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时间:2023-10-05 08:20:36 来源: 浏览:

NY20+艺术有瘾 | 巴士站的奇特世界 The Curious World of Bus Stops


Public art is art in various forms which is installed in public space, visually and physically accessible to the public. It can be traced back as far as the public sculptures in the squares of ancient Rome. To this day, sculpture is still an important form of public art, such as bronze statues on pavements and monuments in squares or parks. Public art also includes other various artistic representations, such as buildings and even objects and installations that can be used, such as tables, chairs and street lamps. As an increasingly important form of culture in cities, public art plays a prominent role as a cultural carrier and a symbol of the city. Supported by the city, public art belongs to and exists for it.


In today’s Art Addict, we will take a look at the bus stops – a noteworthy public art that is integrated into the city.


Based on different cultural practices, artists has created a variety of unique bus stops in many areas of the Soviet Union, featuring totems, domes, towers, arches, murals and even sculptures of birds. You can directly see the local aesthetic and culture through bus stops, which are visually stimulating with vibrant and powerful colours. From the Black Sea coast to the endless steppes of Kazakhstan, these extraordinary public arts represent a wide range of styles of Soviet public art and offer a glimpse into the groundbreaking thinking of that era.

爱沙尼亚-kootsi Kootsi, Estonia

哈萨克斯坦-恰伦 Charyn, Kazakhstan

哈萨克斯坦-卡拉科尔 Karakol, Kazakhstan

阿布哈兹自治共和国-加格拉 Gagra, Abkhazia, Georgia

哈萨克斯坦-塔拉兹 Taraz, Kazakhstan

亚美尼亚-埃奇米亚津 Echmiadzin, Armenia

亚美尼亚-saratak Saratak, Armenia

阿布哈兹自治共和国-皮聪大 Pitsunda, Abkhazia, Georgia

加拿大摄影师克里斯托弗·赫维希Christopher Herwig通过乘坐汽车、公交车和出租车的方式,游遍了14个前苏联国家,包括哈萨克斯坦、格鲁吉亚、亚美尼亚和爱沙尼亚等,拍下了苏联时期建造的公车站,还把摄影作品做成了一本书名为《苏联公交车站》,在他眼里的公交车站是“出人意料的宝物”。他认为“这些非凡的公交车站展现了从苏联时代难得一见的公共艺术,到当今时代创造性思维的多种艺术风格”。

By car, bus and taxi, photographer Christopher Herwig has circled the former Soviet Union, exploring the most remote areas of Kazakhstan, Georgia, Armenia, Estonia and so on to find and photograph its unique bus stops. His photo book, Soviet Bus Stops, was then published. In his eyes, bus stops are "unexpected treasures". According to him, "these extraordinary bus stops show a wide range of artistic styles, from the rare public art of the Soviet Union to the creative thinking of the time".

BUS, 美国马里兰州,巴尔的摩(来源: Mmmm.tv) BUS, Baltimore, Maryland (Source: Mmmm.tv)

在美国巴尔的摩市,BUS显而易见就是一个巴士站,由一个叫做“Mmmm...”的西班牙艺术团体设计。他们的目标是 "将等待公共汽车的枯燥经历转变为城市紧张节奏中的一个娱乐性的休闲空间"。B是一个完美的避雨场所,U和S是成人休息和孩子们攀爬和滑梯的理想场所。

Designed by Spanish Art Collective Mmmm…, BUS is an obvious bus stop. The Collective’s mission was to “transform the dull experience of waiting for the bus to an entertaining, leisurely space in the middle of the hectic rhythm of the city.” With the B a perfect rain shelter and the U and S ideal for adults to lounge and kids to climb and slide.

公交车站,雅典,阿森斯港(来源:CFennell.org) Bus Stop, Athens, GA (Source: CFennell.org)

这个校车雕塑,由艺术家Christopher Fennell创作。克里斯托弗使用了三辆退役的校车,将车头部分切割下来,再焊接在一起,给人以校车在行驶中的感觉。校车的概念可以使人们回想起童年开始独立的时期。

The school bus sculpture is created by artist Christopher Fennell. Christopher used three retired school buses, cutting off the front sections and welding them back together to give the impression of a bus in motion. It brings us back to childhood and early concepts of independence.

(来源:CFennell.org) (Source: Dennis-Oppenheim.com)

另一方面,公共艺术也遇到了一些公众质疑。已故概念艺术家丹尼斯-奥本海姆于2002年为加州城市的太平洋景观购物中心设计了这个巨大的开瓶器公交车站。他告诉《洛杉矶时报》,他的设计 "将等待公交车的简单行为扩大到几乎是幻觉的程度"。

文图拉市现在将 "巴士之家 "纳入一项名为 "真正打动你的公共艺术 "的场所建设工作。但是,在居民的反对、腐烂、昂贵的诉讼和反复的抱怨声中,它的设计几乎没有提供实际的避风港,这种特殊的“幻觉”可能已经随着时间的推移而消失了。

On the other hand, public art has been questioned. The late conceptual artist Dennis Oppenheim designed this giant corkscrew bus stop for the California city’s Pacific View Mall in 2002. His design, he told the Los Angeles Times “aggrandizes the simple act of waiting for a bus to nearly the level of hallucination.”

The City of Ventura now includes Bus Home in a placemaking effort called “Public Art That Really Moves You.” But between resident opposition, decay, a costly lawsuit and the oft-repeated complaint, its design provides little actual shelter from the elements, this particular hallucination may have faded over time.

Let's travel


As Christoper wished, “I hope it inspires people to travel and not always look for things that are the obvious. There are a lot of little architectural underdogs out there that should be celebrated.”

We also hope that the public art can be integrated into our ordinary lives and commonly visible, perceived and deserved at the same time.


<1> Cfennell.com. 2007.?Christopher Fennell, Sculptor · Bus Stop. Available at: <http://www.cfennell.com/work/2007/bus-stop>

<2> Dotschka, B., 2016. The Curious World of Soviet Bus Stops. Photography. Available at: <https://www.nationalgeographic.com/photography/article/the-curious-world-of-soviet-bus-stops>

<3> Herwigphoto.com. 2022.?SOVIET BUS STOPS + – Christopher Herwig Photographer. Available at: <https://herwigphoto.com/soviet-bus-stops/>

<4> Mmmm.tv. 2014.?mmmm.... Available at: <http://www.mmmm.tv/enbusstop.html>

<5> En.wikipedia.org. 2022.?Public art - Wikipedia. Available at: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_art>

<6> Nextcity.org. 2014.?Public Art Projects Made These 7 Amazing Bus Stops. Available at: <https://nextcity.org/urbanist-news/public-art-bus-stops-photos>

<7> Sierzputowsk, K., 2017.?The Wild Architecture of Soviet-Era Bus Stops Photographed by Christopher Herwig. Colossal. Available at: <https://www.thisiscolossal.com/2017/12/soviet-era-bus-stops-photographed-by-christopher-herwig/>

<8>Sohu.com. 2022.?他走遍13个国家,原来公交站也可以这么有“创意”_文化_前苏联_设计. Available at: <https://www.sohu.com/a/524969673_121123710>

<9>Zhihu. 2021.?什么是公共艺术?有哪些优秀的公共艺术作品?. Available at: <https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/380808803>


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