366                     The Advanced SIMD (Neon) v1 and the VFPv3 floating-point instructions.  The extension +neon-vfpv310367                     can be used as an alias for this extension.10368                 +neon-fp1610369                     The Advanced SIMD (Neon) v1 and the VFPv3 floating-point instructions, with the half-precision10370                     floating-point conversion operations.10371                 +nosimd10372                     Disable the Advanced SIMD instructions (does not disable floating point).10373                 +nofp10374                     Disable the floating-point and Advanced SIMD instructions.10375             armv8-a10376                 +crc10377                     The Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) instructions.10378                 +simd10379                     The ARMv8-A Advanced SIMD and floating-point instructions.10380                 +crypto10381                     The cryptographic instructions.10382                 +nocrypto10383                     Disable the cryptographic instructions.10384                 +nofp10385                     Disable the floating-point, Advanced SIMD and cryptographic instructions.10386                 +sb Speculation Barrier Instruction.10387                 +predres10388                     Execution and Data Prediction Restriction Instructions.10389             armv8.1-a10390                 +simd10391                     The ARMv8.1-A Advanced SIMD and floating-point instructions.10392                 +crypto10393                     The cryptographic instructions.  This also enables the Advanced SIMD and floating-point10394                     instructions.10395                 +nocrypto10396                     Disable the cryptographic instructions.10397                 +nofp10398                     Disable the floating-point, Advanced SIMD and cryptographic instructions.10399                 +sb Speculation Barrier Instruction.10400                 +predres10401                     Execution and Data Prediction Restriction Instructions.10402             armv8.2-a10403             armv8.3-a10404                 +fp1610405                     The half-precision floating-point data processing instructions.  This also enables the Advanced10406                     SIMD and floating-point instructions.10407                 +fp16fml10408                     The half-precision floating-point fmla extension.  This also enables the half-precision floating-10409                     point extension and Advanced SIMD and floating-point instructions.10410                 +simd10411                     The ARMv8.1-A Advanced SIMD and floating-point instructions.10412                 +crypto10413                     The cryptographic instructions.  This also enables the Advanced SIMD and floating-point10414                     instructions.10415                 +dotprod10416                     Enable the Dot Product extension.  This also enables Advanced SIMD instructions.10417                 +nocrypto10418                     Disable the cryptographic extension.10419                 +nofp10420                     Disable the floating-point, Advanced SIMD and cryptographic instructions.10421                 +sb Speculation Barrier Instruction.10422                 +predres10423                     Execution and Data Prediction Restriction Instructions.10424                 +i8mm10425                     8-bit Integer Matrix Multiply instructions.  This also enables Advanced SIMD and floating-point10426                     instructions.10427                 +bf1610428                     Brain half-precision floating-point instructions.  This also enables Advanced SIMD and floating-10429                     point instructions.10430             armv8.4-a10431                 +fp1610432                     The half-precision floating-point data processing instructions.  This also enables the Advanced10433                     SIMD and floating-point instructions as well as the Dot Product extension and the half-precision10434                     floating-point fmla extension.10435                 +simd10436                     The ARMv8.3-A Advanced SIMD and floating-point instructions as well as the Dot Product extension.10437                 +crypto10438                     The cryptographic instructions.  This also enables the Advanced SIMD and floating-point10439                     instructions as well as the Dot Product extension.10440                 +nocrypto10441                     Disable the cryptographic extension.10442                 +nofp10443                     Disable the floating-point, Advanced SIMD and cryptographic instructions.10444                 +sb Speculation Barrier Instruction.10445                 +predres10446                     Execution and Data Prediction Restriction Instructions.10447                 +i8mm10448                     8-bit Integer Matrix Multiply instructions.  This also enables Advanced SIMD and floating-point10449                     instructions.10450                 +bf1610451                     Brain half-precision floating-point instructions.  This also enables Advanced SIMD and floating-10452                     point instructions.10453             armv8.5-a10454                 +fp1610455                     The half-precision floating-point data processing instructions.  This also enables the Advanced10456                     SIMD and floating-point instructions as well as the Dot Product extension and the half-precision10457                     floating-point fmla extension.10458                 +simd10459                     The ARMv8.3-A Advanced SIMD and floating-point instructions as well as the Dot Product extension.10460                 +crypto10461                     The cryptographic instructions.  This also enables the Advanced SIMD and floating-point10462                     instructions as well as the Dot Product extension.10463                 +nocrypto10464                     Disable the cryptographic extension.10465                 +nofp10466                     Disable the floating-point, Advanced SIMD and cryptographic instructions.10467                 +i8mm10468                     8-bit Integer Matrix Multiply instructions.  This also enables Advanced SIMD and floating-point10469                     instructions.10470                 +bf1610471                     Brain half-precision floating-point instructions.  This also enables Advanced SIMD and floating-10472                     point instructions.10473             armv8.6-a10474                 +fp1610475                     The half-precision floating-point data processing instructions.  This also enables the Advanced10476                     SIMD and floating-point instructions as well as the Dot Product extension and the half-precision10477                     floating-point fmla extension.10478                 +simd10479                     The ARMv8.3-A Advanced SIMD and floating-point instructions as well as the Dot Product extension.10480                 +crypto10481                     The cryptographic instructions.  This also enables the Advanced SIMD and floating-point10482                     instructions as well as the Dot Product extension.10483                 +nocrypto10484                     Disable the cryptographic extension.10485                 +nofp10486                     Disable the floating-point, Advanced SIMD and cryptographic instructions.10487                 +i8mm10488                     8-bit Integer Matrix Multiply instructions.  This also enables Advanced SIMD and floating-point10489                     instructions.10490                 +bf1610491                     Brain half-precision floating-point instructions.  This also enables Advanced SIMD and floating-10492                     point instructions.10493             armv7-r10494                 +fp.sp10495                     The single-precision VFPv3 floating-point instructions.  The extension +vfpv3xd can be used as an10496                     alias for this extension.10497                 +fp The VFPv3 floating-point instructions with 16 double-precision registers.  The extension +vfpv3-d1610498                     can be used as an alias for this extension.10499                 +vfpv3xd-d16-fp1610500                     The single-precision VFPv3 floating-point instructions with 16 double-precision registers and the10501                     half-precision floating-point conversion operations.10502                 +vfpv3-d16-fp1610503                     The VFPv3 floating-point instructions with 16 double-precision registers and the half-precision10504                     floating-point conversion operations.10505                 +nofp10506                     Disable the floating-point extension.10507                 +idiv10508                     The ARM-state integer division instructions.10509                 +noidiv10510                     Disable the ARM-state integer division extension.10511             armv7e-m10512                 +fp The single-precision VFPv4 floating-point instructions.10513                 +fpv510514                     The single-precision FPv5 floating-point instructions.10515                 +fp.dp10516                     The single- and double-precision FPv5 floating-point instructions.10517                 +nofp10518                     Disable the floating-point extensions.10519             armv8.1-m.main10520                 +dsp10521                     The DSP instructions.10522                 +mve10523                     The M-Profile Vector Extension (MVE) integer instructions.10524                 +mve.fp10525                     The M-Profile Vector Extension (MVE) integer and single precision floating-point instructions.10526                 +fp The single-precision floating-point instructions.10527                 +fp.dp10528                     The single- and double-precision floating-point instructions.10529                 +nofp10530                     Disable the floating-point extension.10531                 +cdecp0, +cdecp1, ... , +cdecp710532                     Enable the Custom Datapath Extension (CDE) on selected coprocessors according to the numbers given10533                     in the options in the range 0 to 7.10534             armv8-m.main10535                 +dsp10536                     The DSP instructions.10537                 +nodsp10538                     Disable the DSP extension.10539                 +fp The single-precision floating-point instructions.10540                 +fp.dp10541                     The single- and double-precision floating-point instructions.10542                 +nofp10543                     Disable the floating-point extension.10544                 +cdecp0, +cdecp1, ... , +cdecp710545                     Enable the Custom Datapath Extension (CDE) on selected coprocessors according to the numbers given10546                     in the options in the range 0 to 7.10547             armv8-r10548                 +crc10549                     The Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) instructions.10550                 +fp.sp10551                     The single-precision FPv5 floating-point instructions.10552                 +simd10553                     The ARMv8-A Advanced SIMD and floating-point instructions.10554                 +crypto10555                     The cryptographic instructions.10556                 +nocrypto10557                     Disable the cryptographic instructions.10558                 +nofp10559                     Disable the floating-point, Advanced SIMD and cryptographic instructions.10560             -march=native causes the compiler to auto-detect the architecture of the build computer.  At present, this10561             feature is only supported on GNU/Linux, and not all architectures are recognized.  If the auto-detect is10562             unsuccessful the option has no effect.10563         -mtune=name10564             This option specifies the name of the target ARM processor for which GCC should tune the performance of the10565             code.  For some ARM implementations better performance can be obtained by using this option.  Permissible10566             names are: arm7tdmi, arm7tdmi-s, arm710t, arm720t, arm740t, strongarm, strongarm110, strongarm1100,10567             0strongarm1110, arm8, arm810, arm9, arm9e, arm920, arm920t, arm922t, arm946e-s, arm966e-s, arm968e-s,10568             arm926ej-s, arm940t, arm9tdmi, arm10tdmi, arm1020t, arm1026ej-s, arm10e, arm1020e, arm1022e, arm1136j-s,10569             arm1136jf-s, mpcore, mpcorenovfp, arm1156t2-s, arm1156t2f-s, arm1176jz-s, arm1176jzf-s, generic-armv7-a,10570             cortex-a5, cortex-a7, cortex-a8, cortex-a9, cortex-a12, cortex-a15, cortex-a17, cortex-a32, cortex-a35,10571             cortex-a53, cortex-a55, cortex-a57, cortex-a72, cortex-a73, cortex-a75, cortex-a76, cortex-a76ae,10572             cortex-a77, cortex-a78, cortex-a78ae, cortex-a78c, ares, cortex-r4, cortex-r4f, cortex-r5, cortex-r7,10573             cortex-r8, cortex-r52, cortex-m0, cortex-m0plus, cortex-m1, cortex-m3, cortex-m4, cortex-m7, cortex-m23,10574             cortex-m33, cortex-m35p, cortex-m55, cortex-x1, cortex-m1.small-multiply, cortex-m0.small-multiply,10575             cortex-m0plus.small-multiply, exynos-m1, marvell-pj4, neoverse-n1, neoverse-n2, neoverse-v1, xscale,10576             iwmmxt, iwmmxt2, ep9312, fa526, fa626, fa606te, fa626te, fmp626, fa726te, xgene1.10577             Additionally, this option can specify that GCC should tune the performance of the code for a big.LITTLE10578             system.  Permissible names are: cortex-a15.cortex-a7, cortex-a17.cortex-a7, cortex-a57.cortex-a53,10579             cortex-a72.cortex-a53, cortex-a72.cortex-a35, cortex-a73.cortex-a53, cortex-a75.cortex-a55,10580             cortex-a76.cortex-a55.10581             -mtune=generic-arch specifies that GCC should tune the performance for a blend of processors within10582             architecture arch.  The aim is to generate code that run well on the current most popular processors,10583             balancing between optimizations that benefit some CPUs in the range, and avoiding performance pitfalls of10584             other CPUs.  The effects of this option may change in future GCC versions as CPU models come and go.10585             -mtune permits the same extension options as -mcpu, but the extension options do not affect the tuning of10586             the generated code.10587             -mtune=native causes the compiler to auto-detect the CPU of the build computer.  At present, this feature10588             is only supported on GNU/Linux, and not all architectures are recognized.  If the auto-detect is10589             unsuccessful the option has no effect.10590         -mcpu=name<+extension...>10591             This specifies the name of the target ARM processor.  GCC uses this name to derive the name of the target10592             ARM architecture (as if specified by -march) and the ARM processor type for which to tune for performance10593             (as if specified by -mtune).  Where this option is used in conjunction with -march or -mtune, those options10594             take precedence over the appropriate part of this option.10595             Many of the supported CPUs implement optional architectural extensions.  Where this is so the architectural10596             extensions are normally enabled by default.  If implementations that lack the extension exist, then the10597             extension syntax can be used to disable those extensions that have been omitted.  For floating-point and10598             Advanced SIMD (Neon) instructions, the settings of the options -mfloat-abi and -mfpu must also be10599             considered: floating-point and Advanced SIMD instructions will only be used if -mfloat-abi is not set to10600             soft; and any setting of -mfpu other than auto will override the available floating-point and SIMD10601             extension instructions.10602             For example, cortex-a9 can be found in three major configurations: integer only, with just a floating-point10603             unit or with floating-point and Advanced SIMD.  The default is to enable all the instructions, but the10604             extensions +nosimd and +nofp can be used to disable just the SIMD or both the SIMD and floating-point10605             instructions respectively.10606             Permissible names for this option are the same as those for -mtune.10607             The following extension options are common to the listed CPUs:10608             +nodsp10609                 Disable the DSP instructions on cortex-m33, cortex-m35p.10610             +nofp10611                 Disables the floating-point instructions on arm9e, arm946e-s, arm966e-s, arm968e-s, arm10e, arm1020e,10612                 arm1022e, arm926ej-s, arm1026ej-s, cortex-r5, cortex-r7, cortex-r8, cortex-m4, cortex-m7, cortex-m3310613                 and cortex-m35p.  Disables the floating-point and SIMD instructions on generic-armv7-a, cortex-a5,10614                 cortex-a7, cortex-a8, cortex-a9, cortex-a12, cortex-a15, cortex-a17, cortex-a15.cortex-a7,10615                 cortex-a17.cortex-a7, cortex-a32, cortex-a35, cortex-a53 and cortex-a55.10616             +nofp.dp10617                 Disables the double-precision component of the floating-point instructions on cortex-r5, cortex-r7,10618                 cortex-r8, cortex-r52 and cortex-m7.10619             +nosimd10620                 Disables the SIMD (but not floating-point) instructions on generic-armv7-a, cortex-a5, cortex-a7 and10621                 cortex-a9.10622             +crypto10623                 Enables the cryptographic instructions on cortex-a32, cortex-a35, cortex-a53, cortex-a55, cortex-a57,10624                 cortex-a72, cortex-a73, cortex-a75, exynos-m1, xgene1, cortex-a57.cortex-a53, cortex-a72.cortex-a53,10625                 cortex-a73.cortex-a35, cortex-a73.cortex-a53 and cortex-a75.cortex-a55.10626             Additionally the generic-armv7-a pseudo target defaults to VFPv3 with 16 double-precision registers.  It10627             supports the following extension options: mp, sec, vfpv3-d16, vfpv3, vfpv3-d16-fp16, vfpv3-fp16, vfpv4-d16,10628             vfpv4, neon, neon-vfpv3, neon-fp16, neon-vfpv4.  The meanings are the same as for the extensions to10629             -march=armv7-a.10630             -mcpu=generic-arch is also permissible, and is equivalent to -march=arch -mtune=generic-arch.  See -mtune10631             for more information.10632             -mcpu=native causes the compiler to auto-detect the CPU of the build computer.  At present, this feature is10633             only supported on GNU/Linux, and not all architectures are recognized.  If the auto-detect is unsuccessful10634             the option has no effect.10635         -mfpu=name10636             This specifies what floating-point hardware (or hardware emulation) is available on the target.10637             Permissible names are: auto, vfpv2, vfpv3, vfpv3-fp16, vfpv3-d16, vfpv3-d16-fp16, vfpv3xd, vfpv3xd-fp16,10638             neon-vfpv3, neon-fp16, vfpv4, vfpv4-d16, fpv4-sp-d16, neon-vfpv4, fpv5-d16, fpv5-sp-d16, fp-armv8,10639             neon-fp-armv8 and crypto-neon-fp-armv8.  Note that neon is an alias for neon-vfpv3 and vfp is an alias for10640             vfpv2.10641             The setting auto is the default and is special.  It causes the compiler to select the floating-point and10642             Advanced SIMD instructions based on the settings of -mcpu and -march.10643             If the selected floating-point hardware includes the NEON extension (e.g. -mfpu=neon), note that floating-10644             point operations are not generated by GCC's auto-vectorization pass unless -funsafe-math-optimizations is10645             also specified.  This is because NEON hardware does not fully implement the IEEE 754 standard for floating-10646             point arithmetic (in particular denormal values are treated as zero), so the use of NEON instructions may10647             lead to a loss of precision.10648             You can also set the fpu name at function level by using the "target("fpu=")" function attributes or10649             pragmas.10650         -mfp16-format=name10651             Specify the format of the "__fp16" half-precision floating-point type.  Permissible names are none, ieee,10652             and alternative; the default is none, in which case the "__fp16" type is not defined.10653         -mstructure-size-boundary=n10654             The sizes of all structures and unions are rounded up to a multiple of the number of bits set by this10655             option.  Permissible values are 8, 32 and 64.  The default value varies for different toolchains.  For the10656             COFF targeted toolchain the default value is 8.  A value of 64 is only allowed if the underlying ABI10657             supports it.10658             Specifying a larger number can produce faster, more efficient code, but can also increase the size of the10659             program.  Different values are potentially incompatible.  Code compiled with one value cannot necessarily10660             expect to work with code or libraries compiled with another value, if they exchange information using10661             structures or unions.10662             This option is deprecated.10663         -mabort-on-noreturn10664             Generate a call to the function "abort" at the end of a "noreturn" function.  It is executed if the10665             function tries to return.10666         -mlong-calls10667         -mno-long-calls10668             Tells the compiler to perform function calls by first loading the address of the function into a register10669             and then performing a subroutine call on this register.  This switch is needed if the target function lies10670             outside of the 64-megabyte addressing range of the offset-based version of subroutine call instruction.10671             Even if this switch is enabled, not all function calls are turned into long calls.  The heuristic is that10672             static functions, functions that have the "short_call" attribute, functions that are inside the scope of a10673             "#pragma no_long_calls" directive, and functions whose definitions have already been compiled within the10674             current compilation unit are not turned into long calls.  The exceptions to this rule are that weak10675             function definitions, functions with the "long_call" attribute or the "section" attribute, and functions10676             that are within the scope of a "#pragma long_calls" directive are always turned into long calls.10677             This feature is not enabled by default.  Specifying -mno-long-calls restores the default behavior, as does10678             placing the function calls within the scope of a "#pragma long_calls_off" directive.  Note these switches10679             have no effect on how the compiler generates code to handle function calls via function pointers.10680         -msingle-pic-base10681             Treat the register used for PIC addressing as read-only, rather than loading it in the prologue for each10682             function.  The runtime system is responsible for initializing this register with an appropriate value10683             before execution begins.10684         -mpic-register=reg10685             Specify the register to be used for PIC addressing.  For standard PIC base case, the default is any10686             suitable register determined by compiler.  For single PIC base case, the default is R9 if target is EABI10687             based or stack-checking is enabled, otherwise the default is R10.10688         -mpic-data-is-text-relative10689             Assume that the displacement between the text and data segments is fixed at static link time.  This permits10690             using PC-relative addressing operations to access data known to be in the data segment.  For non-VxWorks10691             RTP targets, this option is enabled by default.  When disabled on such targets, it will enable10692             -msingle-pic-base by default.10693         -mpoke-function-name10694             Write the name of each function into the text section, directly preceding the function prologue.  The10695             generated code is similar to this:10696                          t010697                              .ascii "arm_poke_function_name", 010698                              .align10699                          t110700                              .word 0xff000000 + (t1 - t0)10701                          arm_poke_function_name10702                              mov     ip, sp10703                              stmfd   sp!, {fp, ip, lr, pc}10704                              sub     fp, ip, #410705             When performing a stack backtrace, code can inspect the value of "pc" stored at "fp + 0".  If the trace10706             function then looks at location "pc - 12" and the top 8 bits are set, then we know that there is a function10707             name embedded immediately preceding this location and has length "((pc<-3>) & 0xff000000)".10708         -mthumb10709         -marm10710             Select between generating code that executes in ARM and Thumb states.  The default for most configurations10711             is to generate code that executes in ARM state, but the default can be changed by configuring GCC with the10712             --with-mode=state configure option.10713             You can also override the ARM and Thumb mode for each function by using the "target("thumb")" and10714             "target("arm")" function attributes or pragmas.10715         -mflip-thumb10716             Switch ARM/Thumb modes on alternating functions.  This option is provided for regression testing of mixed10717             Thumb/ARM code generation, and is not intended for ordinary use in compiling code.10718         -mtpcs-frame10719             Generate a stack frame that is compliant with the Thumb Procedure Call Standard for all non-leaf functions.10720             (A leaf function is one that does not call any other functions.)  The default is -mno-tpcs-frame.10721         -mtpcs-leaf-frame10722             Generate a stack frame that is compliant with the Thumb Procedure Call Standard for all leaf functions.  (A10723             leaf function is one that does not call any other functions.)  The default is -mno-apcs-leaf-frame.10724         -mcallee-super-interworking10725             Gives all externally visible functions in the file being compiled an ARM instruction set header which10726             switches to Thumb mode before executing the rest of the function.  This allows these functions to be called10727             from non-interworking code.  This option is not valid in AAPCS configurations because interworking is10728             enabled by default.10729         -mcaller-super-interworking10730             Allows calls via function pointers (including virtual functions) to execute correctly regardless of whether10731             the target code has been compiled for interworking or not.  There is a small overhead in the cost of10732             executing a function pointer if this option is enabled.  This option is not valid in AAPCS configurations10733             because interworking is enabled by default.10734         -mtp=name10735             Specify the access model for the thread local storage pointer.  The valid models are soft, which generates10736             calls to "__aeabi_read_tp", cp15, which fetches the thread pointer from "cp15" directly (supported in the10737             arm6k architecture), and auto, which uses the best available method for the selected processor.  The10738             default setting is auto.10739         -mtls-dialect=dialect10740             Specify the dialect to use for accessing thread local storage.  Two dialects are supported---gnu and gnu2.10741             The gnu dialect selects the original GNU scheme for supporting local and global dynamic TLS models.  The10742             gnu2 dialect selects the GNU descriptor scheme, which provides better performance for shared libraries.10743             The GNU descriptor scheme is compatible with the original scheme, but does require new assembler, linker10744             and library support.  Initial and local exec TLS models are unaffected by this option and always use the10745             original scheme.10746         -mword-relocations10747             Only generate absolute relocations on word-sized values (i.e. R_ARM_ABS32).  This is enabled by default on10748             targets (uClinux, SymbianOS) where the runtime loader imposes this restriction, and when -fpic or -fPIC is10749             specified. This option conflicts with -mslow-flash-data.10750         -mfix-cortex-m3-ldrd10751             Some Cortex-M3 cores can cause data corruption when "ldrd" instructions with overlapping destination and10752             base registers are used.  This option avoids generating these instructions.  This option is enabled by10753             default when -mcpu=cortex-m3 is specified.10754         -munaligned-access10755         -mno-unaligned-access10756             Enables (or disables) reading and writing of 16- and 32- bit values from addresses that are not 16- or 32-10757             bit aligned.  By default unaligned access is disabled for all pre-ARMv6, all ARMv6-M and for ARMv8-M10758             Baseline architectures, and enabled for all other architectures.  If unaligned access is not enabled then10759             words in packed data structures are accessed a byte at a time.10760             The ARM attribute "Tag_CPU_unaligned_access" is set in the generated object file to either true or false,10761             depending upon the setting of this option.  If unaligned access is enabled then the preprocessor symbol10762             "__ARM_FEATURE_UNALIGNED" is also defined.10763         -mneon-for-64bits10764             This option is deprecated and has no effect.10765         -mslow-flash-data10766             Assume loading data from flash is slower than fetching instruction.  Therefore literal load is minimized10767             for better performance.  This option is only supported when compiling for ARMv7 M-profile and off by10768             default. It conflicts with -mword-relocations.10769         -masm-syntax-unified10770             Assume inline assembler is using unified asm syntax.  The default is currently off which implies divided10771             syntax.  This option has no impact on Thumb2. However, this may change in future releases of GCC.  Divided10772             syntax should be considered deprecated.10773         -mrestrict-it10774             Restricts generation of IT blocks to conform to the rules of ARMv8-A.  IT blocks can only contain a single10775             16-bit instruction from a select set of instructions. This option is on by default for ARMv8-A Thumb mode.10776         -mprint-tune-info10777             Print CPU tuning information as comment in assembler file.  This is an option used only for regression10778             testing of the compiler and not intended for ordinary use in compiling code.  This option is disabled by10779             default.10780         -mverbose-cost-dump10781             Enable verbose cost model dumping in the debug dump files.  This option is provided for use in debugging10782             the compiler.10783         -mpure-code10784             Do not allow constant data to be placed in code sections.  Additionally, when compiling for ELF object10785             format give all text sections the ELF processor-specific section attribute "SHF_ARM_PURECODE".  This option10786             is only available when generating non-pic code for M-profile targets.10787         -mcmse10788             Generate secure code as per the "ARMv8-M Security Extensions: Requirements on Development Tools Engineering10789             Specification", which can be found on <https://developer.arm.com/documentation/ecm0359818/latest/>.10790         -mfix-cmse-cve-291             Mitigate against a potential security issue with the "VLLDM" instruction in some M-profile devices when10792             using CMSE (CVE-2021-365465).  This option is enabled by default when the option -mcpu= is used with10793             "cortex-m33", "cortex-m35p" or "cortex-m55".  The option -mno-fix-cmse-cve-2021-35465 can be used to10794             disable the mitigation.10795         -mfdpic10796         -mno-fdpic10797             Select the FDPIC ABI, which uses 64-bit function descriptors to represent pointers to functions.  When the10798             compiler is configured for "arm-*-uclinuxfdpiceabi" targets, this option is on by default and implies -fPIE10799             if none of the PIC/PIE-related options is provided.  On other targets, it only enables the FDPIC-specific10800             code generation features, and the user should explicitly provide the PIC/PIE-related options as needed.10801             Note that static linking is not supported because it would still involve the dynamic linker when the10802             program self-relocates.  If such behavior is acceptable, use -static and -Wl,-dynamic-linker options.10803             The opposite -mno-fdpic option is useful (and required) to build the Linux kernel using the same10804             ("arm-*-uclinuxfdpiceabi") toolchain as the one used to build the userland programs.10805         AVR Options10806         These options are defined for AVR implementations:10807         -mmcu=mcu10808             Specify Atmel AVR instruction set architectures (ISA) or MCU type.10809             The default for this option is avr2.10810             GCC supports the following AVR devices and ISAs:10811             "avr2"10812                 "Classic" devices with up to 8 KiB of program memory.  mcu = "attiny22", "attiny26", "at90s2313",10813                 "at90s2323", "at90s2333", "at90s2343", "at90s4414", "at90s4433", "at90s4434", "at90c8534", "at90s8515",10814                 "at90s8535".10815             "avr25"10816                 "Classic" devices with up to 8 KiB of program memory and with the "MOVW" instruction.  mcu =10817                 "attiny13", "attiny13a", "attiny24", "attiny24a", "attiny25", "attiny261", "attiny261a", "attiny2313",10818                 "attiny2313a", "attiny43u", "attiny44", "attiny44a", "attiny45", "attiny48", "attiny441", "attiny461",10819                 "attiny461a", "attiny4313", "attiny84", "attiny84a", "attiny85", "attiny87", "attiny88", "attiny828",10820                 "attiny841", "attiny861", "attiny861a", "ata5272", "ata6616c", "at86rf401".10821             "avr3"10822                 "Classic" devices with 16 KiB up to 64 KiB of program memory.  mcu = "at76c711", "at43usb355".10823             "avr31"10824                 "Classic" devices with 128 KiB of program memory.  mcu = "atmega103", "at43usb320".10825             "avr35"10826                 "Classic" devices with 16 KiB up to 64 KiB of program memory and with the "MOVW" instruction.  mcu =10827                 "attiny167", "attiny1634", "atmega8u2", "atmega16u2", "atmega32u2", "ata5505", "ata6617c", "ata664251",10828                 "at90usb82", "at90usb162".10829             "avr4"10830                 "Enhanced" devices with up to 8 KiB of program memory.  mcu = "atmega48", "atmega48a", "atmega48p",10831                 "atmega48pa", "atmega48pb", "atmega8", "atmega8a", "atmega8hva", "atmega88", "atmega88a", "atmega88p",10832                 "atmega88pa", "atmega88pb", "atmega8515", "atmega8535", "ata6285", "ata6286", "ata6289", "ata6612c",10833                 "at90pwm1", "at90pwm2", "at90pwm2b", "at90pwm3", "at90pwm3b", "at90pwm81".10834             "avr5"10835                 "Enhanced" devices with 16 KiB up to 64 KiB of program memory.  mcu = "atmega16", "atmega16a",10836                 "atmega16hva", "atmega16hva2", "atmega16hvb", "atmega16hvbrevb", "atmega16m1", "atmega16u4",10837                 "atmega161", "atmega162", "atmega163", "atmega164a", "atmega164p", "atmega164pa", "atmega165",10838                 "atmega165a", "atmega165p", "atmega165pa", "atmega168", "atmega168a", "atmega168p", "atmega168pa",10839                 "atmega168pb", "atmega169", "atmega169a", "atmega169p", "atmega169pa", "atmega32", "atmega32a",10840                 "atmega32c1", "atmega32hvb", "atmega32hvbrevb", "atmega32m1", "atmega32u4", "atmega32u6", "atmega323",10841                 "atmega324a", "atmega324p", "atmega324pa", "atmega325", "atmega325a", "atmega325p", "atmega325pa",10842                 "atmega328", "atmega328p", "atmega328pb", "atmega329", "atmega329a", "atmega329p", "atmega329pa",10843                 "atmega3250", "atmega3250a", "atmega3250p", "atmega3250pa", "atmega3290", "atmega3290a", "atmega3290p",10844                 "atmega3290pa", "atmega406", "atmega64", "atmega64a", "atmega64c1", "atmega64hve", "atmega64hve2",10845                 "atmega64m1", "atmega64rfr2", "atmega640", "atmega644", "atmega644a", "atmega644p", "atmega644pa",10846                 "atmega644rfr2", "atmega645", "atmega645a", "atmega645p", "atmega649", "atmega649a", "atmega649p",10847                 "atmega6450", "atmega6450a", "atmega6450p", "atmega6490", "atmega6490a", "atmega6490p", "ata5795",10848                 "ata5790", "ata5790n", "ata5791", "ata6613c", "ata6614q", "ata5782", "ata5831", "ata8210", "ata8510",10849                 "ata5702m322", "at90pwm161", "at90pwm216", "at90pwm316", "at90can32", "at90can64", "at90scr100",10850                 "at90usb646", "at90usb647", "at94k", "m3000".10851             "avr51"10852                 "Enhanced" devices with 128 KiB of program memory.  mcu = "atmega128", "atmega128a", "atmega128rfa1",10853                 "atmega128rfr2", "atmega1280", "atmega1281", "atmega1284", "atmega1284p", "atmega1284rfr2",10854                 "at90can128", "at90usb1286", "at90usb1287".10855             "avr6"10856                 "Enhanced" devices with 3-byte PC, i.e. with more than 128 KiB of program memory.  mcu =10857                 "atmega256rfr2", "atmega2560", "atmega2561", "atmega2564rfr2".10858             "avrxmega2"10859                 "XMEGA" devices with more than 8 KiB and up to 64 KiB of program memory.  mcu = "atxmega8e5",10860                 "atxmega16a4", "atxmega16a4u", "atxmega16c4", "atxmega16d4", "atxmega16e5", "atxmega32a4",10861                 "atxmega32a4u", "atxmega32c3", "atxmega32c4", "atxmega32d3", "atxmega32d4", "atxmega32e5".10862             "avrxmega3"10863                 "XMEGA" devices with up to 64 KiB of combined program memory and RAM, and with program memory visible10864                 in the RAM address space.  mcu = "attiny202", "attiny204", "attiny212", "attiny214", "attiny402",10865                 "attiny404", "attiny406", "attiny412", "attiny414", "attiny416", "attiny417", "attiny804", "attiny806",10866                 "attiny807", "attiny814", "attiny816", "attiny817", "attiny1604", "attiny1606", "attiny1607",10867                 "attiny1614", "attiny1616", "attiny1617", "attiny3214", "attiny3216", "attiny3217", "atmega808",10868                 "atmega809", "atmega1608", "atmega1609", "atmega3208", "atmega3209", "atmega4808", "atmega4809".10869             "avrxmega4"10870                 "XMEGA" devices with more than 64 KiB and up to 128 KiB of program memory.  mcu = "atxmega64a3",10871                 "atxmega64a3u", "atxmega64a4u", "atxmega64b1", "atxmega64b3", "atxmega64c3", "atxmega64d3",10872                 "atxmega64d4".10873             "avrxmega5"10874                 "XMEGA" devices with more than 64 KiB and up to 128 KiB of program memory and more than 64 KiB of RAM.10875                 mcu = "atxmega64a1", "atxmega64a1u".10876             "avrxmega6"10877                 "XMEGA" devices with more than 128 KiB of program memory.  mcu = "atxmega128a3", "atxmega128a3u",10878                 "atxmega128b1", "atxmega128b3", "atxmega128c3", "atxmega128d3", "atxmega128d4", "atxmega192a3",10879                 "atxmega192a3u", "atxmega192c3", "atxmega192d3", "atxmega256a3", "atxmega256a3b", "atxmega256a3bu",10880                 "atxmega256a3u", "atxmega256c3", "atxmega256d3", "atxmega384c3", "atxmega384d3".10881             "avrxmega7"10882                 "XMEGA" devices with more than 128 KiB of program memory and more than 64 KiB of RAM.  mcu =10883                 "atxmega128a1", "atxmega128a1u", "atxmega128a4u".10884             "avrtiny"10885                 "TINY" Tiny core devices with 512 B up to 4 KiB of program memory.  mcu = "attiny4", "attiny5",10886                 "attiny9", "attiny10", "attiny20", "attiny40".10887             "avr1"10888                 This ISA is implemented by the minimal AVR core and supported for assembler only.  mcu = "attiny11",10889                 "attiny12", "attiny15", "attiny28", "at90s1200".10890         -mabsdata10891             Assume that all data in static storage can be accessed by LDS / STS instructions.  This option has only an10892             effect on reduced Tiny devices like ATtiny40.  See also the "absdata" AVR Variable Attributes,variable10893             attribute.10894         -maccumulate-args10895             Accumulate outgoing function arguments and acquire/release the needed stack space for outgoing function10896             arguments once in function prologue/epilogue.  Without this option, outgoing arguments are pushed before10897             calling a function and popped afterwards.10898             Popping the arguments after the function call can be expensive on AVR so that accumulating the stack space10899             might lead to smaller executables because arguments need not be removed from the stack after such a10900             function call.10901             This option can lead to reduced code size for functions that perform several calls to functions that get10902             their arguments on the stack like calls to printf-like functions.10903         -mbranch-cost=cost10904             Set the branch costs for conditional branch instructions to cost.  Reasonable values for cost are small,10905             non-negative integers. The default branch cost is 0.10906         -mcall-prologues10907             Functions prologues/epilogues are expanded as calls to appropriate subroutines.  Code size is smaller.10908         -mdouble=bits10909         -mlong-double=bits10910             Set the size (in bits) of the "double" or "long double" type, respectively.  Possible values for bits are10911             32 and 64.  Whether or not a specific value for bits is allowed depends on the "--with-double=" and10912             "--with-long-double=" configure options ("https://gcc.gnu.org/install/configure.html#avr"), and the same10913             applies for the default values of the options.10914         -mgas-isr-prologues10915             Interrupt service routines (ISRs) may use the "__gcc_isr" pseudo instruction supported by GNU Binutils.  If10916             this option is on, the feature can still be disabled for individual ISRs by means of the AVR Function10917             Attributes,,"no_gccisr" function attribute.  This feature is activated per default if optimization is on10918             (but not with -Og, @pxref{Optimize Options}), and if GNU Binutils support PR2168310919             ("https://sourceware.org/PR21683").10920         -mint810921             Assume "int" to be 8-bit integer.  This affects the sizes of all types: a "char" is 1 byte, an "int" is 110922             byte, a "long" is 2 bytes, and "long long" is 4 bytes.  Please note that this option does not conform to10923             the C standards, but it results in smaller code size.10924         -mmain-is-OS_task10925             Do not save registers in "main".  The effect is the same like attaching attribute AVR Function10926             Attributes,,"OS_task" to "main". It is activated per default if optimization is on.10927         -mn-flash=num10928             Assume that the flash memory has a size of num times 64 KiB.10929         -mno-interrupts10930             Generated code is not compatible with hardware interrupts.  Code size is smaller.10931         -mrelax10932             Try to replace "CALL" resp. "JMP" instruction by the shorter "RCALL" resp. "RJMP" instruction if10933             applicable.  Setting -mrelax just adds the --mlink-relax option to the assembler's command line and the10934             --relax option to the linker's command line.10935             Jump relaxing is performed by the linker because jump offsets are not known before code is located.10936             Therefore, the assembler code generated by the compiler is the same, but the instructions in the executable10937             may differ from instructions in the assembler code.10938             Relaxing must be turned on if linker stubs are needed, see the section on "EIND" and linker stubs below.10939         -mrmw10940             Assume that the device supports the Read-Modify-Write instructions "XCH", "LAC", "LAS" and "LAT".10941         -mshort-calls10942             Assume that "RJMP" and "RCALL" can target the whole program memory.10943             This option is used internally for multilib selection.  It is not an optimization option, and you don't10944             need to set it by hand.10945         -msp810946             Treat the stack pointer register as an 8-bit register, i.e. assume the high byte of the stack pointer is10947             zero.  In general, you don't need to set this option by hand.10948             This option is used internally by the compiler to select and build multilibs for architectures "avr2" and10949             "avr25".  These architectures mix devices with and without "SPH".  For any setting other than -mmcu=avr2 or10950             -mmcu=avr25 the compiler driver adds or removes this option from the compiler proper's command line,10951             because the compiler then knows if the device or architecture has an 8-bit stack pointer and thus no "SPH"10952             register or not.10953         -mstrict-X10954             Use address register "X" in a way proposed by the hardware.  This means that "X" is only used in indirect,10955             post-increment or pre-decrement addressing.10956             Without this option, the "X" register may be used in the same way as "Y" or "Z" which then is emulated by10957             additional instructions.  For example, loading a value with "X+const" addressing with a small non-negative10958             "const < 64" to a register Rn is performed as10959                     adiw r26, const   ; X += const10960                     ld   <Rn>, X        ; <Rn> = *X10961                     sbiw r26, const   ; X -= const10962         -mtiny-stack10963             Only change the lower 8 bits of the stack pointer.10964         -mfract-convert-truncate10965             Allow to use truncation instead of rounding towards zero for fractional fixed-point types.10966         -nodevicelib10967             Don't link against AVR-LibC's device specific library "lib<mcu>.a".10968         -nodevicespecs10969             Don't add -specs=device-specs/specs-mcu to the compiler driver's command line.  The user takes10970             responsibility for supplying the sub-processes like compiler proper, assembler and linker with appropriate10971             command line options.  This means that the user has to supply her private device specs file by means of10972             -specs=path-to-specs-file.  There is no more need for option -mmcu=mcu.10973             This option can also serve as a replacement for the older way of specifying custom device-specs files that10974             needed -B some-path to point to a directory which contains a folder named "device-specs" which contains a10975             specs file named "specs-mcu", where mcu was specified by -mmcu=mcu.10976         -Waddr-space-convert10977             Warn about conversions between address spaces in the case where the resulting address space is not10978             contained in the incoming address space.10979         -Wmisspelled-isr10980             Warn if the ISR is misspelled, i.e. without __vector prefix.  Enabled by default.10981         "EIND" and Devices with More Than 128 Ki Bytes of Flash10982         Pointers in the implementation are 16 bits wide.  The address of a function or label is represented as word10983         address so that indirect jumps and calls can target any code address in the range of 64 Ki words.10984         In order to facilitate indirect jump on devices with more than 128 Ki bytes of program memory space, there is a10985         special function register called "EIND" that serves as most significant part of the target address when10986         "EICALL" or "EIJMP" instructions are used.10987         Indirect jumps and calls on these devices are handled as follows by the compiler and are subject to some10988         limitations:10989         *   The compiler never sets "EIND".10990         *   The compiler uses "EIND" implicitly in "EICALL"/"EIJMP" instructions or might read "EIND" directly in order10991             to emulate an indirect call/jump by means of a "RET" instruction.10992         *   The compiler assumes that "EIND" never changes during the startup code or during the application. In10993             particular, "EIND" is not saved/restored in function or interrupt service routine prologue/epilogue.10994         *   For indirect calls to functions and computed goto, the linker generates stubs. Stubs are jump pads10995             sometimes also called trampolines. Thus, the indirect call/jump jumps to such a stub.  The stub contains a10996             direct jump to the desired address.10997         *   Linker relaxation must be turned on so that the linker generates the stubs correctly in all situations. See10998             the compiler option -mrelax and the linker option --relax.  There are corner cases where the linker is10999             supposed to generate stubs but aborts without relaxation and without a helpful error message.11000         *   The default linker script is arranged for code with "EIND = 0".  If code is supposed to work for a setup11001             with "EIND != 0", a custom linker script has to be used in order to place the sections whose name start11002             with ".trampolines" into the segment where "EIND" points to.11003         *   The startup code from libgcc never sets "EIND".  Notice that startup code is a blend of code from libgcc11004             and AVR-LibC.  For the impact of AVR-LibC on "EIND", see the AVR-LibC user manual11005             ("http://nongnu.org/avr-libc/user-manual/").11006         *   It is legitimate for user-specific startup code to set up "EIND" early, for example by means of11007             initialization code located in section ".init3". Such code runs prior to general startup code that11008             initializes RAM and calls constructors, but after the bit of startup code from AVR-LibC that sets "EIND" to11009             the segment where the vector table is located.11010                     #include <avr/io.h>11011                     static void11012                     __attribute__((section(".init3"),naked,used,no_instrument_function))11013                     init3_set_eind (void)11014                     {11015                       __asm volatile ("ldi r24,pm_hh8(__trampolines_start)\n\t"11016                                       "out %i0,r24" :: "n" (&EIND) : "r24","memory");11017                     }11018             The "__trampolines_start" symbol is defined in the linker script.11019         *   Stubs are generated automatically by the linker if the following two conditions are met:11020             -<The address of a label is taken by means of the "gs" modifier>11021                 (short for generate stubs) like so:11022                         LDI r24, lo8(gs(<func>))11023                         LDI r25, hi8(gs(<func>))11024             -<The final location of that label is in a code segment>11025                 outside the segment where the stubs are located.11026         *   The compiler emits such "gs" modifiers for code labels in the following situations:11027             -<Taking address of a function or code label.>11028             -<Computed goto.>11029             -<If prologue-save function is used, see -mcall-prologues>11030                 command-line option.11031             -<Switch/case dispatch tables. If you do not want such dispatch>11032                 tables you can specify the -fno-jump-tables command-line option.11033             -<C and C++ constructors/destructors called during startup/shutdown.>11034             -<If the tools hit a "gs()" modifier explained above.>11035         *   Jumping to non-symbolic addresses like so is not supported:11036                     int main (void)11037                     {11038                         /* Call function at word address 0x2 */11039                         return ((int(*)(void)) 0x2)();11040                     }11041             Instead, a stub has to be set up, i.e. the function has to be called through a symbol ("func_4" in the11042             example):11043                     int main (void)11044                     {11045                         extern int func_4 (void);11046                         /* Call function at byte address 0x4 */11047                         return func_4();11048                     }11049             and the application be linked with -Wl,--defsym,func_4=0x4.  Alternatively, "func_4" can be defined in the11050             linker script.11051         Handling of the "RAMPD", "RAMPX", "RAMPY" and "RAMPZ" Special Function Registers11052         Some AVR devices support memories larger than the 64 KiB range that can be accessed with 16-bit pointers.  To11053         access memory locations outside this 64 KiB range, the content of a "RAMP" register is used as high part of the11054         address: The "X", "Y", "Z" address register is concatenated with the "RAMPX", "RAMPY", "RAMPZ" special function11055         register, respectively, to get a wide address. Similarly, "RAMPD" is used together with direct addressing.11056         *   The startup code initializes the "RAMP" special function registers with zero.11057         *   If a AVR Named Address Spaces,named address space other than generic or "__flash" is used, then "RAMPZ" is11058             set as needed before the operation.11059         *   If the device supports RAM larger than 64 KiB and the compiler needs to change "RAMPZ" to accomplish an11060             operation, "RAMPZ" is reset to zero after the operation.11061         *   If the device comes with a specific "RAMP" register, the ISR prologue/epilogue saves/restores that SFR and11062             initializes it with zero in case the ISR code might (implicitly) use it.11063         *   RAM larger than 64 KiB is not supported by GCC for AVR targets.  If you use inline assembler to read from11064             locations outside the 16-bit address range and change one of the "RAMP" registers, you must reset it to11065             zero after the access.11066         AVR Built-in Macros11067         GCC defines several built-in macros so that the user code can test for the presence or absence of features.11068         Almost any of the following built-in macros are deduced from device capabilities and thus triggered by the11069         -mmcu= command-line option.11070         For even more AVR-specific built-in macros see AVR Named Address Spaces and AVR Built-in Functions.11071         "__AVR_ARCH__"11072             Build-in macro that resolves to a decimal number that identifies the architecture and depends on the11073             -mmcu=mcu option.  Possible values are:11074             2, 25, 3, 31, 35, 4, 5, 51, 611075             for mcu="avr2", "avr25", "avr3", "avr31", "avr35", "avr4", "avr5", "avr51", "avr6",11076             respectively and11077             100, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 10711078             for mcu="avrtiny", "avrxmega2", "avrxmega3", "avrxmega4", "avrxmega5", "avrxmega6", "avrxmega7",11079             respectively.  If mcu specifies a device, this built-in macro is set accordingly. For example, with11080             -mmcu=atmega8 the macro is defined to 4.11081         "__AVR_Device__"11082             Setting -mmcu=device defines this built-in macro which reflects the device's name. For example,11083             -mmcu=atmega8 defines the built-in macro "__AVR_ATmega8__", -mmcu=attiny261a defines "__AVR_ATtiny261A__",11084             etc.11085             The built-in macros' names follow the scheme "__AVR_Device__" where Device is the device name as from the11086             AVR user manual. The difference between Device in the built-in macro and device in -mmcu=device is that the11087             latter is always lowercase.11088             If device is not a device but only a core architecture like avr51, this macro is not defined.11089         "__AVR_DEVICE_NAME__"11090             Setting -mmcu=device defines this built-in macro to the device's name. For example, with -mmcu=atmega8 the11091             macro is defined to "atmega8".11092             If device is not a device but only a core architecture like avr51, this macro is not defined.11093         "__AVR_XMEGA__"11094             The device / architecture belongs to the XMEGA family of devices.11095         "__AVR_HAVE_ELPM__"11096             The device has the "ELPM" instruction.11097         "__AVR_HAVE_ELPMX__"11098             The device has the "ELPM Rn,Z" and "ELPM Rn,Z+" instructions.11099         "__AVR_HAVE_MOVW__"11100             The device has the "MOVW" instruction to perform 16-bit register-register moves.11101         "__AVR_HAVE_LPMX__"11102             The device has the "LPM Rn,Z" and "LPM Rn,Z+" instructions.11103         "__AVR_HAVE_MUL__"11104             The device has a hardware multiplier.11105         "__AVR_HAVE_JMP_CALL__"11106             The device has the "JMP" and "CALL" instructions.  This is the case for devices with more than 8 KiB of11107             program memory.11108         "__AVR_HAVE_EIJMP_EICALL__"11109         "__AVR_3_BYTE_PC__"11110             The device has the "EIJMP" and "EICALL" instructions.  This is the case for devices with more than 128 KiB11111             of program memory.  This also means that the program counter (PC) is 3 bytes wide.11112         "__AVR_2_BYTE_PC__"11113             The program counter (PC) is 2 bytes wide. This is the case for devices with up to 128 KiB of program11114             memory.11115         "__AVR_HAVE_8BIT_SP__"11116         "__AVR_HAVE_16BIT_SP__"11117             The stack pointer (SP) register is treated as 8-bit respectively 16-bit register by the compiler.  The11118             definition of these macros is affected by -mtiny-stack.11119         "__AVR_HAVE_SPH__"11120         "__AVR_SP8__"11121             The device has the SPH (high part of stack pointer) special function register or has an 8-bit stack11122             pointer, respectively.  The definition of these macros is affected by -mmcu= and in the cases of -mmcu=avr211123             and -mmcu=avr25 also by -msp8.11124         "__AVR_HAVE_RAMPD__"11125         "__AVR_HAVE_RAMPX__"11126         "__AVR_HAVE_RAMPY__"11127         "__AVR_HAVE_RAMPZ__"11128             The device has the "RAMPD", "RAMPX", "RAMPY", "RAMPZ" special function register, respectively.11129         "__NO_INTERRUPTS__"11130             This macro reflects the -mno-interrupts command-line option.11131         "__AVR_ERRATA_SKIP__"11132         "__AVR_ERRATA_SKIP_JMP_CALL__"11133             Some AVR devices (AT90S8515, ATmega103) must not skip 32-bit instructions because of a hardware erratum.11134             Skip instructions are "SBRS", "SBRC", "SBIS", "SBIC" and "CPSE".  The second macro is only defined if11135             "__AVR_HAVE_JMP_CALL__" is also set.11136         "__AVR_ISA_RMW__"11137             The device has Read-Modify-Write instructions (XCH, LAC, LAS and LAT).11138         "__AVR_SFR_OFFSET__=offset"11139             Instructions that can address I/O special function registers directly like "IN", "OUT", "SBI", etc. may use11140             a different address as if addressed by an instruction to access RAM like "LD" or "STS". This offset depends11141             on the device architecture and has to be subtracted from the RAM address in order to get the respective I/O11142             address.11143         "__AVR_SHORT_CALLS__"11144             The -mshort-calls command line option is set.11145         "__AVR_PM_BASE_ADDRESS__=addr"11146             Some devices support reading from flash memory by means of "LD*" instructions.  The flash memory is seen in11147             the data address space at an offset of "__AVR_PM_BASE_ADDRESS__".  If this macro is not defined, this11148             feature is not available.  If defined, the address space is linear and there is no need to put ".rodata"11149             into RAM.  This is handled by the default linker description file, and is currently available for "avrtiny"11150             and "avrxmega3".  Even more convenient, there is no need to use address spaces like "__flash" or features11151             like attribute "progmem" and "pgm_read_*".11152         "__WITH_AVRLIBC__"11153             The compiler is configured to be used together with AVR-Libc.  See the --with-avrlibc configure option.11154         "__HAVE_DOUBLE_MULTILIB__"11155             Defined if -mdouble= acts as a multilib option.11156         "__HAVE_DOUBLE32__"11157         "__HAVE_DOUBLE64__"11158             Defined if the compiler supports 32-bit double resp. 64-bit double.  The actual layout is specified by11159             option -mdouble=.11160         "__DEFAULT_DOUBLE__"11161             The size in bits of "double" if -mdouble= is not set.  To test the layout of "double" in a program, use the11162             built-in macro "__SIZEOF_DOUBLE__".11163         "__HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE32__"11164         "__HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE64__"11165         "__HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE_MULTILIB__"11166         "__DEFAULT_LONG_DOUBLE__"11167             Same as above, but for "long double" instead of "double".11168         "__WITH_DOUBLE_COMPARISON__"11169             Reflects the "--with-double-comparison={tristate|bool|libf7}" configure option11170             ("https://gcc.gnu.org/install/configure.html#avr") and is defined to 2 or 3.11171         "__WITH_LIBF7_LIBGCC__"11172         "__WITH_LIBF7_MATH__"11173         "__WITH_LIBF7_MATH_SYMBOLS__"11174             Reflects the "--with-libf7={libgcc|math|math-symbols}" configure option11175             ("https://gcc.gnu.org/install/configure.html#avr").11176         Blackfin Options11177         -mcpu=cpu<-sirevision>11178             Specifies the name of the target Blackfin processor.  Currently, cpu can be one of bf512, bf514, bf516,11179             bf518, bf522, bf523, bf524, bf525, bf526, bf527, bf531, bf532, bf533, bf534, bf536, bf537, bf538, bf539,11180             bf542, bf544, bf547, bf548, bf549, bf542m, bf544m, bf547m, bf548m, bf549m, bf561, bf592.11181             The optional sirevision specifies the silicon revision of the target Blackfin processor.  Any workarounds11182             available for the targeted silicon revision are enabled.  If sirevision is none, no workarounds are11183             enabled.  If sirevision is any, all workarounds for the targeted processor are enabled.  The11184             "__SILICON_REVISION__" macro is defined to two hexadecimal digits representing the major and minor numbers11185             in the silicon revision.  If sirevision is none, the "__SILICON_REVISION__" is not defined.  If sirevision11186             is any, the "__SILICON_REVISION__" is defined to be 0xffff.  If this optional sirevision is not used, GCC11187             assumes the latest known silicon revision of the targeted Blackfin processor.11188             GCC defines a preprocessor macro for the specified cpu.  For the bfin-elf toolchain, this option causes the11189             hardware BSP provided by libgloss to be linked in if -msim is not given.11190             Without this option, bf532 is used as the processor by default.11191             Note that support for bf561 is incomplete.  For bf561, only the preprocessor macro is defined.11192         -msim11193             Specifies that the program will be run on the simulator.  This causes the simulator BSP provided by11194             libgloss to be linked in.  This option has effect only for bfin-elf toolchain.  Certain other options, such11195             as -mid-shared-library and -mfdpic, imply -msim.11196         -momit-leaf-frame-pointer11197             Don't keep the frame pointer in a register for leaf functions.  This avoids the instructions to save, set11198             up and restore frame pointers and makes an extra register available in leaf functions.11199         -mspecld-anomaly11200             When enabled, the compiler ensures that the generated code does not contain speculative loads after jump11201             instructions. If this option is used, "__WORKAROUND_SPECULATIVE_LOADS" is defined.11202         -mno-specld-anomaly11203             Don't generate extra code to prevent speculative loads from occurring.11204         -mcsync-anomaly11205             When enabled, the compiler ensures that the generated code does not contain CSYNC or SSYNC instructions too11206             soon after conditional branches.  If this option is used, "__WORKAROUND_SPECULATIVE_SYNCS" is defined.11207         -mno-csync-anomaly11208             Don't generate extra code to prevent CSYNC or SSYNC instructions from occurring too soon after a11209             conditional branch.11210         -mlow64k11211             When enabled, the compiler is free to take advantage of the knowledge that the entire program fits into the11212             low 64k of memory.11213         -mno-low64k11214             Assume that the program is arbitrarily large.  This is the default.11215         -mstack-check-l111216             Do stack checking using information placed into L1 scratchpad memory by the uClinux kernel.11217         -mid-shared-library11218             Generate code that supports shared libraries via the library ID method.  This allows for execute in place11219             and shared libraries in an environment without virtual memory management.  This option implies -fPIC.  With11220             a bfin-elf target, this option implies -msim.11221         -mno-id-shared-library11222             Generate code that doesn't assume ID-based shared libraries are being used.  This is the default.11223         -mleaf-id-shared-library11224             Generate code that supports shared libraries via the library ID method, but assumes that this library or11225             executable won't link against any other ID shared libraries.  That allows the compiler to use faster code11226             for jumps and calls.11227         -mno-leaf-id-shared-library11228             Do not assume that the code being compiled won't link against any ID shared libraries.  Slower code is11229             generated for jump and call insns.11230         -mshared-library-id=n11231             Specifies the identification number of the ID-based shared library being compiled.  Specifying a value of 011232             generates more compact code; specifying other values forces the allocation of that number to the current11233             library but is no more space- or time-efficient than omitting this option.11234         -msep-data11235             Generate code that allows the data segment to be located in a different area of memory from the text11236             segment.  This allows for execute in place in an environment without virtual memory management by11237             eliminating relocations against the text section.11238         -mno-sep-data11239             Generate code that assumes that the data segment follows the text segment.  This is the default.11240         -mlong-calls11241         -mno-long-calls11242             Tells the compiler to perform function calls by first loading the address of the function into a register11243             and then performing a subroutine call on this register.  This switch is needed if the target function lies11244             outside of the 24-bit addressing range of the offset-based version of subroutine call instruction.11245             This feature is not enabled by default.  Specifying -mno-long-calls restores the default behavior.  Note11246             these switches have no effect on how the compiler generates code to handle function calls via function11247             pointers.11248         -mfast-fp11249             Link with the fast floating-point library. This library relaxes some of the IEEE floating-point standard's11250             rules for checking inputs against Not-a-Number (NAN), in the interest of performance.11251         -minline-plt11252             Enable inlining of PLT entries in function calls to functions that are not known to bind locally.  It has11253             no effect without -mfdpic.11254         -mmulticore11255             Build a standalone application for multicore Blackfin processors.  This option causes proper start files11256             and link scripts supporting multicore to be used, and defines the macro "__BFIN_MULTICORE".  It can only be11257             used with -mcpu=bf561<-sirevision>.11258             This option can be used with -mcorea or -mcoreb, which selects the one-application-per-core programming11259             model.  Without -mcorea or -mcoreb, the single-application/dual-core programming model is used. In this11260             model, the main function of Core B should be named as "coreb_main".11261             If this option is not used, the single-core application programming model is used.11262         -mcorea11263             Build a standalone application for Core A of BF561 when using the one-application-per-core programming11264             model. Proper start files and link scripts are used to support Core A, and the macro "__BFIN_COREA" is11265             defined.  This option can only be used in conjunction with -mmulticore.11266         -mcoreb11267             Build a standalone application for Core B of BF561 when using the one-application-per-core programming11268             model. Proper start files and link scripts are used to support Core B, and the macro "__BFIN_COREB" is11269             defined. When this option is used, "coreb_main" should be used instead of "main".  This option can only be11270             used in conjunction with -mmulticore.11271         -msdram11272             Build a standalone application for SDRAM. Proper start files and link scripts are used to put the11273             application into SDRAM, and the macro "__BFIN_SDRAM" is defined.  The loader should initialize SDRAM before11274             loading the application.11275         -micplb11276             Assume that ICPLBs are enabled at run time.  This has an effect on certain anomaly workarounds.  For Linux11277             targets, the default is to assume ICPLBs are enabled; for standalone applications the default is off.11278         C6X Options11279         -march=name11280             This specifies the name of the target architecture.  GCC uses this name to determine what kind of11281             instructions it can emit when generating assembly code.  Permissible names are: c62x, c64x, c64x+, c67x,11282             c67x+, c674x.11283         -mbig-endian11284             Generate code for a big-endian target.11285         -mlittle-endian11286             Generate code for a little-endian target.  This is the default.11287         -msim11288             Choose startup files and linker script suitable for the simulator.

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