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Book8 Unit 1

1. △ illustrate/ ˈɪləstreɪt / vt.说明;阐明
2. distinct / dɪˈstɪŋkt / adj.清晰的;明显的;明确的
distinction / dɪˈstɪŋkʃn / n.差别;区分;卓著

It also has the distinction of being the most multicultural state in the USA, having attracted people from all over the world. 加州与众不同之处在于它也是美国最具多元文化的一个州,它吸引了来自世界各地的人们。(P1)
3. △immigrant / ˈɪmɪgrənt / n.移民
4. live on 继续存在;继续生存

The customs and languages of the immigrants live on in their new

home. 这些移民的风俗习惯以及语言在他们的新家都得以延续。(P1)

5. strait /streɪt/ n.海峡

Scientists believe that these settlers crossed the Bering Strait in the Arctic to America by means of a land bridge

which existed in prehistoric times.科学家们认为这些迁居者通过一条史前时期曾经存在的大陆桥穿越北极地区的白令海峡到达美洲。(P2)

6. Arctic /'ɑ:ktɪk/ adj.北极的;北极区的
the Arctic 北极
7. means /mi:nz/ n.手段;方法

8. △ prehistoric /'pri:hɪ'stɔ:rɪk/adj.史前的
9. majority /mə'dʒɔrɪtɪ/ n.大多数;大半

Of the first Spanish to go to California, the majority were religious

men, whose ministry was to teach the Catholic religion to the

natives. 在首批移居加利福尼亚州的西班牙人中,大部分是宗教人士,他们的职责是向原住居民传授天主教。(P2)
10. ministry / ˈmɪnɪstri / n.(政府的)部;(全体)牧师
11. Catholic /'kæθəlɪk/ adj.天主教的 n.天主教徒
12. △ adventurer /əd'ventʃərə/ n.冒险家
13. make a life 习惯于新的生活方式、工作等

Some died or returned home, but most remained in California to

make a life for themselves despite great hardship. They settled in

the new towns or on farms. 许多人死了或回家了,但是尽管条件十分艰苦,大多数人仍然留在了加利福尼亚劳作谋生,在新的城镇或农场里定居下来。(P2)

14. △despite / dɪˈspaɪt / prep.尽管;不管(=in spite of)
15. hardship /'hɑ:dʃip/ n.苦难;困苦
16. elect /ɪ'lekt/ vt.选择;决定做某事;选举某人

By the time California elected to become the thirty-first federal state of the USA in 1850, it was already a multicultural society.到1850年加利福尼亚成为美国第31个州的时候, 它已经是一个有着多元文化的社会了。(P2)

17. federal /'fedərəl/ adj.联邦制的;联邦政府的

18. rail /reɪl/ n.铁路;扶手;横条

Although Chinese immigrants began to arrive during the Gold Rush Period, it was the building of the rail network from the west to the

east coast that brought even larger numbers to California in the

1860s. 虽然中国移民在淘金热期间就开始来到(美国),但是更大批量的中国移民却是在十九世纪六十年代为了修建贯穿美国东西海岸的铁路而来的。(P2)

19. percentage /pə'sentɪdʒ/ n.百分比;百分率

Today, Chinese-Americans live in all parts of California, although a large percentage have chosen to stay in the "Chinatowns" of Los Angeles and San

Francisco. 今天,加利福尼亚州各地都有美藉华人居住,尽管有很大比例的华人还是选择住在洛杉矶和旧金山的中国城里。(P2)
20. keep up 坚持;维持;沿袭

In 1911 immigrants from Denmark established a town of their own, which today still keeps up their Danish culture. 1911年丹麦移民建立了他们自己的城镇,至今仍保留着丹麦文化。 (P2)

21. boom /bu:m/ n.繁荣 vt.处于经济迅速发展时期

The industry boom attracted Europeans including many Jewish

people. 这个工业的繁荣吸引了许多欧洲人包括许多犹太人。(P3)
22. aircraft / ˈeəkrɑ:ft/ n.飞行器;航空器;飞机
23. immigrate / ˈɪmɪgreɪt / vi.移入
24. △ immigration / ˌɪmɪˈgreɪʃn / n.移民;移居入境
25. racial /'reɪʃəl/ adj.人种的;种族的

It is believed that before long the mix of nationalities will be so

great that there will be no distinct major racial or cultural groups,

but simply a mixture of many races and cultures. 人们认为, 要不了多久,多种国籍的混合将会非常之大,以至于不可能存在一种主要的种族或文化群体,而只是多种族、多文化的混合体。(P3)
26. crossing /'krɔsɪŋ/ n.横渡;横越;十字路口;人行横道
27. vice /vaɪs/ n.adj.代理;副职
28. nephew / ˈnefju: / n.侄子;外甥
29. pole /pəul/ n.地极;电极;磁极
30. applicant /'æplɪkənt/ n.申请人
31. customs n.海关;关税;进口税
32. socialist /'səuʃəlɪst/ n.社会主义者;社会党人 adj.社会主义者的
socialism /'səuʃəlɪzəm/ n.社会主义
33. occur / əˈkɜ:(r)/ vi.发生;出现

34. cattle /'kætl/ n.牛
35. indicate / ˈɪndɪkeɪt / vt.指出;标示;表明;暗示

36. back to back n.背靠背

37. luggage /'lʌgɪdʒ/ n.行李

Arrived early this morning by bus. Went straight to hotel to drop my luggage, shower and shave. 清晨乘公共汽车抵达,直赴饭店,放下行李,洗澡、刮脸,即去观光。(P8)
38. shave /ʃeiv/ vt.vi.刮;剃
39. △ cable /'keɪbl/ n.缆绳;绳索;电缆cable car 缆车;有轨缆车
40. tram n.(有轨)电车

Built in 1873, the cable car system was invented by Andrew Hallidie, who wanted to find a better form of transport than horse-drawn trams. 缆车系统建立于1873年,是由安德鲁·哈利迪发明的,他试图找到一种比马拉的轨道车更好的交通方式。(P8)
41. apparent /ə'pærənt/ adj.显而易见的;显然的;表面上的
apparently /ə'pærəntli/ adv.显然地;显而易见地

Apparently he'd been shocked when he saw a terrible accident in

which a tram's brakes failed, the conductor could not control the

situation and the tram slipped down the hill dragging the horses

with it. 他曾经看到过一次可怕的交通事故:一辆马车刹车失灵,驾车失控,车子和马一起从山上滑了下去,很明显这让他受到了极大的震惊。(P8)
42. brake /breɪk/ n.闸;刹车;制动器vi. &vt.刹(车);用制动器减速

43. conductor /kən'dʌktə/ n.售票员;列车员;(乐队)指挥
44. slip /slip/ vi.滑动;滑行;滑跤 n.滑动;滑倒

As I ran up the stairs, my foot slipped andI fell.我跑上楼梯时失脚摔倒了。
45. △wharf /wɔ:f/ n.码头
46. bakery /'beɪkəri/ n.面包房;面包厂

Now it's a tourist area with lots of shops, sea food restaurants and

bakeries. 如今这儿是一个旅游区了,很多商店、海鲜馆和面包坊。(P8)
47. ferry /'feri/ n.渡船;渡口 vt.摆渡;渡运

It's also the place to catch the ferry to Angel Island and other places in the Bay. 这儿也是乘渡船去天使岛和海湾其他地方的渡口。(P8)
48. team up with 与...合作或一起工作

Teamed up with a couple from my hotel (Peter and Terri) and

hired a car. 同酒店里的一对夫妻(彼得和泰莉)作伴,一起租了一辆小汽车。(P8)

49. hire /'haɪə/ vt.n.租用;雇用

50. △ fascinating /'fæsineitiŋ/ adj.迷人的;吸引人的

There's a fascinating drive marked out for tourists. 有一种专门为旅游者选定的驾车游。(P8)
51. mark out 画线;标出...界线

52. seagull /ˈsi:gʌl /n.海鸥

It has blue and white signs with seagulls on them to show the way to go. 车身上有蓝白两色相间的标记,上面有海鸥以表示要去的路线。(P8)
53. take in 包括

It's a 79km round-trip that takes in all the famous tourist spots. 这是一次79公里的旅行,它涵盖了所有著名的旅游景点。(P8)

54. angle /'æŋgl/ n.角;角度

Stopped many times to admire the view of the city from different

angles and take photographs. 途中多次停车,从不同角度欣赏城市风景并摄影。(P8)
55. a good /great many 许多;很多

Saw some interesting temples here, a number of markets and a

great many restaurants. 这儿看到了一些有趣的寺庙,不少的集贸市场和大量的餐馆,还有美术馆和一个博物馆。(P8)

56. apply for 申请;请示得到

From 1882 to 1940 Angel Island was a famous immigration station where many Chinese people applied for right to live in USA. 从1882年至1940年,天使岛成为一个著名的移民站,许多中国人在那儿申请美国居住权。(P8)

57. nowhere / ˈnəʊweə(r) / adv.无处;到处都无

The cells in the station were very small, cold and damp; some did

not even have light but the immigrants had nowhere else to go. 移民站的房间又冷又潮湿,一些房间甚至没有光,但是移民们没有其他去处。(P8)

58. △miserable /'mɪzərəbl/ adj.痛苦的;悲惨的
59. punishment /'pʌnɪʃmənt/ n.处罚;惩罚

Their miserable stay seemed to be punishment rather than justice

and freedom to them. 悲惨的境遇对他们来说似乎是一种惩罚而谈不上公正和自由。(P8)
60. justice /'dʒʌstɪs/ n.正义;公平
61. mourn /mɔ:n/ vi.vt.哀悼;悼念;表示悲痛

They wrote poems on the walls about their loneliness and mourned their former life in China. 他们在墙上写诗,抒发孤独的情感,痛惜以前在中国的生活。(P8)
62. civil /'sɪvl/ adj.公民的;国内的;民间的

In 1940 the civil authorities reformed the system so that many more Chinese people were able to grasp the opportunity of settling in

the USA. 1940年民政部门改革了制度,使得更多的中国人能够得到机会定居美国。(P8)
63. authority / ɔ:ˈθɒrəti / n.权威;权力 (pl.)当局;官方
64. reform /rɪ'fɔ:m/ vt.&vi.改革;革新 n.改革;改造;改良

65. grasp /grɑ:sp/ vt.抓住;抓紧;理解;领会;领悟;明白

66. △ thoughtful /'θɔ:tful/ adj.关切的;体贴的;深思的

Made me very thoughtful and thankful for my life today. 这引起我的感慨,使我对今天的生活感到欣慰。(P8)
67. thankful /'θæŋkful/ adj.感激的;感谢的
68. insert / ɪnˈsɜ:t / vt.插入;嵌入

Book8 Unit 2

1.differ /'dɪfə/ vi.不同;相异(同vary)

2. exact /ig'zækt/ adj.精确的;准确的

It is a way of making an exact copy of another animal or plant. 这是一种用来生产与原型完全相同的动植物的方法。(P11)
3. △cutting /'kʌtiŋ/ n.剪枝;剪报;剪报

It happens in plants when gardeners take cuttings from growing

plants to make new ones. 当园艺师从生长着的植物上剪下枝条来培植新植物时,就会产生这种现象。(P11)
4. twin /twɪn/ n.双胞胎之一;孪生儿之一 adj.成对的;成双的

5. △ identical /aɪˈdentɪkl/ adj.同一的;一模一样的
6. commercial / kəˈmɜ:ʃl / adj.商业的;贸易的

Firstly, gardeners use it all the time to produce commercial

quantities of plants. 第一,园艺师一直用它生产大量的供商用的植物。(P11)

7. straightforward /streɪt'fɔ:wəd/ adj.简单的;直接的;坦率的

Cloning plants is straightforward while cloning animals is very

complicated. It is a difficult task to undertake.克隆植物简单,但克隆动物就比较复杂了,是一项很难完成的任务。(P11)
8. △complicated / ˈkɒmplɪkeɪtɪd / adj.复杂的;难懂的
9. undertake /'ʌndə'teɪk/ vt.着手;从事;承担

It is a difficult task to undertake. 那是一项需承担的艰巨的任务。(P11)

10. pay off 得到好结果;取得成功

But at last the determination and patience of the scientists paid off

in 1996 with a breakthrough- the cloning of Dolly the sheep. 但是,科学家的决心和耐心最终得到了回报,这就是1996年具有突破性的克隆羊―多莉的诞生。(P11)

11. breakthrough /'breɪikθru:/ n.突破
12. procedure /prə'si:dʒə/ n.程序;步骤;手续

The procedure works like this.它的程序如下。(P11)
13. △nucleus /'nju:klɪəs/ n.(原子)核;中心
14. somatic /sou'mætɪk/ adj.躯体的;肉体的;细胞体的
15. △embryo /'embrɪəu/ n.胚;胚胎;萌芽时期
16. carrier /'kærɪə/ n.携带者;搬运工;运输工具
17. cast /kɑ:st/ vt.扔;投;掷

The fisherman cast his net into the water.渔夫把网撒到水里。

cast down 沮丧;不愉快

be cast down (by sth)(因某事)沮丧,不愉快

Cloning scientists were cast down to find that Dolly's illnesses were more appropriate to a much older animal. 研究看来的科学家发现多莉得的病更容易发生在年老的羊身上,这让他们很沮丧。(P12)
18. altogether /'ɔ:ltə'geðə/ adv.总共;完全地

Altogether Dolly lived six and a half years, half the length of the life of

the original sheep.多莉总共活了六年半,这是它的原型羊寿命的一半。(P12)
19. arbitrary /'ɑ:bɪtrəri/ adj.任意的

Sadly the same arbitrary fate affected other species, such as cloned mice. 可悲的是,同样无法控制的命运也在影响着其他物种,如克隆鼠。(P12)
20. △fate /feɪt/ n.命运;天命
21. correction /kə'rekʃən/ n.改正;纠正;修正

Could it be solved if corrections were made in their research

22. object / ˈɒbdʒɪkt / vi.反对;不赞成

On the other hand, Dolly's appearance raised a storm of objections and had a great impact on the media and public imagination. 另一方面,多莉羊的出现引起了一阵强烈的反对,对媒体和公众的想象力也产生了极大的影响。(P12)

23. △impact /'ɪmpækt/ n.撞击;冲击;巨大的影响
24. medium /'mi:djəm/ n.媒介;手段;工具the media 大众传播媒体
25. obtain /əb'teɪn/ vt.获得;赢得

Although at present human egg cells and embryos needed for

cloning research are difficult to obtain, newspapers wrote of evil

leaders hoping to clone themselves to attain their ambitions. 尽管目前供克隆研究的人类卵细胞很难获得,报纸报道说,有些邪恶头目希望把自己克隆出来以实现他们的野心。(P12)

26. attain /ə'teɪn/ vt.获得;到达
27. moral /'mɔrəl/ adj.道德(上)的;伦理的 <反>immoral不道德的,邪恶的

Religious leaders also raised moral questions. 宗教领袖还提出了道德方面的问题。(P12)
28. conservative /kən'sə:vətiv/ adj.保守的;守旧的

Governments became nervous and more conservative. 各国政府惶恐不安而且更加谨慎。(P12)

29. forbid /fə'bɪd/ vt.禁止;不准

Some began to reform their legal systems and forbade research into human cloning. 有些政府开始改革司法制度,明令禁止进行克隆人类的研究。(P12)
30. accumulate /ə'kju:mjuleit/ vt.vi.积累;聚积

but other countries like China and the UK, continued to accumulate evidence of the abundant medical aid that cloning could provide. 但是其他国家,如中国和英国,则仍然在继续收集克隆技术有可能提供丰富的医疗救助的证据。(P12)
31. in favour of 赞成;支持

Is it in favour of cloning or against it? 它是赞成克隆或反对?(P12)

32. side road n.旁路;支线;岔道

Her memory is so excellent that she could remember the exact names of the side roads we passed on the way. 她是如此的优秀,她能记起的旁边的路上我们走过的道路的确切名称。(P13)
33. constitution /'kɔnstɪ'tju:ʃən/ n.宪法;章程

According to the constitution, it is compulsory for a citizen to undertake military service. 根据宪法,对公民进行兵役是强制性的。(P13)
34. compulsory / kəmˈpʌlsəri / adj.必须做的;义务的;强迫的;强制的
35. opera / ˈɒprə / n.歌剧;歌剧团;歌剧院

Is the opera house in the business area of Beijing? 那是在北京商业区的歌剧院?(P13)
36. chorus / ˈkɔ:rəs / n.合唱;合唱队

The producer of the media programme disagreed with Jennifer join in the chorus. 媒体的节目制作人不同意珍妮佛参加合唱团。(P13)
37. loaf / ləʊf / n.一条(面包)

Before you can make a loaf, you need to get some flour. 在你做面包前,需要准备一些面粉。(P13)
38. flour / ˈflaʊə(r) / n.面粉
39. owe / əʊ / vt.欠;归功于

You owe the lady an apology. 你应该向那位女士道歉。(P13)

40. shortly /'ʃɔ:tli/ adv.立刻;不久

Shortly after Freddy did some research, he discovered the fate of Dolly the sheep. 不久后,弗莱迪做了一些研究,他发现了多利羊的命运。(P13)
41. retire / rɪˈtaɪə(r) / vi.退休;离开

When he retired he would be able to look back on his life with satisfaction. 当他退休时,他会满意地回顾自己的生活。(P13)

42. bother / ˈbɒðə(r) /vt.打扰 vi.操心n.烦扰

However, the problem that she later developed a serious lung disease bothered scientists. 然而,她后来患上严重的肺部疾病的问题困扰着科学家们。(P14)

43. (be) bound to (do) 一定或注定(做)

Dolly’s death, like her birth, was bound to raise worries. 多莉的死,就像她的出生,必定会引起人们的担忧。(P14)

44. assumption / əˈsʌmpʃn / n.假定;设想
45. regulation /'regju'leɪʃən/ n.规则;规章;法规
46. △ nonsense / ˈnɒnsns / n.胡说;无稽之谈;废话
47. △ popularity /ˌpɒpjuˈlærəti / n.受人喜爱;流行
48. strike /straɪk/ vi打vt.撞击,碰;突然想到;n.罢工

strike...into one's heart 使......刻骨铭心

The popularity of films such as Jurassic Park, in which a scientist

clones several kinds of extinct dinosaurs, proves how the idea struck a


of fear and excitement into people's hearts. 在《侏罗纪公园》这部影片中,有一位科学家克隆了好几种不同的绝种恐龙。类似这样的电影很受欢迎,证明了这一想法使人们感到既兴奋又恐惧。(P15)

49. △bison /'baɪsn/ n.北美或欧洲野牛
50. △calf /kɑ:f/ n.小牛;牛犊
51. from time to time 不时;偶尔

52. bring back to life 使复生;使复活

From time to time people suggest that extinct animals like

dinosaurs, can possibly be brought back to life through cloning. 不时地会有人提议,克隆技术将有可能使地球上已经消失的动物(如恐龙)复活。(P15)

53. initial /ɪ'niʃəl/ adj.最初的;开始的
54. △DNA n.脱氧核糖核酸
55. vain /veɪn/ adj.虚荣的;自负的;徒劳的
56. in vain 白费力气;枉费心机

All efforts of cloning an animal will be in vain if there is not enough diversity in the group to overcome illnesses. 如果某个动物群体没有足够的多样性以战胜疾病,那么克隆这种动物的所有努力都将是无用的。(P15)

57. resist / rɪˈzɪs / vt.抵抗;对抗

The advantage is that if there is a new illness some of these animals may die, but others will survive and pass on the ability to resist that disease to the next generation. 其优点是,如果发生了某种新的疾病,这类动物中的一些可能会死去,而另外一些却能存活下来,并且把这种免疫力传给下一代。(P15)

58. drawback /'drɔ:bæk/ n.缺点;不利条件

The great drawback to cloning a group of animals is that they would allhave the same arrangement of genes and so might die of the

same illness. 经过克隆的动物群体的最大缺点是:它们的基因排列有可能完全相同,因而它们有可能会死于同一种疾病。(P15)

59. merely / ˈmɪəli / adv.仅;只;不过

So the chance of dinosaurs ever returning to the earth is merely a

60. △restore /rɪs'tɔ:/ vt.恢复;使恢复原状;重建
61. decoration / ˌdekəˈreɪʃn / n.装饰
62. unable /'ʌn'eɪbl/ adj.不能的;不会的
63. feather / ˈfeðə(r) / n.羽毛
64. △ fairly / ˈfeəli / adv.公平地;相当地
65. in good condition 状况很好;情况很好

The dodo became extinct fairly recently so its DNA is still in good condition. 渡渡鸟最近才灭绝,因此其DNA仍处于良好的状态。(P17)

66. turkey / ˈtɜ:ki / n.火鸡
67. △dye /daɪ/ vt.给...染色;染 n.染色剂
68. claw /klɔ:/ n.爪;脚爪
69. adore / əˈdɔ:(r) / v.崇拜;爱慕;喜爱

It would make an ideal pet for a family and children will adore it. 对于一个家庭而言那是一个理想的宠物,孩子们会喜欢它。(P17)
70. hatch /hætʃ/ vt.vi.孵出;孵卵;孵化

It produces large nutritious eggs which easily hatch into young dodos. 它产生了大量有营养的容易孵化成小渡渡鸟的卵。(P17)
71. reasonable / ˈri:znəbl / adj.合情合理的;讲道理的;公道的

Book8 Unit 3
1. △amphibious / æmˈfɪbɪəs / adj.两栖(类)的
2. patent / ˈpætnt / n.专利证书;专利权

3. call up 给...打电话

When I called up my mother in the countryside on the telephone

she was very upset. 我给住在乡下的母亲打电话的时候,她感到很心烦。(P20)

4. courtyard /'kɔ:tjɑ:d/ n.院子;庭院;天井

There are some snakes in our courtyard. 我们院子里有几条蛇。(P20)
5. now and then 偶而;有时

Snakes come near the house now and then, and they seem to have made their home here, not far from the walnut tree. 蛇时不时地爬到屋子边上来,可这几条蛇似乎是在屋子附近离胡桃树不远的地方安家了。(P20)

6. walnut / ˈwɔ:lnʌt/ n.胡桃;胡桃木
7. distinguish/ dɪˈstɪŋgwɪʃ / vt.使出众;使著名;vt.&vi.显示......的差别

Here was a chance for me to distinguish myself by inventing

something merciful that would catch snakes but not harm them.这回我有机会来表现一下自己了。我要发明某种仁慈的东西。既可以把蛇捉住,而又不会伤害它们。(P20)

8. merciful / ˈmɜ:sɪfl/ adj.宽大的;仁慈的;慈悲的
9. product / ˈprɒdʌkt / n.产品
10. powder / ˈpaʊdə(r) / n.粉末;火药
11. set about 开始;着手

I set about researching the habits of snakes to find the easiest way

to trap them. 于是我就着手研究蛇的习性,以便能找到最容易的方法捉住它们。(P20)

12. perfume / ˈpɜ:fju:m / n.香水;香味

Secondly, attracting them into a trap using male or female perfume or food; 第二,用男人或女人用的香水或食物把它们引进陷阱。(P20)

13. stainless /'steɪnlɪis/ adj.无锈的;不锈的;没有污点的

I bought an ice-cream maker which was made of stainless steel. 我买了一个制冰淇淋的不锈钢碗。(P20)

14. △ jelly /'dʒeli/ n.果冻;果冻状物
15. cube /kju:b/ n.立方体;立方 cubic /'kju:bik/ adj.立方的
16. abrupt /ə'brʌpt/ adj.突然的;意外的
abruptly /ə'brʌptli/adv.突然地;唐突的

They abruptly disappeared into a convenient hole in the wall. 它们突然一下子就消失在附近的墙洞里去了。(P20)
17. convenient /kən'vi:njənt/ adj.便利的;方便的;就近的

18. caution /'kɔ:ʃən/ n.小心;谨慎

This time with great caution I bent down to examine the snakes and I found them very sleepy. 这一次我蹲下去很小心地检查的时候,发现蛇都是睡意浓浓的。(P20)
19. expectation /'ekspek'teɪʃən/ n.预料;期待;期望

This was in the expectation that the snakes would bite again. 这是因为我预料蛇还会再咬人。(P21)
20. passive /'pæsɪv/ adj.被动的;消极的;被动语态的

I collected the passive snakes and the next day we merrily released

them all back into the wild.我把这些温顺的蛇收集起来,第二天就把他们全部释放到野外了。(P21)
21. merry /'meri/ adj.愉快的;高兴的
merrily /'merɪli/ adv.愉快地;高兴地
22. seize /si:z/ vt.抓住;捉住;夺

Pressed by my friends and relations, I decided to seize the

opportunity to get recognition for my successful idea by sending

my invention to the patent office. 由于朋友和亲戚的敦促,我决定抓住这次机会把我的发明送到专利局去,请他们对我这次成功的思路给予认可。(P21)

23. △ recognition / ˌrekəgˈnɪʃn / n.认出;认可;承认
24. criterion / kraɪˈtɪərɪən / n.标准;尺度 <复数> criteria

The criteria are so strict that it is difficult to get new ideas accepted unless they are truly novel. (评定)专利标准非常严格,除非新的想法真是新颖的,否则很难被接受。(P21)
25. △claim /kleɪm/ n.vt.要求;声称;主张
26. valid /'vælɪd/ adj.有效的;确凿的

There are a large number of patent examiners, too, whose only job

is to examine whether your claim is valid or not. 专利局还有一大批审查人员,他们的唯一职责就是审查你的专利申请是否有效。(P21)

27. file /faɪl/vt.提交;将……归档n.文件;档案;文件夹

So I have filled in the form and filed my patent application with the Patent Office. 于是,我填了表,向专利局提交了申请书。(P21)

28. ripe /raɪp/ adj.熟的;成熟的
29. string /striŋ/ n.线;绳子;一串
30. glue /glu:/ n.胶;胶水 vt.粘贴;粘合
31. △ rod /rɔd/ n.杆;棒
32. freezing /'fri:zɪŋ/ adj.冰冻的;寒冷的

33. greengrocer / ˈgri:ngrəʊsə(r) / n.蔬菜水果商;蔬菜水果店
34. identification / aɪˌdentɪfɪˈkeɪʃn / n.鉴定;辨认;确定;身份证明
35. directory / dəˈrektəri / n.电话簿;商行名录

I found his phone number in the directory and tried to telephone him last night, but there was no reply. 昨晚我在电话簿上找到了他的电话号码,想给他打电话,但没有回音。(P23)
36. dial / ˈdaɪəl / vt.拨(电话)

Later I found I dialed the wrong number. 后来我发现我打错电话了。(P23)
37. rainfall /'reɪnfɔ:l/ n.降雨
38. △courtroom /'kɔ:trum/ n. 法庭;审判室
39. innocent / ˈɪnəsnt / adj.清白的;无罪的;天真的
40. lantern / ˈlæntən / n.灯笼;提灯
41. bear / beə(r) / vt.忍受;忍耐;负担

I can’t bear the smell of burst sausage on the barbecue. 我不能忍受在烧烤架上炸香肠的味道。(P24)

42. jam /dʒæm/ n.堵塞;阻塞;果酱
43. △ microphone / ˈmaɪkrəfəʊn / n.麦克风;话筒
44. forehead /'fɔrɪd, 'fɔ:hed/ n.额头
45. beaten track n.被踩出来的路;常规;惯例

Leave the beaten track occasionally and dive into the woods. 偶尔离开平路去寻求困境。(P25)
46. △occasionally / əˈkeɪʒnəli / adv.偶然地;不时地
47. dive into 迅速把手伸入;一心投入

48. dynamic /daɪ'næmɪk/ adj.充满有活力的;精力充沛的;动态的;发展变化的

It was this exploring around problems and his dynamic spirit that

led to his most famous invention - the telephone in 1876. 正是这种对问题的探索和富有活力的精神造就了他那最名的发明——1876年的电话。(P25)
49. set out (to do) 开始(做)

Bell never set out to invent the telephone and what he was trying to design was a multiple telegraph. 贝尔并非一开始就想要发明电话的,他本来想设计的东西是多路电报。(P25)

50. △multiple /'mʌltɪpl/ adj.多种的;多样的;多类型的 n.倍数
51. dot /dɔt/ n.点;小圆点 vt.以小圆点标出;分散
52. tap /tæp/ vt.&vi.轻打;轻拍;轻敲n. 轻轻地敲击(声);(水)龙头

53. wire / ˈwaɪə(r) / n.金属线;电线
54. straw /strɔ:/ n.稻草;麦秆;饮料吸管
55. △ reproduce / ˌri:prəˈdju:s / vt.复制;再现...的形象或声音
56. current / ˈkʌrənt / n.流;电流adj.现在的;当前的

57. helicopter / ˈhelɪkɒptə(r) / n.直升飞机
58. triangle /'traɪængl/ n.三角形;三角形物体
59. △ tetrahedron / ˌtetrəˈhi:drən / n.四面体
60. stable /ˈsteɪbl / adj.稳固的;稳定的;安定的

Being very stable, it has proved invaluable in the design of bridges.这种四面体非常稳定,被证明是在桥梁设计中的无价之宝。(P25)
61. △ invaluable / ɪnˈvæljuəb / adj.无价的;极宝贵的
62. associate / əˈsəʊʃɪeɪt / vi.联想;联系 n.同伴;伙伴

Although he is most often associated with the invention of the

telephone, he was indeed a continuing searcher after practical

solutions to improve the quality of everybody's life.虽然人们常把他与电话的发明联系在一起,但是他的确是一位永不停息的探索家,不断寻求着改善人们生活质量的途径。(P25)
63. practical / ˈpræktɪkl / adj.实际的;实践的;实用的

64. refrigerator / rɪˈfrɪdʒəreɪtə(r) /n.冰箱
65. court /kɔ:t/ n.法庭;法院;朝廷
66. extension /ɪks'tenʃən/ n.电话分机;扩大;延伸
67. hang on 不挂断;稍等;紧紧握住

68. out of order 次序颠倒;发生故障

69. get through 设法联系上;做完;通过

70. ring back 回复电话

71. ring off 挂断电话

72. version / ˈvɜ:ʃn / n.版本;译本
73. competence / ˈkɒmpɪtəns / n.能力;胜任;本领

△competent / ˈkɒmpɪtənt / adj.能胜任的;有能力的;称职的
74. jeep /dʒi:p/ n.吉普车
75. personnel / ˌpɜ:səˈne l / n.人力资源;人事部;全体人员

Book8 Unit 4
1. adaptation / ˌædæpˈteɪʃn / n.适应(性);改编本

This play by George Bernard Shaw is an adaptation of classic Greek story. 萧伯纳的这个剧本是由一个经典的希腊故事改编的。(P28)
2. classic /'klæsɪk/ adj.经典的;第一流的n. 经典著作

3. caption /kæpʃən/ n.说明文字;字幕;标题;题目
4. plot /plɔt/ n.情节;阴谋

5. professor /prə'fesə/ n.教授
6. △ phonetics / fəˈnetɪks / n.语音学
7. △colonel / ˈkɜ:nl / n.上校
8. △ fateful /'feɪtful/ adj.重要的;决定性的;命中注定的
9. whistle /'wɪsl/ vi.吹口哨;发出汽笛声 n.口哨声;汽笛声

10.garment / ˈgɑ:mənt / n.衣服;服装

Nearby a flower girl wearing dark garments and a woollen scarfis

also sheltering from the rain. 附近有一个穿着深色衣服围着一条羊毛围巾的卖花姑娘也在躲雨。(P29)

11.woolen /'wulɪn/ adj.毛纺的;纯毛的

12.hesitate / ˈhezɪteɪt / vi.犹豫;踌躇

A gentleman passes and hesitates for a moment.这时有位先生从这儿路过,他迟疑了片刻。(P29)

13. uncomfortable / ʌnˈkʌmftəbl / adj.不舒服的;不安的;不自在的

uncomfortably adv.不舒服地;不自在地
14. troublesome / ˈtrʌblsəm / adj.带来麻烦的;使人心烦的

Now don't be troublesome, there's a good girl. 别烦我了,好姑娘。(P29)

15.wallet /'wɔlɪt/ n.皮夹;钱包

16.outcome / ˈaʊtkʌm / n.结果;效果

17.thief /θi:f/ n.小偷;贼
18. handkerchief / ˈhæŋkətʃɪf / n.手帕;手绢;纸巾〔复数〕handkerchiefs&handkerchieves

19. △disguise /dɪs'gaɪz/ vt.伪装;假扮;遮掩 n.伪装

indisguise 伪装(的);假扮(的)

I thought maybe you was a policeman in disguise. 我还以为你是一个便衣警察呢。(P29)
20. mistaken / mɪˈsteɪkən / adj.错误的;不正确的

You were born in Lisson Grove if I'm not mistaken. 如果我没有弄错的话,你出生在里森格罗佛。(P29)
21. brilliant / ˈbrɪlɪənt / adj.光辉灿烂的;杰出的;才华横溢的

That's quite brilliant! 这是 相当 棒!(P29)
22. classify /'klæsɪfaɪ/ vt.编排;分类;归类

Simply phonetics studied and classified from people's own speech.对人的发音进行研究、分类,如此而已。(P29)

23. remark /

You can place a man by just a few remarks.我可以根据几句话判定是哪个地方的人。(P29)

24. betray / bɪˈtreɪ / vt.显露出;背叛

But they betray themselves every time they open their mouths.但是他们一张嘴就露出马脚(暴露自己的身份)。(P29)
25. upper / ˈʌpə(r) / adj.较高的;级别较高的

Now once taught by me, she'd become an upper class lady.如今让我一教,她就会变成一个上层阶级的淑女。(P29)
26. extraordinary / ɪkˈstrɔ:dnri / adj.不同寻常的;非凡的
27. condemn / kənˈdem / vt.使……注定,迫使……接受困境(或不愉快的状况);谴责

Look at this girl with her terrible English: the English that will

condemn her to the gutter to the end of her days. 你瞧那个姑娘,英语说的那么糟糕,命中注定要在贫民窟里呆一辈子了。(P30)

28. △ gutter / ˈgʌtə(r) / n.排水沟;阴沟;贫民区
29. properly / ˈprɒpəli / adv.适当地;恰当地

once educated to speak properly, that girl could pass herself off in three months as a duchess at an ambassador's garden party.要是一旦有人教她把英语说好了,她就可以在三个月以内冒充公爵夫人出席大使主办的花园晚会了。(P30)
30. pass...off as... 改变或冒充成......

31. △duchess /'dʌtʃɪs/ n.公爵夫人;女公爵
32. ambassador /æm'bæsədə/ n.大使;使节
33. acquaintance / əˈkweɪntəns / n.相识;了解;熟人

make one's acquaintance 结识;与... ...相见

And I came to England to make your acquaintance! 我也正是到英国来和你相识的!(P30)

34. handful /hændful/ n.一把;少量
35. △amazement / əˈmeɪzmənt / n.惊讶;惊愕
△ in amazement 震惊;惊讶
36. fortune /'fɔ:tʃən/ n.机会;运气

37. authentic /ɔ:'θentɪk/ adj.真实的;真正的;可信的;可靠的
38. generally speaking adv.一般来说

Generally speaking, people are more polite to those who they think are of a higher social class. 一般来说,人们对那些他们认为是更高的社会阶层的人更加礼貌。(P30)

39. status / ˈsteɪtəs / n.身份;地位;职位

What other things show one’s status in society apart from how one speaks? 除了语言还有其他什么表明一个人的社会地位?(P31)
40. superior / su:ˈpɪəriə(r) / adj.(级别、地位)较高的; (数量)较多的 n.上级;长官

41. in terms of 就...来说;从...角度

Correct all these sentences in terms of grammar, spelling, etc, so that she can use them properly. 从语法、拼写等角度改正这些句子,以便她能正确使用。(P31)

42. △disapprove / ˌdɪsəˈpru:v / vt.vi.不赞成;反对;认为不好
43. rob /rɔb/ vt.抢劫;盗窃;剥夺

44. antique /æn'ti:k/ adj.古时的;珍贵的 n.文物;古董;古玩
45. musical / ˈmju:zɪkl / adj.音乐的;喜爱音乐的 n.音乐喜剧
46. stocking / ˈstɒkɪŋ / n.长袜
47. △ believer / bɪˈli:və(r) / n.信徒;教徒
48. △Buddhism /'budɪzm/ n.佛教

△Buddhist /'budɪst/ n.佛教徒 adj.佛教的

△ Buddha /'budə/ n.佛
49. △vowel /'vauəl/ n.元音;元音字母
50. cookie /'kuki/ n.饼干
51. teapot /'ti:pɔt/ n.茶壶
52. cream /kri:m/ n.奶油;面霜
53. nail / neɪl / n.钉子;指甲
54. show...in 带或领......进来

55. △wax /wæks/ n.蜡;蜜蜡 vt.上蜡
56. disk /dɪsk/ n.磁盘
57. △wax disk 旧式唱片

I'll show you how I make records on wax disks.我让你看看我是怎样在唱片上录音的。(P34)
58. shabby /'ʃæbi/ adj.破旧的;寒酸的
59. △curtsy / 'kɜ:tsɪ / vi.行屈膝礼 n.屈膝礼
60. △shilling / ˈʃɪlɪŋ / n.先令(英国银币)
61. referee /'refə'ri:/ n.裁判员;仲裁者
62. compromise /'kɔmprəmaɪz/ n.vi.妥协;折衷
63. horrible /'hɔrəbl/ adj.可怕的;恐怖的
64. laundry /'lɔ:ndri/ n.洗衣店;洗衣房;(待洗的或洗好的)衣服
65. bathtub /'bæθtʌb/ n.浴缸;澡盆
66. sob /sɔb/ v.啜泣;抽噎 n.啜泣(声);抽噎(声)
67. waist /weɪst/ n.腰;腰部;腰围
68. vest /vest/ n.背心;内衣
69. disgusting adj.使人反感的;令人厌恶的

I'd never have come if I'd known about this disgusting thing you want me to do.要是我知道你要我做这样的丑事,我是绝不会来的。(P35)
70. once more/again 再一次

Once more, take her away, Mrs Pearce, immediately.我再说一遍,把她带走,皮尔斯夫人,立刻带走。(P35)
71. in need of 需要......

She's in need of both. 这两个方面她都需要。(P35)

72. △heartily / ˈhɑ:tɪli / adv.尽情地;热心地;痛快地
73. overlook /'əuvə'luk/ vt.俯视;忽视;不理会

But you cannot overlook that!你可不能小看这个问题了!(P35)

74. alphabet /'ælfəbɪt/ n.字母表
75. △ effective / ɪˈfektɪv / adj.有效的
76. fade / fade out v.逐渐模糊;渐淡

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