
LOL手游嫌疑人是谁 海克斯大劫案凶手介绍,联盟的海克斯大劫案嫌疑人

时间:2023-10-05 08:48:02 来源: 浏览:

国际热点 | 土耳其开始对叙利亚的库尔德武装发动进攻

整合 | 周梓洛 黄子洋

>> 白宫拒绝配合特朗普的弹劾调查

>> 土耳其开始对叙利亚的库尔德武装发动进攻

>> 美国最高法院拒绝受理亚马逊仓库工人的薪酬诉讼








White House refuses to cooperate with 'partisan and unconstitutional' impeachment inquiry


@ The Telegraph,9 Oct,2019

The White House declared it will halt any and all cooperation with what it termed the "illegitimate" impeachment probe by House Democrats, sharpening the clash between President Donald Trump and Congress.

Trump attorneys on Tuesday sent a lengthy letter to House leaders bluntly stating White House refusal to participate in the inquiry by previous release of a whistleblower's complaint that the president sought to dig up dirt on Democratic rival Joe Biden in Ukraine and other countries in the name of foreign policy.

The White House is objecting that the House has not voted to begin an impeachment investigation into Trump. It also claims that Trump's due process rights are being violated.

That means no additional witnesses under administration purview will be permitted to appear in front of Congress or comply with document requests, a senior official said.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has insisted the House is well within its rules to conduct oversight of the executive branch under the Constitution regardless of a formal impeachment inquiry vote.

"Mr. President, you are not above the law," Pelosi said in a statement Tuesday night. "You will be held accountable."

The president himself is sticking with the same Trump-as-victim rhetoric he has used for more than a year.

Early Tuesday, Trump escalated his fight with Congress by blocking Gordon Sondland, the U.S. European Union ambassador, from testifying behind closed doors about the president's dealings with Ukraine.

The House followed up Tuesday afternoon with subpoenas for Sondland's testimony and records.










Turkey begins offensive against Kurdish fighters in Syria


@ ABC News,9 Oct ,2019

Turkey launched airstrikes, fired artillery and began a ground offensive against Kurdish fighters in northern Syria on Wednesday after U.S. troops pulled back from the area.

Turkey struck at least six different border towns along a 300-kilometer stretch. At least seven civilians and three members of the Syrian Democratic Forces were killed in the Turkish bombardment, Kurdish activists and a Syria war monitor said.

Erdogan called the offensive "Fountain of Peace". He said the operation, which targeted the Kurds and Daesh, aimed to establish a "safe zone" in northeastern Syria.

Turkey has long threatened to attack the Kurdish fighters that Ankara considers terrorists allied with a Kurdish insurgency in Turkey.

After Erdogan announced the offensive, Trump called the operation "a bad idea" ,but his earlier withdrawal was seen as facilitating the Turkish offensive.

German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas condemned the offensive, saying it will "further destabilize the region and strengthen IS." The operation also was criticized by European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker.

Syria's Foreign Ministry condemned Turkey's military strike, calling it a "blatant violation" of international law and vowing to repel the incursion.

The SDF has warned that a Turkish incursion might lead to the resurgence of the extremists.





埃尔多安宣布进攻后,特朗普称这次行动 “是个坏主意”,而之前他的撤军行为被认为是给土耳其的进攻提供便利。






US Supreme Court Rejects Amazon Warehouse Worker Wage Appeal


@ BLOOMBERG, 7 Oct, 2019

The US Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear Amazon.com's bid to avoid a lawsuit seeking to ensure that warehouse workers for the e-commerce giant get paid for the time it takes them to go through extensive post-shift security screenings.

A group of Amazon warehouse workers who package and ship merchandise filed a proposed class action lawsuit in 2010 against the contractor, Integrity Staffing Solutions, which provides some of the hourly employees for Amazon.

The workers sought compensation for submitting to what they called mandatory "post-9/11 type of airport security" screenings that are aimed at preventing employee theft. The workers have said the screening takes around 25 minutes to complete.

Amazon called the plaintiffs' description of the protocol "grossly inaccurate" in court papers.

In its 2014, ruling in the case, the Supreme Court decided that under a 1947 law that amended the federal Fair Labour Standards Act, companies do not have to pay employees for the time they spend undergoing security checks.

The workers subsequently pressed their allegations under state law and added Amazon as a defendant. The case was consolidated with similar>A judge there dismissed the case, citing the 2014 Supreme Court ruling, since Nevada wage laws track their federal counterparts. However, the Cincinnati, Ohio-based 6th US Circuit Court of Appeals in 2018 overturned that decision.Now the Supreme Court revived the workers' claims under Nevada state law.


2010年,一群负责包装和运输商品的亚马逊仓库工人对承包商Integrity Staffing Solutions提起了集体诉讼,该公司为亚马逊提供了一些小时工。






Greece was broke four years ago. Now investors are paying to lend it money


@ CNN, 10 Oct, 2019

London (CNN Business)----Just four years ago, Greece was on the verge of crashing out of the euro because it was broke and reluctant to accept the terms of a bailout to plug the gaping hole in its finances. Now, investors are effectively paying the country for the privilege of lending it money.

Now it seems the reforms are paying off, helped by negative interest rates in Europe and bond-buying by the European Central Bank that has stimulated economic growth.

Some analysts say that negative yields in Greece do not signal increased demand from foreign investors.Some of the world's most powerful central banks have pushed interest rates into negative territory in order to spur growth.

Yet there are also concerns about the effects of negative rates. Some say they punish savers, inflate asset bubbles and benefit the wealthy. Many economists argue that increased spending by governments would be a more effective way to stimulate growth.








Suspected gunman arrested after two killed in livestreamed attack near German synagogue


@ CNN, 9 Oct , 2019

A gunman in an eastern German town has killed two people and injured several others in a suspected antisemitic rampage on the holiest day of the Jewish calendar.

One woman was killed close to a synagogue in the town of Halle around midday on Wednesday, and another man was fatally shot outside a kebab shop around 600 meters away.

A 35-minute video posted online platform Twitch, appeared to have been filmed by a camera mounted on the helmet of the attacker.

German authorities have arrested a 27-year-old man identified only as Stephan B over the attack.

The German Federal Prosecutors office told CNN that the attack appeared to have been motivated by "extreme far-right and antisemitic" views. In the 35-minute video, believed to have been filmed by the suspected gunman, a man is heard launching into an anti-Semitic rant and claiming that the Holocaust never happened.






Nobel Prizes in Literature awarded to Peter Handke and Olga Tokarczuk


@ CNN , 11 Oct , 2019

The 2019 Nobel Prize in Literature has been awarded to Austrian author Peter Handke, while the 2018 award, postponed from last year, was given to Polish author Olga Tokarczuk.

Handke won the award "for an influential work that with linguistic ingenuity has explored the periphery and the specificity of human experience."

He has become "one of the most influential writers in Europe after the Second World War," according to the Nobel committee.

The literary organization PEN America said in a statement that it was "dumbfounded" by the decision to honor a writer "who has used his public voice to undercut historical truth and offer public succor to perpetrators of genocide."

Tokarczuk, meanwhile, won the 2018 award "for a narrative imagination that with encyclopedic passion represents the crossing of boundaries as a form of life."

Two prizes were awarded this year after the 2018 Nobel Prize in Literature was postponed in the wake of a sexual and financial scandal that engulfed the Swedish Academy, the cultural institution responsible for awarding it. The decision did not affect the other Nobel prizes, which are awarded separately.






Recovery begins as Japan's Typhoon Hagibis leaves trail of death and destruction


@ CNN,13 Oct,2019

Tokyo (CNN)----Typhoon Hagibis weakened to a tropical depression as it continued to move across central Japan on Sunday,leaving at least 15 people dead and more than 140 injured in its wake.

The storm made landfall just before 7 p.m. More than 230,000 people were evacuated ahead of the storm, with emergency orders issued for many cities around the greater Tokyo area.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe offered his "condolences for the people killed in the disaster and my sincere sympathy for the people affected by this disaster......We are to enhance the scale of operation depending on necessity."

Evacuation advisories had been issued throughout much of the Tokyo region as the typhoon approached Japan's main Honshu island, affecting tens of millions of people.

There were widespread transport disruptions Saturday, with flights, bullet trains and other transport canceled across Honshu.Tokyo's Haneda and Narita airports were back in operation midday Sunday, but many flights remained canceled.

However as many as 212,500 households in storm-affected areas remained without power on Sunday afternoon,power companies said.









Aggressive climate change protests hit major cities in Europe, Australia, more than 300 arrested


@Fox Newus,8 Oct,2019

A group of extreme climate change activists around the globe has brought parts of London, France, Germany, and Australia to a standstill as they aggressively push politicians to cut carbon emissions.

In London alone, the actions of the Extinction Rebellion group led to 319 arrests and prompted British Prime Minister Boris Johnson to call the group "uncooperative crusties."

Climate protesters in Australia and New Zealand also blocked roads, entered banks and energy companies on Monday. In Sydney, police were seen dragging elderly people and men in suits through the crowds as massive groups blocked roads in and out of the city. In all, police in Australia arrested about 30 people.

In Britain, the aim of the group is to force the country to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to net-zero by 2025. Currently, Britain's target is 2050.

This isn't the first time there was a mass arrest in London over climate change. In April, the city was brought to a standstill after the same group caused havoc for three days in a row, climbing and gluing themselves on subway trains to prompt road closures. The group was also responsible for a naked protest in the British Parliament.






版面编辑 | 张丁源

责任编辑 | 余 昉

标题:LOL手游嫌疑人是谁 海克斯大劫案凶手介绍,联盟的海克斯大劫案嫌疑人




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