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美国国父-华盛顿 (中英文对照学习)

American Father Washington

The capital of the United States is Washington, which is located on the Potomac River on the Atlantic coast. In fact, before 1800, the United States did not have such a city. It was specially established by the American people to commemorate the founding father of the United States, George Washington. This shows how noble he is in the eyes of the American people.

George Washington was born in Wakefield Estate in Virginia, USA in 1732. He is the son of a wealthy plantation owner and inherited a considerable fortune at the age of 20. From 1753 to 1758, Washington served in the military and actively participated in the war between the French and the Indians, thus gaining military experience and prestige. He was disarmed and returned to Virginia in 1758. Soon he married Martha Dandeliju Castiz, a rich widow with four children, and raised four children together.

In the following 15 years, Washington has shown extraordinary talents in operating his own property. In 1774, when Washington was selected as a representative of Virginia to attend the First Continental Congress, he had become one of the richest people in the American colonies. Washington was not a pioneer who advocated independence, but the Second Continental Congress in June 1775 unanimously elected him to lead the mainland troops. He has rich military experience, wealth and wealth, and is well-known; he has a handsome appearance, strong physique, and excellent commanding ability. In particular, his tenacious character makes him a natural candidate for commander in chief. Throughout the war, he served loyally, did not take any money, and acted honestly and ethically. He was a model.

Washington began to command the mainland army in June 1775. By March 1797, the term of the second president expired. His most significant contribution was made during this period. In December 1799, he died at home in Winn Mountain, Virginia.

On April 19, 1775, the people of Boston fired their first shot against British colonial rule in Lexington. The people of North American states responded, and the vigorous American Revolutionary War broke out. When appointed as commander-in-chief of the Continental Army, the Boston Rebels were fighting fiercely with the British army there. Washington immediately set off on horseback and arrived in Boston on July 3. He went to the front to direct the battle and deal a heavy blow to the British army.

In the early days of the war, the U.S. military fought very hard. Most of them were peasants who were temporarily recruited. They had ragged clothes, no weapons, no formal military training, and nothing like an army. On the other hand, the U.S. military’s logistical supply is also extremely difficult. Soldiers often have no food or clothes. Sometimes they can’t eat bread for five or six days. They have to eat horse feed. In the cold winter, many soldiers have to March barefoot. On the contrary, their opponent, the British army, is well-equipped, well-trained and well-equipped with logistics. Therefore, the American army lost again and again, and New York and other fortresses fell one after another. By September 1777, even the capital Philadelphia was occupied by the British army. Some weak-willed generals led their troops to surrender to the British army. In an extremely severe situation, Washington has always been loyal to the independent cause of the North American people and has never wavered. With his extraordinary talents, he organized the formerly free, loose, and lack of organizational discipline and unified command of the U.S. military, trained and grown in battle, and gradually established a strong regular army. He encouraged American soldiers and called on them to fight for freedom. He pointed out: Americans are free or slaves; our land should belong to ourselves, or be robbed and destroyed; two paths, one is to resist bravely, and the other is to tame , Is in front of the independent soldiers. He worked hard to unite and link the states to fight together. In October 1777, the U.S. Army defeated the British Army at Saratoga, thus reversing the entire War of Independence. At the same time, in order to isolate Britain, the United States has launched diplomatic activities in many ways, seeking assistance from France and other countries. In June 1778, French warships entered the United States, and the British were forced to retreat from Philadelphia and turned their main attack direction to the south. In 1780, the British army transferred the main force to the southern port city of Yorktown. The French and American forces advanced side by side, approaching Yorktown. The French navy blocked the seaport, cut off the British sea supply line, and cut off the British army's retreat. Washington led his troops to attack from the front.

In September 1781, the British commander-in-chief Kang Huali led more than a thousand men to surrender to Washington, and the American War of Independence won the final victory. The war was over, and Washington was 51 years old. He resigned from the army and bid farewell to the army.

In 1787, the Constitutional Convention was held in Philadelphia. Washington participated in the meeting as an indispensable person for the Constituent Assembly and became its chairman. Thomas Jefferson called this constitutional convention a gathering of "god men". At the meeting, Washington made every effort to use its prestige and influence to create an atmosphere for mutual communication between the delegates, which played a role of balance and coordination. In the end, all representatives agreed to delegate executive power to one person-the President of the United States of America. The Constituent Assembly was a great success.

The passage of the Federal Constitution opened a new page in Washington's life. At that time, people thought that he was the first president of the United States. The election of the Electoral College speaks for itself. On the same day, the delegates voted in the capitals of the states, and it was impossible to contact him, but everyone voted for him. Thus, he became the first president in American history, the first president to be elected unanimously, and the first president without any party status. After learning that he was elected president, Washington said: "I will make up my mind and do my best to serve the people, so that I can dismiss this post as soon as possible at the right time, so that I can retreat again so that I can survive the storm. Live a peaceful old age to enjoy family happiness."

Washington longs for a free life and hopes to enjoy his old age. On March 3, 1797, the long-awaited day arrived, which was his last day in public office. He held a solemn and warm farewell banquet, which finally ended his life as a public servant. Amid people's regrets, pain and tears, Washington quietly left the political arena and returned to his long-awaited home-Fujia Mountain Villa. His retirement set a precedent for no more than two terms of the US president.

Compared with other American leaders at the time, such as Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, etc., George Washington lacked innovative spirit and profound ideas. But he is much more important than all these men and women. Whether in war or peace, he played a vital role in administrative leadership, without him any political movement would not achieve its goals. Madison’s contribution to the formation of the United States was significant, and Washington’s contribution was almost indispensable. 中文翻译:美国之父华盛顿












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