
PizzaCool什么时候出 公测上线时间预告,pizzacool

时间:2023-10-05 09:05:43 来源: 浏览:



Located near Moscow’s VTB arena, a brand new multi-purpose stadium, home to Moscow’s major football club, Dynamo Moscow, it’s only natural, as its name attests, that the recently opened Fan Food pizzeria caters to football fans looking for a quick bite before or after a match. But far from espousing a “sports bar” aesthetic of faux-leather upholstery, sports memorabilia, and wall-to-wall TV screens, the venue is a paradigm of cool sophistication and conceptual playfulness.

▼餐厅服务区概览,serving area overview

室内空间由来自MAST事务所的Vladislav Gaiduk和Vasily Korotkov设计,在苏维埃前卫构成主义衍生的粗野美学的基础上,加入了微妙的意大利本土风格,以向这座与披萨和足球都有深刻渊源的国家表示敬意。

Designed by Vladislav Gaiduk and Vasily Korotkov of Moscow-based architecture studio Mast, the pizzeria’s interiors combine a brutalist aesthetic that draws from the Soviet avant-garde’s Constructivist playbook with subtle touches of Italian vernacular – a nod to the country where both pizza and football are concepts to live by.

▼酒吧吧台,bar counter


▼轴测示意图,axon diagram

Due to its clientele, which apart from football fans also include music fans attending the arena’s frequent concerts and lots of local office workers on their lunch breaks, the self-service pizzeria was designed to meet a high table turnover. L-shaped in floorplan, the venue is divided into a serving area – featuring a bar counter on one side, and an open kitchen, complete with a wood-fired oven, on the other – and a dining area along the street-facing façade whose floor-to-ceiling windows makes for a light-filled space where patrons can enjoy views of the adjacent Petrovsky Park.

▼服务区的一侧设有吧台,the serving area featuring a bar counter on one side

▼另一侧是带有燃木烤箱的厨房,the wood-fired oven on the other side


Exposed concrete surfaces and volumes dominate the unadorned interiors, imbuing the space with a brutalist sensibility of Soviet nostalgia, while the irregularly shaped stone paving and the open kitchen’s ceramic tiling introduce vernacular elements with Italian origins without diluting the pared-down aesthetic of the interior design. The pared-down palette of materials, which also include unvarnished wooden planks lining the bar counter – whimsically reflecting the pattern of the boar-formed concrete kitchen counter – reflects a tight budget but it’s also an aesthetic choice. “We have minimized the amount of finishing materials so that the space will be perceived as a whole”, Vladislav says.

the irregularly shaped stone paving and the open kitchen’s ceramic tiling introduce vernacular elements with Italian origins

the unvarnished wooden planks lining the bar counter whimsically reflect the pattern of the boar-formed concrete kitchen counter

在7米高的既有空间中,建筑师为用餐区引入了一系列细长的拱形结构,使空间更加贴近人的尺度,同时起到了隐藏管线设备和划分座位的作用。拱门的节奏变化令空间在没有装饰的情况下也能充满活力,内部墙壁上的瓷砖壁画则成为用餐空间的戏剧性收尾。壁画中描绘的是前苏联最具传奇色彩的守门员Lev Yashin的英姿,采用了艺术家Alexander Deineka的绘画风格,进一步增强了室内设计的怀旧气息。

Having to deal with a seven-meter high space, the architects introduced a series of slim arches along the dining area that humanize the scale of the room, as well as conceal the service ducts that run above them and delineate the table seating. The rhythmic progression of the arches enlivens the space without the need for ornamentation while their ceremonial pomp finds a fitting climax in the ceramic tile mural on the end wall. Depicting Lev Yashin, the USSR’s most legendary goalkeeper, the mural was created in the style of Soviet artist Alexander Deineka further enhancing the nostalgic bona fides of the interior design.

▼从用餐区望向服务区,view to the serving area from the dining area

a series of slim arches were introduced along the dining area

the dining area features a ceramic tile mural on the end wall

▼用餐区细部,detailed view

▼壁画描绘了前苏联最具传奇色彩的守门员Lev Yashin,
the mural depicting Lev Yashin, the USSR’s most legendary goalkeeper

▼从外部望向壁画,view to the mural from the street


Although Yashin’s figure is the only direct football reference, the architects have cleverly incorporated other football-alluding elements, most notably Dynamo football club’s emblematic blue color, which the restaurant’s doors, shelves, and ventilation pipes all boldly sport. It’s a subtle design feature that nonetheless makes for a spirited statement, not unlike the new pizzeria itself.

the use of Dynamo football club’s emblematic blue color shows a football reference



▼天花细部,ceiling detail

▼餐厅外观,exterior view

标题:PizzaCool什么时候出 公测上线时间预告,pizzacool
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